WoW: Legion

Let's roll. What zone is everyone currently questing in?

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Going to boost a plate Dps of some kind any suggestions?


if not you're behind

the zone called /vg/

I almost finished Azsuna last night and went to bed before doing the Eye of Azshara

Azshara's voice gives me a funny feeling in my pants

Just finished Stormheim
>do the seaweed town questing area
>"you've not strong enough to do the last part"
Fuck you Havi

>not being 8/11 in Suramar already

Currently in Val'sharah.

I've been working all week and it's a fucking miracle I finally get to catch up.

Is it possible to be a tank with fist weapons without being stuck in a shitty bear form?
I want to make an orc with fists but actually be able to look at my character while doing things

Pick a different armor class.

>catch up

Unfortunately demon hunter is your only choice. You can transmog glaives to look like fists.

Yeah a melee dps leather would be real smart right now



you can get a blowjob from that female sticking out of the altar there.

but you'll never know if it was a dryad or a night elf. would you?

Would it matter? A hole is a hole.

>friend memes me into playing on Kazzak because his mates play there
>massive server
>skewed faction ratios

Why are High servers so shit?

>not picking a medium pop server

you deserve it idiot

>not wanting it to be a dryad
What are you, gay?

Cant be the only one bothered by the lack of pickpocket loot in legion right?
>pickpocket random npc
>34 coppers

you had two straight fucking expacs of awesome pick pocket shit, stop whining why not keep it up?
At least add some fucking money to it, not 34 coppers.

>WW monk is unironically the funnest class/spec
>its going to be impossible to get into a raid group because of all the assholes playing DH or jumping on the Feral flavor of the month train
gee thanks papa Blizzard

I was feral before it was cool.

So if my account isn't active
I'd have to pay 75$ to buy legion and play?

Fuck I miss the days of $40 expacs.

I'm so close to giving in, like I do every time this shit happens.
I thought I was going to break the cycle for good this time.

Come back at 110 :^)

>lvl 105 blood dk

Is it just me or is blood DK kind of overpowered in this expansion? I've had whole instance groups die on me during bosses (mainly Serpentrix because the fuckers don't DPS the adds) and I just solo'd the boss from 30%+. Not complaining though.

Do racial talents still matter for PVE?

>I'd have to pay 75$ to buy legion and play?

What, why? It's 40-something for the game plus 12 for the monthly fee

>mfw still can't afford it

tanks are pretty much invincible when played correctly and aren't taking stupidly large packs

>tfw I can just outright ignore certain boss mechanics because of demon skin/soul link shenanigans

For ultimate min/maxing autism yes but other than that they're not relevant anymore

We're talking about like 500 DPS difference

Getting back into wow since pandas were added, made a new account and everything to give my friend the invite a friend bonus. What level do u need to be to unlock demon hunters?

Never played a pally before, how are the specs looking right now?

so Diplomacy is the best racial again?

>We're talking about like 500 DPS difference

So it's between making it to a top tier guild or being denied.

Betafags, be honest.

Is there endgame or is it shit like WoD?

Remember that everyone loved WoD the first 2 months

theoretical dps in raid level gear is about 350k

Bards when? I can't think of any other archetype missing from the game other than maybe a spellsword/hexblade or artificer.

>>WW monk is unironically the funnest class/spec
thats not outlaw rogue

At 75 rep points of continuing with suramar quests

probably never. their aren't even raid buffs any more like fortitude and motw. they'd have to have an arsenal of Bloodlust level abilities

it's 35$ in shops or online re-sellers.

First two weeks maybe.

there's raid and mythic dungeons like usual

>you will never be a bard
>buffing allies and damaging foes with song
>going on quests with the Elite Tauren Chieftains
Does ETC even do anything anymore? I know they put out a few songs years ago, but nothing recent.

Im honestly betting Bard is the next class.

>outright ingonore boss mechanics while playing the most boring class on this xpac

I doubt we'll be seeing any new classes anytime soon.

Next X-Pac will likely be abolishing the rest of the race/class restrictions and probably a new race or two.

I honestly see new factions being a stronger possibility than more classes at this point.

>just got back from doing a mythic
>be in dalaran
>see this


Im interested to see if they actually expand Druid to other races considering the work involved. Though I actually really want Pandaren Druids.

Demonology is fun, and the skull is awesome.

>this pic
>this comment

Druid and DH are the only classes I can see staying limited if they ever lift the restrictions.

Lorewank for them is too strong.

[Can't wake up]

Did you pick the right class/spec user?

Guys.... fuck. Does ANYONE know where saurfang is. I really wanna do the [Secret of the axes] quest but have no idea where to go. I've been wandering around the Broken Shore and the Lost Temple for almost 30 minutes trying to find him. Worst part is... I don't even know if he's there. That's just the last place i've seen him. He was shot down by legion cannons or something. Can someone throw me a fucking bone here?

>warlock at the top of the charts
>Stay still and only cast demonic empowerement

Why are feral druids always the most OP dps class? It's been like this since WOTLK.

Back in wotlk warlocks and mages were at the top of the charts, dunno what chu talkin bout

From what I remember it was DKs and Ferals.

>mfw I picked balance over feral

I chose wrong. I chose affliction. I dumped all my artifact power into that stupid scythe. I made the wrong choice and there is nothing I can do.

I want to be a Mage.

>shadow receiving lots of praise for being fun to play
>3rd worst dps without the suicide talent

rip in peace affli

Not a big fan of the fact that there is no way to refund artifact power.
I feel bad for people who wanted to try out a new spec and now they're stuck with it whether or not they like it.

Heck yes I did, I'm happy to see a rogue spec that's both very fun to play and powerful. Subtlety was a fucking pain in WoD, but you simply had to play it to be competitive.

I hope they don't go full on anti-fun mode and nerf it.

Makes me feel great about being subtlety....

Am I supposed to hear the whispers of the SPriest dagger? I only see the text

We're only a couple days in, and at max level there's many more ways of earning AP, I think it's not too late to switch specs.

Ferals went ham in Ulduar, that's it

I always thought sub was fun

Guys I wanna tank late game as a Blood DK but I really love frost and I heard their class quests were fucking amazing.

Will I gimp myself if I level frost and go blood at 110?

eh, I suppose we just have different play styles, I hated having to manage so many cooldowns and debuffs on mobs.
or maybe I was just bad



>tfw leatherworker
Suck my dick Dazed

Do I just need to get crafted gear to up my item level, these world quest rewards are trash at this level.

World quest rewards are based on your itemlevel

>tfw WW monk
I can't wait to have all my major artifact traits

>Use AP item in dungeon
>Get message in my chat window that i got +50 AP
>Nothing happens to my artifact, animation doesn't play and progress bar shows same value as beofre even though item gets consumed
>Even after I finish the dungeon or relog it still doesn't increase artifact power

They could heal, buff/debuff, DPS. Wear mail. Introduces the (long overdue) profession of woodworking, that can make instruments, bows, furniture, and toys.

I just saw the changes to Inscription. What do you guys think? Did they ruin it? I don't really get the utility of this profession anymore. 1000 versatility seems completely fucking useless except for Mythical mode.

>want to make a fem nelf
>hate all the faces

>always mained shadow priest whenever I played wow
>everybody says it's super fun and really strong in legion
>hate it and think it's fucking atrocious
>roll mage instead
>see this chart
suck shadow niggers, cata shadow best shadow

What the fuck does the bloodtotem saddle blanket do? Just got a recipe drop for it and the description is useless

>still playing world of warcraft

Spotted the virgin neet's.

>Prot paladin not even on the chart

>tank spec isn't top DPS

Who would've guessed.

they don't put tank specs on the chart, assfucker

Just finished Stormheim save for the Halls of Valor quest.

Arms Warrior here and loving it, Prot is also fun, I sort of wished that I had rolled prot initially and spent more into it so tanking would be that much easier.

Also fucking hellheim man, so many alliance fucks.


>Actually replying
Are you both okay?

wow is normie core af bud

Feral Druid was good last xpac too.
and the one before that. and before that.

I stopped playing cause wod is shit but uh, why isn't feral the most picked, let alone the druid being one of the best classes in the game, also moonglade

>people from both factions try to help each other on rares
>there is always that guy spreading his aoe on purpose to kill everyone

>I don't really get the utility of this profession anymore.

Me neither