What does Sup Forums think of point and click games?

What does Sup Forums think of point and click games?

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They're okay but a lot of times the puzzle solutions make no sense.

Love the OST, hate the puzzles when they're pure bullshit. Yes, Lucas Arts games also have it.

I really wish that game was point and click instead of controlling horribly.

TellTale is in the process of ruining the genre.

Never played one, is there a beginner friendly one? Are they as difficult as people say they are?

I would suggest Dropsy. Puzzles are fair and OST is comfy as fuck

They are the basically the master race of computer games. PnC adventures were practically the first games that brought somewhat sophisticated narratives and comedy to video games, that weren't just "Your home world has been destroyed! Kill all aliens and have your vengeance!"

For beginners, there's no reason not to get Monkey Island 1 Special Edition, as it comes with great voice acting as well as a hint system, where you can just press a button and it'll tell you what to do if you're stuck.

Damn. This thread makes me want to play Loom again..

How? Telltale doesn't make point and click games anymore. They make their shitty "interactive stories"/glorified VNs now.

>Telltale doesn't make point and click games anymore.

Which is a shame, their 3 seasons of Sam & Max were the funniest thing I've seen on the video game market for at least 10 years or so.


I've had that box sitting below my desk for years now, with no way to actually play it. The shit they put in there to use while playing is pretty neat though, I can't imagine any modern game doing that anymore.

Aren't all games point and click games? how else do you do things?

I feel like I appreciate them more than I actually enjoy playing them, if that makes any sense.


But i fucking love this game.

A completely awful genre.

I really hated season 3. I don't remember the writing because I hated how the game played.


the remastered edition is point & click

Mah Nigga

the deponia games are vey good point and click adventures

They make me sad


I love the aesthetics, dialogues, music and characters most of the time but I also hate puzzles and have no patience.
So I mostly end up playing them with guide in hand. I still think that Grim Fandango is one of the best games ever made.
Also, how is Deponia? looks nice

Telltale Sam & Max, I think they're a good introduction because they hit the right spot in terms of narrative and mood but are also simple enough in terms of mechanics and puzzles.

I liked S3 a lot. I loved the themes in each episode, and the jokes are at least on the same level as S1 and S2.

I've seen a lot of people complaining about season 3.
I don't really get it, it's not that different from the previous seasons, maybe a bit more linear but nothing too strong.

Deponia is a really conflicting game for me. The game looks great, and the puzzles are nicely done, but the translation is awful, and Rufus is completely unlikeable. He's basically Guybrush if Guybrush was a smug, unlikeable twat.
I just hated that they introduced an extra dimension of movement for absolutely no reason besides to throw a bone to consolebabbies at the expense of the PC version, and that like half of the puzzles required you to use the bullshit "here's exactly what to do next" power. Come to think of it, maybe that's why I disliked the puzzles, since they all relied on Max's powers, they all felt exactly the same.

You crack me up little buddy.