Name one thing he did wrong.
Name one thing he did wrong
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He couldn't keep it together.
I don't blame him at all and don't hold a grudge
He let Lee die
He was too quick to judge and he was damn right about it too
His method of survival is perfectly legitimate, I just disagree with it.
>Control freak
>If it wasn't his way, it was the highway
>Blamed all of his mistakes on others
>Lost control of his emotions even if someone sneezed
>Let Lee die like a faggot.
>Tried to use Clementine to get his way around the group
>Probably got more survivors killed then he saved
I can name a few
Hoarded shaving creme
He straight up murdered Larry
>Lee risks his life multiple times to help save his family
>Kenny's still willing to leave him to die over the meat locker dispute
Kenny was one of my favorite characters from the first season, but we were basically love-hate rivals after episode 2.
Larry was already dead
Who would have killed everyone.
>season 1, episode 3
>door falls on Lee
>Lee struggles to get up
>Lee looks at Kenny
>Kenny stands there
I know I didn't help kill Larry for ya but come the fuck on.
He didn't kill Jane sooner
There are actual humans who thought Jane was a good choice. A schizophrenic baby killing dyke who gave Luke herpes.
There are actual human beings who didn't choose Kennys bro-tier ending sacrificing himself for clementine to stay safe, just like he did (well, tried to do) for Lee.
>dumbfucks who tried to save Larry
Alone Ending's still my canon.
Everyone I semi-liked by that point was already dead.
I dunno. Kenny's endings definitely seem better from Clementine's point-of-view, but from a thematic point the alone ending is better.
Murder an innocent person
Be an annoying irrational fuck who constantly berated you for disagreeing with him on one issue.
How is the new game going to deal with all the endings?
They won't.
He called Lee "urban"
He's racist.
He's a shit shot.
I liked Ben
He didnt kill the russian kid.
>Time skiiiip
Probably a throw-away line or two about how Wellington/Carver's place went under.
>Arvo and Jane/Mike got away with everything
Hate that. They don't have to worry about game-play, just story. Yet, they still say, "multiple free endings like that is too hard and not possible"
I didn't like Larry.
His treatment of Lee could be justifiable, though.
My Lee was a nice black man, but his backstory is static.
He killed the dude who slept with his wife. Guess he didn't like being a cuck
He opened his mouth
I can appreciate the difficulties of accounting for all the branching dialogue, but I would hope that they could at least make things season one quality again.
Felt like all of season 2's choices fell apart seconds after I made them.
Who's fault was it?
Kenny > Jane
>>Arvo and Jane/Mike got away with everything
It was a team effort of mishaps, but the girl who actually shot him took home the gold.
>ben fucks up constantly
>save his life, he promises to stop fucking up
>he fucks up again and dies in the very next episode
I actually kind of liked that, not everyone is capable of redeeming themselves. Interactive stories like this shouldn't force you to pick the morally good options to get the best ending, sometimes you just gotta drop that sack of shit. It's a shame that they eventually kill off everyone you can choose to save though.
Always blame the crackhead
>Didn't think it believable that a newborn baby might be dead after a car accident, in the middle of a blizzard, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse
>Chimped out on Clementine after she tried to save Sarita's life and practically left Clementine for dead (luckily Jane rescued Clem)
>Cared enough about a little dindu niglet to murder a white person
I killed Kenny for these reasons
I think Ben's death being inevitable worked, because there was still genuine emotional reaction to his death that gave a sense of climax to his character arc.
The branching deaths in season 2 were just frustrating, because some of the most developed characters abruptly die with no payoff or actual reaction from the rest of the group.
you can't murder a dead man.
The point is that everyone is so accustomed to death no one cares anymore
Read between the lines pleb.
So glad I shot him.
>Save a guy in episode 2
>Spends all of episode 3 asleep
>Dies offscreen in episode 4.
Woo, lad.
Nick dying off-screen and Sarah arbitrarily falling off the deck seconds before everyone started cooing over the baby wasn't a thematic emphasis on the tragic futility of their situation, it was just lazy writing.
killed based larry
jane is my waifu. luke has been dealt with
>jane is my waifu
I bet you're a dirty arvo lover too
real talk, i don't think anyone actually likes arvo.
Jane was a much better choice than Kenny
Liking someone doesn't make them a good apocolypse buddy. Kenny made constant terrible decisions and showed no character growth over 2 seasons. He was the cause of a lot of bad shit, and while his heart was in the right place, he was still an idiot.
Jane was actually intelligent and a realist and, honestly, I felt like I had a much better choice with her.
She also seemed more willing to take Clem seriously, where as Kenny never stopped treating Clem like a kid
She had it coming; he did the right thing.
Why do weak fucking people try to kill those much stronger than themselves?
imo Kenny's character would've been greatly enhanced by giving him a jackknife powerbomb that he used on everybody who pissed him off.
>Season 3
>Episode 1
>regardless of the ending you got, Jane or Kenny will have died off-screen a long time before the start
>your choices matter
I hope I can kill that niglet in the third season.
Fuck off baby killer
>there are people who let the people in at the end of the Jane ending
He never forgave me that I didn't went for his son on the tractor incident
Fucking idiot, i'm glad he's dead
I wasn't too fond of Jane from the get-go, but her trying to manipulate starting a fight in the middle of a walker infested blizzard with an unstable group member just to prove a point was the last straw for me.
>Guy doesn't know you have a gun.
>Take his gun while he's asleep.
Wow, that was so hard.
didnt meme hard enough and didnt make anime references
>and showed no character growth over 2 seasons
He did for season one's ending, but they just backtrack on it for his season 2 arc.
Honestly wish they had brought Lilly back instead. Thought her return had more potential than having Kenny go through the numbers of losing his family again.
Kenny would have killed Lee if it was Duck instead of Larry
Kenny is a loose cannon and borderline retarded
>Kenny never stopped treating clem like a kid
Kenny? The guy that had clem mission impossible her way through carver's compund?
The guy that had clem as his backup when he was going to bumrush a group of armed guards?
The guy that only trusted clem to do the shit none of the other retards in season 2 would do?
Kenny had been a fuck up since season 1 ep 2. I liked Jane not as a person, but because she seemed like she could survive. Kenny should have been dead 10 times over.
>Shoots Carly because vaginas
>Steals your only mode of transport and leaves you for dead but thanks to plot armor there's a train right there
>Muh horrible horrible father did nothing wrong! Even when he punched Lee and tried to leave him for d
Lilly is shiet
>obviously lies
That kid is blacker than the night and the guy is a white as fuck ginger. You can't fool me, fuckers. Also the point of the choice was "Do you really want to start this shit again?" after 2 seasons of getting a group together and it all falls apart.
except wellington did exist, and it did work, for clem and aj.
Arvo is supposed to be the final cycle of abuse.
>Carver beats Kenny
>Kenny beats Arvo
>Arvo shoots Clem
>Player now wants to kill
Could have been a rapist camp full of cannibals for all Kenny knew.
This is what did it for me. I had a hunch she was manipulating the situation just to prove some shitty point and I let Kenny kill her.
Honestly, I think that was a pretty reasonable reaction from a former father.
>Even when he punched Lee and tried to leave him for d
Kenny did the same damn thing.
could've, but it wasn't, atleast what we saw anyways.
with that said, what plan did anyone not named jane had?...oh yeah, they didn't have a plan.
>Carly didn't care
>Kenny wouldn't have cared unless you were a dick
>lily didn't matter
>kat would side with Kenny
Lee should have literally told everyone
The issue was that it was Kenny's gungho "WE DOIN THIS NOW" attitude. Jane wanted to go back to Carvers where we knew there'd be supplies and we knew how to get there. Kenny wanted to aimlessly drive north, and hope to find Wellington before everyone froze and starved too death.
Janes plan was far more sensible. I wasn't against wellington, but let's head back and ready up instead of blindly pushing forward because "MUH DUCK. MUH KATJA. MUH SARITA"
That was literally the introduction to Larry.
Will we ever see her again?
I bet Christa was the one hiding in the lodge, but they shoehorned Kenny because of theories like "Kenny is still alive!!!"
Jane wanted to go to the fortified compound replete with supplies and firearms.
Not saying Lilly didn't do anything wrong, but I thought she was an interesting character who could have developed her story further, being someone who Clem recognizes but has clear misgivings about.
fair enough.
man season 2 was a fuckin mess
Ha you obviously never got the best ending then
also i said that anyone not named Jane, she had a perfectly fine plan. learn 2 read scrublord.
Why do Telltale always do this with characters?
>They might come back
>Or you will never ever hear about them again
At least give some closure, I mean everyone its a fucking zombie apocolypse who cares if she dies off just say she does
I kind of doubt it?
I was miffed that Christa never showed up again, but it's hard to picture her randomly showing up after another massive time-skip.
Course they had Clem and Kenny bump into each other in a completely different state after roughly two years, so who knows?
Isn't Lily a character that is in TWD lore outside of the games? Might be why she never shows up again.
I think it's pretty realistic. You're not going to have facebook to keep track of what happened to everyone you ever met. One day in the apocalypse they'll walk out the door and you will never see them again
>that music
>Lee at the end
I laughed.
>Lily's father dies
>Becomes irrational and angry
>Accuses and tries to drop Ben who actually did somthing
Slightly reasonable
>Carly who literally did NOTHING calls her out on her shit
>Kills her
I think it was originally planned to be like that, but they made them different characters because of some novels that where based in the comic universe.
This isn't all in first person view.
You could drop hints in the background, or even just cut to a fucking corpse.
That was the original idea, but they ended up debunking it when Kirkman wrote a different backstory for the Lilly in his comics.
Carly was about to get the Lee-D.
Lily pulled the ultimate cock-block.
I think that scene works a bit better with Doug honestly. Because it's Ben who she's targeting the whole time, and not just Carly for telling Lilly to back off. When Doug gets shot taking a bullet for Ben she clearly regrets it.
Her paranoia drives her over the edge either way though.
He cared too much
The only coalburner I actually liked.
I was team Lilly until episode three.
It a shame the choices are so limited on character development.
I would have liked to somehow get Lilly to redeem herself, or stop the whole carly fiasco
Mental stability.