Come on user, take it to the fridge
I wonder how many of you are Donkey Kong fans and not just bandwagoners spewing these idiotic memes.
Donkey Kong fans are all idiotic memers anyways
VERY few aren't, but 95% of them have fallen into meme cancer
I stopped during the GC bongo bongo era, and got back into it when Retro revamped it, I even have the DK mario kart spin-off, and am still annoyed that Chunky wasn't playable, even though it's yet another super heavyweight character
>Returns better than TF
Also the bosses in returns were shit, but the bosses in DK games are never normally that good, outside the Dragonfly in Fungi Forest
Get out of Sup Forums and you'll see it's the opposite.
One of the people I'm talking about.
>Get out of Sup Forums and you'll see it's the opposite.
The fuck do you mean? Sup Forums is the least cancerous when it comes to DK memes.
Literally every DK fan ever has fallen into the expand dong meme, and fewer but still many have fallen into the new CG phase of DK memes
Never got into it, I also dislike Tiny's re-design in it
>Take it to the 'fridge' was a play on 'bridge'
>But it was actually an outro
Not this one. The fact that you think DK isn't anything more outside some stupid meme only proves my point. DKC was the shit consistently back in the day for a reason.
>back in the day
You literally disproved your own point with those 4 words. We are talking about now. Not back then before these memes even existed
>Implying Tropical Freeze isn't good
When did I say any DK game wasn't good? I literally never said that. You are trying to change the topic now
I'm saying that almost all DK fans are memers, and I'm not wrong. I haven't met a single DK fan who doesn't always mention dong or cg whenever he talks about DK
Proove me wrong. Seriously do.
Was that not you that said the only good game was DKR then? I assumed it was
No it wasn't me that said that. I'm sorry I got a bit carried away with that post
So you're saying Returns and Tropical Freeze aren't good games? They needed more to them, but they're worthy of the name DKC. And I reiterate: I'm a DK fan who avoids that dong shit entirely. One thing I hate is when people push a character to be a gag and nothing more.
Pic related, the earliest example of a living meme. Fuck all of you teenagers and this bullshit culture that pushes meme faggotry.
They're not saying that, they're saying the modern fanbase is more interested in the memes, than the games.
Which I don't think is true, I think they're more into the music, every v thread I end up with about 6-7 youtube links queued up
You could say the same thing for alot of games that are basically memes now
i.e. Undertale
I wish they would remake dk 64 already.
That's a damn shame. But I chalk it on Nintendo not having a consistent string of DK games. At least Rare kept things going for more than just one game a console (Barring the N64). Returns should have been a mainline game for the Gamecube, and Jungle Beat could have been a side game (It is, but it was THE main game for the Gamecube).