ITT: THAT part

ITT: THAT part

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Like half of MGS4 was "that part." Because immediately after that was the on-rails motorcycle bullshit. At least that was one of like three stealth sections in the game.

Kek, as if the hour long cutscenes, on-rail shooting sections, horrendous boss battles, microwave hallway, and the homo-erotic Vamp/Raiden battle weren't enough.

Wow THAT part was incredibly easy

>metroid prime 2
>any time you have to backtrack to a different area, go to dark world, get 1 item, go back to light world, then go back to the area you're currently in
I mean in metroid prime 1 any area is only like 2 minutes away tops but in prime 2 it takes fucking forever if you have to go through the main hub

Is that the European part in the city?

I liked it, it was fun to dial it back a bit.

Only good parts were right in the beginning at suicide bomber land and shadow moses later on.

except phazon mines, where it was a major pain in the ass getting anywhere even within the mines


The part with the rotating pillars in GoW literally almost made me drop the game

damn, that tight, well designed sequence ain't got shit on beautiful sprawling open world of mgs 5. imagine if you could just go left for half an hour and bypass the same streets completely.



I don't even know what this is and I'm pissed off just looking at it




That part wasn't even that terrible


>any part of MGS4
>even on European extreme


>Halo CE
>TThe Library

It's not even hard, I just keep getting lost/can't find the right hole in the ground.


It wasn't that bad, you just suck. :)

I thought it was pretty clever when I finally got it, but still kind of feels like a gyp getting a "shooter" with literally one level in it

Fuck the haunted cathredral and the catacombs from Thief 1. Annoying as shit environments and the stupid fucking enemies, literally just run around aimlessly looking for loot so you can fulfil an arbitrary loot requirement. I like loose loot hunting, just not these levels

playing Assassin's Creed is the casual filter here right

Majority of DMC4 missions


Ended every replay of this game

>look mum i posted it again!

Act 2 was the only part of mgs4 that wasnt that part, because it was actually fun. Its ridiculous that people say the game is better than any other game in the series, bar peace walker.

>that gekko that was following you the whole time


I can only imagine what fucking went through the dev's minds when they were designing it.

>you know this one level we have where the player has to run around this excruciatingly large and long corridor while fighting a never-ending stream of tough enemies while being harassed by a stupid fucking annoying AI
>let's repeat it

>those faces that would peer at you from around corners

HL2 has aged like dogshit. That looks fucking terrible.


also dmc3 missions

What a cunt

The entire 2nd half of the game, really.
Starting from JB's lab, the rest of the game falls extremely flat for me. Iunno why but portal collecting isnt that fun. same with the Yorbels in Tak 1

Wait what, where? I can't see shit in that image.

ur mom aged like dogshit

acquire skill

>that level was actually incredibly vast and interestingly designed
>you only see like a thirtieth of it by tracking the guy you are supposed to track and playing the game well
why, kojima-san

Also the Niki defense.

Your face looks fucking terrible

Just let it end, please...

>any Jak II vehicle section

Everything up to leaving Kalm in FF VII makes me think twice about replaying it.

>sit through the flashback sequence
>forget to save
>die on the Midgar Zolom
>don't play the game for another five years

That part was great though

There was probably going to be more to do, but it was cut.

This boss was the end of my first run of mp2 they even had to make the boss easier for the wii version

The definition of casual filter


Gta SA flight school and CR plane missions.

this is why i never finished this game

The castle in RE4.
I've started the game about 10 times, but I never finished it because that shitty place.

what were they fucking thinking

git gud


Shoot them all with a sniper rifle before you even start to ascend git gud lmao

fuck this shit man

Is that you DSP?


>shadow moses

>full of boring geckos, human guards only appear to try to get in your way during the horribly unbalanced boss fight
>ends with another stupidly easy fight that the fans love because they've long abandoned caring about game design
>is followed by one of the stupidest cutscenes in the game which is filled with stupid cutscenes

this shit scared me, I kept looking behind for the rest of the game

it should be obvious but then again you never need to do that anywhere else
AC2 rarely lived up to the potential complexity of its own movement

made me drop the game for months



>long flight of stairs
>hunter who'll hit you if you're unlucky
>bunch of enemies
>wait for boulder to roll
>wait for door to slowly open
>massive guy blocking your path, who'll probably hit you

Someone actually designed and then someone OK'd this seres of events leading up to a boss.

No idea why this game was so praised, as soon as you head in to the sewers in that part it becomes shit.

Everything about the first half of SF was so fucking boring and unengaging.

>Instead of following the dude i decide to explore
>Wander around aimlessly
>Discover some hidden lewd pictures

That part was easy once you learned to keep moving because the archers never lead their shots.

What asshole at Konami said "let's take this beloved return to the location from the first game and ruin it with a bunch of little handy guys and nostealth"

Not hard, just pretty frustrating how little time you have to explore the map.

The hardest part of MGS4 for me is on the last level after you land on the submarine when you have to open a hatch door and ennemies and geckos keep respawning.

Is that the same parking where the light goes out and zombies start attacking you ?


My first time running this I had no Idea you could change clothing and did my sneak following this guy entirely in the brown coat and young snake face

This and the RC planes from SA were really easy on a keyboard.

Funny but I never had that problem in the game.

But that part is great, you cocksucker

>using keyboard controls on this

Took fucking hours for me to get used to this.

>played through ps2 gtas recently
>dreading this level and the train in san andreas due to online memes
>do both within two tries
git gud lmao

This is grade school logic tests

>tfw you can run into guards and they just tell you that curfew is up and you need to go home

Only saves you once though


Newer versions patched this mission to make it easier

I did this my first try.


Seriously, fuck this whole area. It's just better if you skip it altogether.

>tfw when you LEARN you can go easy mode in your octocamo suit and octocamo face and get 99% camo nearly the entire misson

I never understood why everyone claims he pulls a star destroyer out of orbit.

He does the exact opposite, he slows down a Star Destroyer that is already falling. He doesnt stop it or pull it down, he just slows it down so it doesnt cause an extinction level event.

i couldn't even get past the first area of MGS4

>Run through stairs
>Ignore enemies
>Run to right
>Bolder kills 3/4 enemies
>Finish off rest
>Chill back for a bit and let the giant fight the trenchcoat guys
>Run past
Is that really so hard? Plus you got your infinite rolling

I had a harder time in some driving missions like races than the RC stuff, on PS2 it was just fine to control. I never did it in one try but a couple and i was set. I had a friend in high school who had tried it about 100 times to fail non stop. I did it for him in one shot for him.

This wasn't any hard. Learn how to build your char, pussys.

that was certainly Kojima

and Sean
