Scariest vidya bosses
Christopher Robin.
please fucking SPOILER this shit
There isn't a scarier boss in all vidya.
this meme is stupid "muh flash game hardes boss eva xD CHRIS NOOOOOO XDDDD"
Go play it yourself, you flaming fucking faggot.
"Better ironically shitpost in this thread to show everyone how much I fit in!!!!"
user, YOU are the faggot all along!
It's an in joke about how ridiculously difficult a game that looks aimed at children is. The light theme, nice characters, lighthearted music and the fact it's Winnie the Fucking Pooh makes it weird that its hard.
Now fuck off, mate.
this meme is stupid "dis maymay is FOKIN STUPID 'muh flash game hardes boss eva xD CHRIS NOOOOOO XDDDD' DDDDXXX"
>hates game
>goes into thread anyway
Has anyone ever managed beat him?
Who /manofreason/ here?
Not that I've seen.
Nobody even makes it to him.
i'm afraid i'm just acceptable
Brave Soldier.
This fucker always get me.
literally how?
i'm not strong enough user sensei
Go ahead.
Play it
>scariest vidya bosses thread
>somehow conflates this as "DISNEY BASEBALL FLASHGAME GENERAL"
go fuck yourself
the boss straight cheats, the ball disappears midway on half of his attacks. you might as well say all those shit jrpg bosses that you are designed to lose to are hard
They know their human limitations
But you can guess the timing to hit the ball if you learnt the ball behaviour good enough, you can even overcome the zig zags of the ball to guess an average and strike it good enough for a home run, all the difficulties can still be overcome by a git gud approach.
So git gud.
or just give up at owl like i did
its a flash game it wasn't designed to be good or beatable it was designed to be a waste of time for ad revenue. people have beaten it and that is rare but it doesn't mean it was hard, just that not many people have devoted the time to getting better at playing a boring fucking flash game
Brave soldier here. I saw the writing on the wall. When you come across the giant angel with a sword of fire, and realize this is just the pinch hitter for your real target, you understand that it just isn't worth the struggle any more.
Fucking invisible speed changing horseshit.
>10 errors only
>it was made to be difficult, that is why it is difficult
>but that doesn't mean it is difficult
Read what you are typing, you clod.
i literally never said that, learn how to read before you try and respond
Chris was never meant to be defeated by mortals. The japs made the perfect AI. He is basically a God in his realm. It just so happens that his realm is... Baseball.
I wonder if anyone honestly couldn't defeat Eeyore.
so tell me how to find this game i want to give it a go
You literally said that the reason few people have beat it is because few people got good at it, meaning it is difficult and requires one to get good. In that same post, you claimed it to not be hard.
If it isn't hard, why would one need to dedicate time to overcome it? Maybe you should jump on it real quick and just prove everyone wrong. Since it easy, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes of your time.
You can buy it on steam for 20$
This games difficulty is so overhyped.
Everyone played on the Japanese version and couldn't read that there were fucking upgrades for hit strength and shit like that making the game stupidly easy.
Oops, meant for and
No, everyone could figure it out just fine. Post your victory screen and timestamp, tough guy.
I think that you might be masochist.
I don't believe it. now give me name, faggot
> fucking upgrades for hit strength and shit like that making the game stupidly easy.
So you didn't played the game? Because those upgrades are worth shit
Don't look at the ball, my son, feem it
Brave Soldier here. I'm only human, Owl destroyed too much of my will to go on. By the time he was beaten I had nothing left.
Casual scum
how many layers of irony are we on?
Be sure to let us know how it goes. And prepare your ass.
Like 5 or 6 right now my dude
What's his boss them?
There's no shame in defeat user.
No one will judge you.
This. They are nice enough to make it more responsive and consistent, but thdy won't save your ass from Chris and his Guardians three.
I always imagined that this plays whe you go againts him
How is this game called, bitch?
See , my foreign friend. Don't be surprised when there is suddenly a foot in your ass.
Do you guys do it with upgrades or not?
cause without upgrades its legitimately impossible
I say they are fine. I mean, without them I highly doubt even Owl can be beat, zigzagging bastard.
I start using upgrades at owl, that motherfucker is ruthless
This, but with some child creams over it.
I'm doing it!
Have fun until the owl user
For now
Wasn't difficult after knowing it's pattern, but it caught me off guard first time playing it. Took me 8 tries, how did you anons fare?
It wasn't very hard but the music and mutilated barons of hell in the earlier room made it spooky as fuck
>that scene where you run away from him while the underground sea lab is exploding
Pure terror when I was little
Winnie the pooh home run derby
It took longer than I thought... still gonna do it. You just wait
>Not playing the english verion
Beat the Owl then comeback, we want to see toughness
English version is easier lad, Jap version is the piss-hard one
>playing the english verion
Gaijin pig go home
I wish they would have included lore in this game. I really wanted to know how Chris became the God of baseball. The other material (cartoons, books and movies) seems non-canonical. They never make a reference to baseball
h-here goes
this is scary
is this true? am I playing the gimped version?
yeah, JP version is the true difficult one
>Plays it
>So easy and fucking boring I almost fall asleep
I´m convinced the old generation were shit at gaming compared to my generation. No wonder you faggots cry about DS being hard.
Ok, after a terrible defeat because of eyeore i actually read the manbual and went smoothly up to piglet. Just beat him now, i'll keep you posted
No fucking bosses have been posted this far. What the fuck? Are you all autistic or what?
Noone came back alive after facing Owl
im at rabbit on jp version
ill be on owl soon my friend
>Old generation were shit at gaming compared to my generation.
underage detected
>ill be on owl soon my friend
Stay strong user because hell starts now
Victory screen and timecard, homie.
>at rabbit
It begins...
i don't know moonrunes or baseball and i'm not quite sure i understand how you're supposed to control pooh so i didn't get past him before moving onto other shit
Ok, guy from here Got to rabbit now, and i'm seeing the first burning flames of perdition.
But he's beatable. I know i can
Go, man, go!
We're all lending you our strength.
Buckle up user
>Watching user achieve apotheosis