Post RAD vidya music
Post RAD vidya music
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genesis does what nintendon't
Bojack did nothing wrong
Common, don't tell me that this don't gives you chills, it is rad on it's own way.
Every FPS ever could have it's soundtrack replaced with Quake 2's OST.
I only played a bit of this game, but my brother kept getting mad because I wouldn't stop picking this stage.
The majority of Bojack's life is doing things wrong.
This pretty much secured my pre-order.
>mfw i identify with bojack and his problems even more than the average depressed joe
>Only love is with us now, something warm and pure
Every other boss's lyrics fit the boss almost TOO well but I don't see how this makes sense for Sundowner at all.
>volcanic rim
The music is godlike, but the stage is eye searing, even after they toned it down
I will eternally repost this
He secretly just wanted someone to hold him at night. He yells "I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE" not to convince Raiden, but himself. Deep down he knows that he's vulnerable and weak but as one if the worlds top mercenaries he cannot accept this fact.
superior taste coming through
it might be a signal of loneliness or some shit like the other user said, but i see more of a reasoning to justify unending war, in the heat of battle he can feel the pure and warm love for something, i don't know what, maybe the animosity between two fighters, the hate from the enemy himself viewed as a form of love?, and whatever it is it brings him peace and tells him there is no need to find a cure to this ultra violence, to this war.
Or it's just in line with the rest of the song that sings about natural paradise, its violent habitat dominated by beasts and its changing nature for the name of progress, in light of which i would find no fucking reason for this line.
who the juck watches bojack horseman
this should've been the soundtrack for nu-doom
> I don't know how to be, Diane. It doesn't get better and it doesn't get easier. I can't keep lying to myself, saying that I'm going to change. I'm poison.
>I come from poison. I have poison inside me, and I destroy everything I touch. That's my legacy. I have nothing to show for the life that I've lived, and I have nobody in my life who's better off for having known me.
>You're a shitty person because you're a shitty person and you can never change that
That's not cool
Well he is.
the bag of mulch
The whole show just seems to be about melodrama.
Wanda was too pure for that show
That may be true, but on the Season 2 "Fuck moment" I stand by my statement saying Bojack did nothing wrong. I don't give a fuck that you're seventeen, when I was seventeen, I had enough sense not to go around pulling bullshit like that.
This is still a vidya music thread
I still never got that joke
>fucked up his best friend's dream
>also probably one of the only good things the friend could do
>keeps betraying the trust of everyone around him
>almost sleeps with an underage girl
>needs to fuck up his own projects because he's always hijacked by self confidence issues
it's a shitty thing to be told, but the sad thing is it's actually hard to say he doesn't deserve it, and not just for the shitty act he did to deserve that talk but as a whole.
hey, there's also a good amount of animal themed puns there.
Great soundtrack.
The setup is for a punchline that's delivered much later at an unexpected moment. That's the joke. You're not expecting it
That's not exactly what he's saying, otherwise he wouldn't yell "YOU NEED TO BE BETTER". Bojack not running this season is a big part of why I think they're not saying he can't get better, he just doesn't try or stops trying.
Anyway, on topic
>when that bass hits
this game never got released but holy shit that bassline
he was literal inches away from statutory rape of his oneitis' daughter, and it takes two to tango.
and then showing up later out of nowhere while she's a freshman in college and definitely fucking her up
plus he's a destructive influence on everyone.
is right.
it's time for him to shape up.
I eagerly anticipate the rock bottom he will inevitably hit in s4, and I even more eagerly anticipate the inevitable changes that will come when he realizes he has a daughter
he deserved it desu
Holy shit, is the game good enough for this soundtrack? Haven't heard of it.
also, to contribute to the thread
my favourite person of colour
love how this one's almost got a way to tell a story for the fight.
most chill ost in the game
>I eagerly anticipate the rock bottom he will inevitably hit in s4, and I even more eagerly anticipate the inevitable changes that will come when he realizes he has a daughter
I think the end of S3 was him hitting rock bottom. Literally the only lower he could sink is by alienating the daughter that he doesn't know he has.
Or by fucking her.
go to 35:54
>Or by fucking her.
She knows she's his daughter. So that's not quite possible, I don't think. I hope
He did literally everything wrong. Every season is just him finding a way to fuck things up.
Witcher 3 - King Bran's Final Voyage
Streets of Rage 2 - Go Straight
Don't know if it's worth the 25 bucks because i got it "free" on ps plus but it's surely been a memorable game for me.
Prepare to get frustrated though, the game demands more manual skill than an average action game, but it's still very doable.
beat the game on highest difficulty with a lot of tries but it's been one hell of a ride, hope i'll find the motivation to do the last optional boss too
>yfw the show ends with depressed Bojack walking into a bar and the bartender asking "why the long face?"
>and then showing up later out of nowhere while she's a freshman in college and definitely fucking her up
That entire episode was fucked up past all the comedy.
You could say
That's too much man
Yeah, especially if you like boss rushes or CUHRAZY games in general.
The Instinct
>and it takes two to tango.
Maybe not "Nothing wrong", but there's definitely mutual blame. I was saying the entire episode "Nigga don't do it" and he technically didn't, but if she thinks she can act like an adult, she should by all rights have to take responsibility for her decisions like one.
>second spoiler
Internal Section
I identify with Bojack really hard, minus the substance abuse, for the most part
Watching Bojack makes me binge it and feel like shit the entire time
So why do I like the show so much?
>statutory rape of his oneitis' daughter
She wanted to and it makes no sense it became a traumatic experience
>oh I wanted to fuck this older guy
>nevermind it's RAPE now
>tfw best track isn't in the official ost.
Best Song from Crysis 2
Finale is so fucking heroic sounding
>you'll never go back to late '90s - early '00s french house
women dude
It wasn't going to be statutory rape, because as she explained 17 is the age of consent in Arizona
yeah, that's shitty. dyling llight was a similar deal. overall fantastic music in there if you like synths.
One of the GOAT final level themes, the type of music that lets you know that shit is about to get intense and the fate of the world is at stake.
Basically going all the way to Arizona to fuck your friend's daughter because you couldn't fuck your friend is pretty shitty, at the least.
>not "aren't you the Horse from Horsin' Around?"
Ace Combat 6 had many great pieces
I had repeated pants on contact with my cousin's ass, and she was 8 when it started, it happened some more as the years passed, each time stopping before it could escalate further, but it still became a crux of how i can't accept myself and think there is something wrong with me although seeking female contact as the fucking loser virgin i am might not be that weird to do, i still cannot accept this and it keeps me up at night sometimes, a lot of times to masturbate too. This is not story time. This is different than almost sex interrupted by her mother but it's still been a kinda traumatic experience. Now think how all that must be amplified for my cousin. Although in the show she was seventeen i wouldn't underestimate the potential psychological trauma, that would be amplified as she developed past her adolescence.
Maybe so, but it's legal.
Good post
If you were 10 when this happened you're worrying about nothing, if you were 37 you got problems
she's seventeen and he's what, fifty-something?
it takes two to tango my dude, the responsibility is partially on bojack for not just saying no like he should have
a thirty-five year difference is fucked up when a fucking teenager is involved.
it could easily have been a traumatic experience- just not necessarily because of Bojack specifically. We don't know what she went through with her mother/counseling. She probably has some seriously deep shit going on that the whole incident preyed on, and going to Oberlin was like getting away from it all. So when Bojack showed up, that brought it all rushing back.
legal =! not shitty
>if she thinks she can act like an adult
if everyone thought this way about hormonal teenagers there would be a lot more dead/fucked up hormonal teenagers
that fucking feel
pretty awesome
thanks user I like your post too have a (You)
>Turning To Zanarkand into a metal ballad
I groped my cousin's ass and played with her tits. We were sleeping together when I was 15 and she was 16. Guess she must have been a pretty heavy sleeper since she didn't wake up
>if everyone thought this way about hormonal teenagers there would be a lot more dead/fucked up hormonal teenagers
There are plenty of them already. I'd protect my childs life, for sure, but as long as they're not i immediate danger, sex is fine.
Guacamelee - Temple or Rain
Mass Effect 2 - Suicide Mission
Best part of this shitty game:
also turned out to be a pretty big whore, she sent like 5 different ass pics to multiple guys, but I wasn't too surprised.
Only the raddest here
13-17 would still be old enough to know better with what he did.
The entire show is literally centered around him fucking up
oh fuck i forgot i was 18, i was supposed to be the one with better judgement, you know
which means it does NOT MAKE IT OKAY like you seem to imply i said, i could argue she was the one who sit on me and taunted my dick because she was playing the OH YOU WANT ME TO GET THE FUCK OFF WELL HOW ABOUT NOT NOW LEMME SUBCONSCIOUSLY RIDE YOUR DICK TO ASSERT HOW I'M NOT GONNA GET UP game.
She was a child, i'm not gonna listen to arguments about how she totally knows about sex and dicks, if anything that makes me feel worse because the one to initially be abused would be me then, oh lord no. I'm the older one, i need to have better judgement, i understand we all make mistakes even if we're super duper adults, but i won't let that make me excuse this.
I groped a couple of girls, once at a friend's 18th birthday and she found out and hates me but we never talked about it, and i did it recently with another one in a tent and passed it off as being sleepy, also did it in a tent a couple more times, once i played with my crush's pussy but i wanted to play with her ass. You can tell how i am a shitty person because this is shit you'd expect from a creeper and i pretty much don't feel regret if i don't get found out. I so need a gf to make my sexuality feel right...