Buy a $60 videogame

>buy a $60 videogame
>you either like it or don't, and if you do like it, it lasts 10 hours and can trade it in for $5-10
>buy $60 of boardgames or a $30 Magic deck
>100s of hours of use each, maintains resale value, in the case of a Magic deck, instantly competitive at top level play and can win money

What's your excuse?

A severe lack of local friends.

>$30 magic deck
>deck in picture has three $20 cards

A $30 dollar MtG deck is not competitive at top level play, you moron.
The best you can hope with MtG, at least going in, in drafting and pulling expensive cards to sell and use those to break even on your cost of the draft.

Serious MtG, like Warhammer (although I don't play and can't speak to just how expensive it gets) requires a shit load of money and because of how standard works, you will constantly need to build new decks or alter the ones you have to maintain standard status. That's why so many people get serious about MtG for 2~ blocks before leaving because it's such an enormous money and time vampire and just end up playing EDH or legacy/extended because standard is such a pain.

You're correct in regards to board games, but not MtG.

>played Mirrodin and Kamigawa blocks
>was great fun
>Kamigawa wasn't good on its own, but I really liked Mirrodin
>whatever bullshit followed Kamigawa I wasn't interested in
>don't play for years until Mirrodin makes a reappearance
>liked Avacyn block as well
>whatever bullshit followed Avacyn I wasn't interested in
>haven't played since

feels bad man.

>Coup + Reformatioon
>not Skull

>Love Letter
>not Skull

>ONUW + Daybreak
>not Skull

>not Mage Knight


because card games suck?

i rather play poker and win money than waste a bunch of dollar in "rare" cards.

>maintains resale value

haha fuck no. No one will give you anything for your precious 10 cent cards fag.

All my friends who I used to play with moved away.

Also, P&P RPG's are way way more fun than boardgames.

magic is a money pit. living card games are the only non-cuck card games.

Coup is my jam.

Or spend nothing and play Hearthstone.

I prefer the feeling of vagina than the guarantee that I never would. Card games are the pinnacle of nerdy bullshit. Even worse than tabletop.

Coup? Great taste.

Last year the MtG championship winner won with a sub-$30 burn deck.

You're retarded.

What is the best board game and why is it Arkham Horror?

Talisman would also be accepted.

We need more single player and competitive board games. Only thing more fun than beating your friends is grouping together and beating a game together.

Living card games?

Card games that has regular expansions with fixed cards in them and shit instead of blind bags filled with random cards.

Believe it or not some people don't like the same shit you like.

>implying I have friends to play board games with

I.E, buying MTG is like buying a CS:GO crate and hoping for the best, living card game is like just buying the skin instead.

>magic is a money pit.

True. But the art is cool and it's still always fun getting new cards. I don't even play anymore but I still have all my cards for when my kids get older.

Board games are fun but it's tough to get 3-4 people available that like board games. And if you go to a local games store, then you have to deal with annoying people.

Board games are great.

Card collecting is high immortal autism. It's incredibly unsustainable and shelling out money for pieces of paper that have a "value" of $20+ is incredibly stupid. Something is worth what someone will pay for it, and card collecting is no different than stamp collecting or the idea that that princess diana limited edition beanie baby that you bought for $100 will be worth more than $6 after 1999.


You made this thread before and you're still dumb

>tfw thought about playing online
>just wouldn't' be the same if you aren't face to face

It's like playing a game split screen or online. Just doesn't compare.

you buy a box for $60 and it contains the complete collection of cards. regular expansions come out every month are usually $15. no rarity bullshit. no shiny bullshit.

>Has kids
>Still posts on an Arabian crochet forum

im the seer and i looked under the two center cards and saw 2 werewolves so there's no werewolves let's all vote

> play coup
> rounds take 2 minutes
> play 10 rounds
> stop

>buying packs and not singles

>being an asshole


>doesn't have kids
>posting on an anime imageboard

I already sowed my oats at your age. Why the fuck are you here is the real question? You don't honestly believe everyone here is a 20 year old do you?

>tfw EpicMafia, Board Game Online and 100% RNG Juice are the closest we'll get to actual board games on the internet.

I do buy board games, but not the garbage you posted.


I don't buy cards from card games period because board games are a thing.

But that is still the main concepts between the two.

>Buy a $5 deck of playing cards
>Hundreds of different games you can play
>Deck includes everything you need and everything you'll ever need
>No P2W trash like a LCG, CCG, or TCG

What's your excuse, OP?

>Manage to gather friends together despite our busy adult schedules to play a board game
>"user the rules are too complicated, can't we do (couch multiplayer vidya)/watch a movie instead?"
>Barely manage to convince them these toys with rules are worth our scarce free time
>Friends constantly mess up rules forcing weird redos, boredom and frustration inevitably set in minutes later, phones are whipped out
>"user its too quiet, im putting on (tv show/movie) for some background noise
>Their attention gradually drifts further until we pretty much stop completely
>During cleanup, their greasy fingers dirty up pieces and someone spills a drink on the box
>This person later buys me a new copy, but the initial impression has already been cemented
>"This was fun user, but i'm cool just going out next time"
>No board game nights since, $40 spent for naught

Won't fool me again fa/tg/uy. At least with vidya I can play by myself or with couch multiplayer its a lot easier to get friends into it since I don't have to completely walk them through the game. Also cheap games on steam or pirate if i'm feeling really jewy about paying. Nothing personnel, but these types of games are not for me or my friends.

Might do better if you didn't post an image showing objectively shit games.

>I have literally no friends

How sad for you.

>5 dollars for a pack of cards

You some sort of card snob?

Hanabi is not shit.

>any boardgame this isnt Gamorzilla or Time War
Casual trash detected.

Pandemic fits into that category. The one Lord of the Rings game too. Elder Sign is basically Arkham light with dice.

I would not want to be friends with anyone who enjoys Coup or Love Letter after playing it more than a handful of times.

I'm not sure how you jumped from "these specific games suck" to "I have no friends" in the first place, though.

Get better friends.

It's been years since I last played an actual card or dice game.

i have a blast playing magic with my pals, but fuck any format but legacy

the barrier to having fun is finding a couple people who regularly want to play casual magic, but once you do, it's great

>walk into walgreens
>bicycle playing cards including some poker peaks on clearance for $1

Bought 15 packs that day.

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing Food Chain Magnate and being the fast food Jew.


It looks retardedly convoluted and thus impossible to get other people to play it.

ITT we scare normies with pictures of simple board games.

>$5 deck
Bicycle decks are about two for $1.50. I bought a pair for the imminent storms or hurricane of September. Also, never knew I liked jigsaw puzzle until I started putting one together.

coup is really fun
so is love letter

This shit is fun as fuck and makes me want to play more board/card games. It's a shame it's so hard to get people together for it.

Even a child can play this.

This is widely regarded as on of the easier board games; a good entry point into more challenging games.

Even when we did get it going for a few mins, I just didnt feel the same spark i did with any type of vidya, not that it entirely excuses their fuck ups on this occasion. These friends are just more outgoing and prefer our rare time together to be spent on the move or with something more flashy; maybe it was the game itself (Ticket to Ride) and our lack of imagination, but I just don't foresee this becoming a regular thing with us. They're still good friends whose company I appreciate, but sitting around a table for a few hours is not their forte.

the trick is to start them off with something simple like The Resistance or Catan. Wet their whistle then gradually up the time investment and complexity. My house currently has a Catan set that's been passed down from previous tenents to the new ones. Played that for awhile moved on to Terra Mystica, now we're about to start our first game of Twilight Imperium this weekend.

Or just get better friends.

Ticket to ride is immensely boring.

They couldn't even get through Ticket to Ride, but maybe games where you can be a cunt or make jokes about sheep erections will fit them better.

Fucking love me some Carcassone.
That and Settlers of Catan might be some of the more normie board games, but unlike video games those are still so god damn fun to play. Weird that.

What is TM and is it good? It seems to be the most suggested game on /tg/ but I generally have a couple rule:

- no boards
- no set up required
- rules can fit on a cue card sized piece of paper

It is the exact opposite of that.

The fuck. When even bother playing board games if you have rules that means you can't play of all board games?

Then Terra Mystica is not for you. It has a main board, another board and also everyone get's their own board and like 30 pieces. It's nice though because it rewards logic and planning and lacks luck in almost all decisions.

So you only want casual games?

>Competitive Magic deck

Outside of Pauper, that's just not remotely close to possible for constructed Magic.

True Ticket to Ride isn't as fun as say Catan, it lacks the "fuck you" moments I feel really sucks people into games.

>14 hours to set up, 30 minutes to play

Pretty fun though, but it's hard to get a game going when you could just bust out Talisman and get a game going in like 1 minute instead.

>Any good

>same fucking op as last time

Also anyone know if mansion of madness 2nd edition is any good?
The use of an app to streamline sounds like a great boon but a great way to kill immersion at the same time.

Also eldritch or arkham?
Im only getting one but Eldritch globetrotting doesnt sound as fun as surviving in a small town no matter how streamlined it is.

Talisman is fucking awful.

>simplicity = quality
Not quite m8

Fuck you. It's fun as fuck.

>tfw I can't get my friends to understand the meaning of extraneous roles so we just play werewolf/villager roles
>they don't even get Drug Dealer
>I had an impossible fucking time explaining how to play Spyfall even though it's the easiest thing ever
thank god the jackbox just fucking tells you what to do. As much as I like the old college drinking games they get stale

Terra Mystica is an incredibly convoluted game and one which I felt ran far too long for what it was. Don't get me wrong, it was quite fun, but there were similar games that didn't require spending 3-4 hours to play through.

Basically, you have a board of different land tiles and everyone starts with a race which lives on a specific tile. The game involves taking actions to terraform the tiles and expand your settlements. There is also a fairly convoluted mana system in the game. The biggest aspect is that building next to another player restores a chuck of both your and the other player's mana, so on the one hand you WANT to be building next to other players, but on the other they get a benefit as well and can cut into what you want to do.

My friends were like this too, it was awful.

I got a game in of second edition Mansion of Madness which replaces the dungeon master with an app. Took less than two hours for the beginner scenario and we literally didn't teach the two players who hadn't read the rules.

I liked it but I'm not paying FFG's $100 jew prices when I've already bought all of the Eldritch Horror stuff.

I do collect board games though.

>Buy a year old JRPG for $10
>Get over 100 hours of playtime out of it

But most people just want to play the flavor of the month and bitch when it isn't GOTY, even though any amount of research could have told you that beforehand.

No, it's shit. It's just a dice rolling simulator.

Yo just play that one DnD super-lite game. What's it called. Munchkin? That's pretty fun and like the most bare-bones game besides spyfall or the jackbox games

Video games are dirt cheap.

60$ in 2016 money won't even buy a properly good dinner, and that last a lot less than 10 hours.

>tfw no not that cute grill to play Memoir 44 with

This game is both terrible and great fun at the same time.

I have an erection.

Munchkin is shit.

>- no boards
>- no set up required
>- rules can fit on a cue card sized piece of paper

Builders: Middle Ages or Builders: Antiquity (similar to Splendor)
Love Letter
Forbidden Desert
Coup, although I prefer Sheriff of Nottingham thanks to being able to succeed at the game without lying. (It gets frankly rather obvious if you know everyone is basically lying all the time.)

Play something quicker and easier to understand. Love Letter and Coup tend to be the big ones.

So what are some fun vidya that are pretty much digital version of a board game?

Uh, what? I can buy a fantastic steak for much less than $60. Do you even pay for your own food?

your shit

You live in San Fagsisco or something?

You can get a damn good meal for like 10 bucks if you know how to cook.

Old pic of my collection

My dad's pretty big into board games and games like Coup and love letter. I tried to introduce him to MTG and although we played a few games together he ultimately doesn't seem too interested.

If I didn't like dice rolls I wouldn't play tabletop games period.

I want that one /tg/ guy to start posting pics of his comfy ass basement and that sick table. You know the one.

It's the worst board game I've ever played. £40 for a game where dice rolling decides who wins in a fucking boring way, no thanks.