
You made sure to marry one of your beloved big sisters, right?

I married perfection

I didn't marry anyone.

An excellent choice

I married best girl: Benny

Of course.

I went with the ara ara route.

You bet I did. Nee-sans are the greatest.

>She'll never tell you "X marks the spot~!" for the moneyshot

why live brehs

>Fucking the man who shot Elise for calling him out on being a fucking retard
>Not raping Kamui, no matter which gender
Get that shit out of here

>Will never wake up to her wearing nothing but her beloved apron
I want to die

Nyx. I've got a thing for wrinkled old milfs and constant allusions to their age.

>Best girl can't even be used as a unit, let alone romanced
I wanted to fuck my dragon/fish sister!

Of course, Camilla makes my dick too hard for me to let anyone else have her.
mfw I unknowingly NTRed my bro Silas

She isn't actually a milf until you knock her up user kun.

Where do you think the dragon stone tank Kanna came from?
>you will never spam levin sword from behind your dragon daughtet while a MILF clings to your arm like a magic shoulder cannon.

I married myself the best girl IMO, I recognize camilla as a woman but I don't like titty monsters, plus tomboyish redheads are what I fucking love most.

>Kanna will never quite reach Morgan's level in any sense, be it power, or just being best girl
I miss Daddy's Little Death Machine

>but I don't like titty monsters
What are you gay?

Of course. Great unit, great romance, great character and a genuinely attractive design.

Why bother with tits when you can have long, shapely legs instead?

It's fine, user. Treehouse tranlations aren't canon

Oh thank God, since I genuinely felt a little bad.

I was going to, but then I met her retainer

>Why bother with tits when you can have long, shapely legs instead?
Because you're literally a step away from being a footfag, and everyone knows footfags are the worst.

So what age did Camilla first meet and start to raise Corrin? Hell how old was Corrin? I wonder if she ever slept with him to cuddle him to sleep or bath with him.

Nah, they just kind of put that in there, for whatever reason. There's nothing to suggest she likes him in the Jap version. He's also a bit of a prick if he marries her in the Jap version and starts telling her to love Kamui less

Belka fag ruined that character for me.
I still have the fucker's map saved on my pc. Posted it on /lit/ just to see how a functioning human being would react.

Corrin was pretty fucking young when his mother brought him to Sumeragi, and s/he was probably pretty young when Garon took him/her, so it's possible that she could have slept/cuddled with him when he was small

He was like 4 or 5. And she blatantly says that she took baths with him all the time

I wish someone made a doujin of Camilla raising Corrin. Being over protective and Corrin starting to call her mom/mommy. Would be good stuff and really heartwarmingly cute.

>He's also a bit of a prick if he marries her in the Jap version and starts telling her to love Kamui less
Well to be fair, loving some other guy more than than you love your spouse is a recipe for a bad marriage.

Yeah, but Im pretty sure it was also meant to imply to start loving him less as brother since Silas was super jealous of Kamui

titty onee-san

My mother's first husband was a Jew, with a stereotypical attachment to his mother. I can confirm this.

I'll take it as a good thing that I have no idea what you're talking about

>marrying a first gen woman and getting screwed out of a child unit

No thanks. Ophelia is perfect anyway.

Who could have ever guessed that autism could be so cute?

Just know that belka is almost ready.

Autism? Nigga that's weed.


>Her whole gimmick is falling into traps
>She can't marry, support, or mother Forrest

I see what you did there.

Sure did.

Even got a pretty good Kana out of it.

Stupidest logic I've heard in a while.

I married autism.

>Camilla and Effie only wear bikini bottoms under their armors

>people on here unironically played the Noa version
Why tho

Good god. How are Camilla's thighs not a bloody mess after riding like that?

Guess I'd better put away about 150 bucks for that.


They're a bloody mess at least once a month anyways.

Is Awakening and Fates good? I keep hearing mixed reviews.

Try riding on a leather saddle with bare thighs some time. It'd be even worse on a wyvern, because they bob up and down while they idle.

I wish Morgan got into Fates so I could fuck her

Define 'good'.
Awakening, while being more casual than some previous installments, is still a very playable game. Even though it may make me a shitter, I enjoyed the fact that I could fully pimp out my army and see everyone in their full potential. A lot of people don't like all the shipping options and calling it eugenics simulator, but I personally don't mind it. It's neat and worked well with the plot. However it is unbalanced as hell. Pair up is broken and child units are as well.

Fates has phenominal gameplay, one of the top in the series, with great balancing and a revised Awakening system. The downside is that the plot is complete pants on head retarded on two of the three routes and barely passable on the third. In my personal opinion, I felt little drive to complete it, despite how good the gameplay is.

That's my daughter you sick fuck

Awakening is good, but is easy even on lunatic due to the fact that you can grind any difficulty out of the game. Fates, gameplay wise, is just a more refined Awakening.

I haven't done Birthright or the DLC yet, but Conquest has fantastic gameplay with a GODAWFUL story. The maps are amazingly designed with the occasional fun gimmick but can get incredibly tedious towards the end of the game due to how easy it is to lose a character for a single mistake.


I made sure to marry big sisters dogter

Nyx!Rhajat!Kana as a Witch is fucking strong

>incredibly tedious towards the end of the game due to how easy it is to lose a character for a single mistake.
iktf senpai, I would have completed Conquest ages ago if I didn't keep quitting for days every time I lose a unit

>Thief just runs past Scarlet and starts pillaging
Hans did nothing wrong killing her.

who /smugboro/ here

First of all, no she's not not even half as strong.

Second, Why the fuck would you marry Rhajat?

keep it at that user, unless you want a "working" story that badly, BR is alrightish, but boring up til cp 15~18, then its just reinforcements the game with maps taking way way longer than they should just due to enemy unit sizes. And rev is just one big clusterfuck of bad design choices with a few shiners in map design, biggest plus is having everyone.

All this time, and it still irritates me
>Marry Flavia or Aversa
>No delicious brown Morgan
>Marry Nowi, Tiki or Nah
>No feathery eared Manakete Morgan
>Marry Panne or god fucking forbidYarne
>No fluffy eared Taguel Morgan
There was so much potential

Considering Camilla is arguably the best unit in Conquest that literally shows up when you need her the most? I'm surprised more people don't feel obligated to marry her.

>Nah, they just kind of put that in there, for whatever reason.
It's because Treehouse wanted to play up the mother/child relationship with her REALLY hard. Her profile even says she's their mother-figure.

Birthright is basically Awakening 2.0 that is slightly better due to the mechanics. But similar to Awakening I got really bored because most missions are "big open route map with a bunch of reinforcements." Maybe I just have a low tolerance for that, I dunno.

Revelation is kind of a middle ground, but with more gimmicks than Conquest and more game breaking since you get every unit. Early game is all about Corrin w/Gunter buttplug, Felicia and Azura. Late game is Royal Emblem.

Read the name user, im surprised Sup Forums isnt aware of this tripfag yet since hes in most fates topics

>half as strong.

How exactly are we quantifying strength? Cause a maxed out Morgan as a Sorc with some crazy skill shit can solo Lunatic+, and a Kana with maxed out stats and similar skill set up as a Witch can also fuck shit up pretty damn well.

And cause Rhajat is the best magic mom.

>tfw walled on the fucking fox chapter
How do I even hit theres fuckers? I cannot get a hit chance above 60 percent no matter what I do.
Fucking subhuman pieces of shit.

I had a tough time deciding between her retainers, but I found Belka with her "doesnt understand love" to be so much more adorable. Im disappointed how her support with the avatar was rather dull when she had some really cute supports with arthur and laslow

Even if you believe that, do you really think she deserved to die the way she did? Wasn't it implied they skinned her?

no, I married Felicia and anybody who doesn't is a scrub

>using magic in fates

while i think rhajat a shit, magic in fates is good, mages just generally suck outside a select few, MC/magic oriented kana being one of those.

>get beast killer
>give beast killer to Camilla or a tanky non-mounted unit
>grab a sandwich

You can just deploy kamui with servant support and some tonics and auto win. If Elfie does not have rock bottom skill, she can be deployed with support too.
It's a pain to protect your slower or fragile uits in this map, better just feed EXP to Kamui

>playing Conquest
>Who is that qt with the pixie cut
>I must make her the mother of my child
>mfw Hans slices off her head end of the chapter

>She dies in 2/3 routes
Freckles didn't deserve it

I've found good use from Rhajat and Kana, and Revelation Hayato. The worst problem is that the classes aren't as good and lots of the units you initially get that use magic are shit.

fuck corrin

Link? I can't find this even with name.

It's worth mentioning that Nyx is really strong on the faceless map. She one-turns anything on it.
They really just needed to give mages more generous defense.

While You cannot Nosferatu tank with impunity, magic is good.
The problem is that there is pretty much no good first gen caster to build up for the harder difficulties except for a geared Kamui or Not-Riken in Revelations.
Unless Elisse gets blessed with Skill somehow, cause she hits like a tank.

Leon is usable, but it's telling that he is probably the least Useful royal.

The most consistent one is probably Ophelia with a magic parent.
She can be a mean crit machine

>Leon is usable, but it's telling that he is probably the least Useful royal.
>tfw he kept failing to hit anything in Conquest and got doubled to hell and back
>tfw in Revelation he just becomes a taxi for Sakura

What a shitter.

It hurts, man.

Yeah, but her S-rank was nice

>C -> A
>"I'll kill you if given the order"
>"K. We're friends now right?"

>Gets an explanation of what marriage is
>Timidly takes the ring

Her support with Charlotte is entertaining too

I want a cart with all three stories, will they ever make it?

Awakening is my first game so fuck me right.

But I want to distribute exp evenly and build relations.

>tfw Fates pamders to all my favorite tropes and fetishes
>in turn, this makes it hard to choose a spouse
Thanks, IS.

She would look really good in an apron and a kitchen under her

They did, but you have to pay OUT THE ASS to get it. It's not worth it, just hack your system

Main issue is that the early casters are shit. Elise can be a nuke if you fix her skill somehow, or just have her use a +4-5 Fire tome. Hayato is also pretty good in Revelation. And Ophelia is great as well.

Also if you have DLC Witch is a great class and Warp naturally has ridiculous utility applications.

>he hasn't hacked his 3DS yet

>Tfw a certain character in Awakening clicked with you, and you can't marry anyone else without feeling weird
>That character isn't in fates in any capacity, so you don't know who to marry

She's still a huge glass canon, which makes her difficult to use early game, once she gets going she's great though yeah, though ophelia will generally always be better. But on the whole 90% of he mages in fates are just bad, or just very reliant on good levels, more so then a lot of melee users are like say leon or odin

Pretty sure the explicitly hang her in the nip version, and leave it ambiguous in the murican version

Sorry, but characters like Nyx, Elisse or Archers are liabilities in this specific map.
And if this slightly annoying map bothers you, I wonder what you will do in the ninja cave

I think it was this

Aye, im not saying ALL mages are bad, just a grand majority are, to the point that i find its more beneficial to run a magic corrin just cause there's a very wide selection of good melee units, bu not even a handful of magic ones. Plus it helps out kana too if you actually plan to keep her in her base class.

Can't because my pc is dead don't have necessary stuff and updated to get shiny Pokemon from a friend.

I'm legitimately retarded with computers anyway don't even know how to print.