Okay, this is pretty good. Why Sup Forums didnt like it?

Okay, this is pretty good. Why Sup Forums didnt like it?

Because its full of niggers.

But you can kill em.

Shill please go

Not really, you have to play them for the most part. And it makes me physically sick to know these fucking subhuman dindus are claiming the credit when millions of whites died fighting for their countries.

Is it true there's nignog Krauts in the game

Downloaded last night, played 3 Rush games before work today.

Medic is fun, horses are fun, attacking is fun. Frames stutter sometimes, vehicles are my bane, defense is less fun than attacking.

First impressions are better than BattlEAfront, excited to play after work.

Contrarian virgin with no friends pls kill yourself

>attacking is more fun than defending
its always like that in every fucking game sadly

Wasted potential. I wanted a WW1 game with bolt-actions and melee but instead I got reskinned BF4 because literally all the fucking weapons in the game are automatic/semi-automatic

I might buy when its cheap

What are your opinions on the fact that is a WW1 shooter and people run around with automatic weapons

There is a lot of bolt action weapons for scout class, just go in costumize and unlock them

>There is a lot of bolt action weapons for scout class
And they're reduced to sniper rifles. They play exactly like sniper rifles and most of them have scopes stuck to them. Also you will get outmatched by SMGs and semiauto

>games are meant to be realistic

There is a difference between "realism" and "not having guns that predate the war by a decade"

Its like Battlefield 1942 having AK-47s or Battlefield 3 having futuristic laser cannons

I'm not an historian and I understand that it's a video game and developers are allowed to take liberties to make the game play more exciting. If they were marketing it as an historically accurate retelling then I'd care, but theyre not, I don't.

>tfw when smooth 60 fps on ps4

That excuse only works for trench warfare.
If you think that bolt-action and shotguns are not exciting then you're the same audience as the ADHD kids who play CoD

>above 30 fps

DICE said that this was supossed to be a ww1 game with twists, not an acurrate representation. Go play Verdun instead

I will also add that the game looks great. Dice does a good job Polishing their graphics.

lol get mad pcuck

Tumblr leave

But those are exciting? Do you have a point or are you just trying to shit post about historical accuracy?

Oh my, looks like in historical photos the British army during the Sinai campaign wasn't full of central african niggers with semi auto rifles and sub machine guns, who knew?

you do know all the weapons in the game are real and from the time period right? albeit never issued in large numbers

not every gun in ww1 was a bolt action rifle

Oh my, looks like the autist forgot to take his medicine again

>DICE said that this was supossed to be a ww1 game with twists
So the twists are literally just automatic weapons being more useful that bolt-action, a gun used for 90% of the war? Sorry that I actually want some sign of this being a World War 1 game. I'm not even asking for trench warfare because there was TONS of mainland fighting

It doesn't need to be accurate, it just needs the right tech

>not every gun in ww1 was a bolt action rifle
The majority of the war was bolt action, LMGs, melee, and shotguns. SMGs I can understand a little bit but semi-auto was so underused it shouldn't even be acknowledged

And what did they accomplish?

Because this board is littered with racists

>reskinned BF4

No dude. If it was a reskinned BF4 it would literally be a better game.

But it's Battlefront with Battlefield skin.

you spend most of the game run to objective
Then dying

Game feels less like a Battlefield game and more like a EA Battlefront game. If they would have picked a better map I think I would have liked the beta a lot more.

>I have a shit weapon and I will probably die a lot.
Welcome to WW1.

>run all the way to E
>get sniped as soon as I get there from 900 meters away

The map sucks ass. Too much running and open space. The best part is in rush on the final attack.

Conquest is literal ass though. about 1/3 the maps is empty space

Do i have to sign up for any EA bullshit for the PS4 version or can i just download it from teh store and play?

Get gud

Is this your first Battlefield game?

>he fell for the meme point

It's a terrible game and nowhere near worth the absurd price it costs in Canada.

it is easily the worst Battlefield game, an unfocused and unbalanced mess with bad maps and strange design choices.

Battlefield 4 on the other hand still has full servers and plays like a dream, comparatively. Battlefield 4 is the only "normal" shooter on the market right now beside like, Arma which is only on PCs.

It is a very bad miscalculation that will send Battlefield back as far as Assassin's Creed has been sent.

But I thought it was just a video game :^)

More like millions of whites died for their corrupted leaders. Most worthless war ever fought

There are no whites in the demo, and the announcer defaults to female.

Why are all the rifles semi automatic? Weren't they supposed to be bolt action rifles?

the announcer's a qt though

Swedish cucks decided that the current generation of mouthbreathers wouldnt be able to handle the stress of not having at least semi-auto, so they made the game unrealistic.

Because the game is awful and is going to bomb.

If Activision were not such Jews they would release MW remastered as a separate game and that would outsell BF1 likely 2:1.

The following phrase alone is better than anything in BF1:

"Call of Duty 4 with dedicated servers".

>He could tell all of this by one map and 20% of the weapons in the game

>wanted BF4 WW1 mod
>got Battlefront WW1 mod
back to my backlog. fuck

Ah well I'm glad Rising Storm 2 Vietnam is coming out this year. Hyped as fuck. I wish they would do a WW1 treament too

Why would you give the public a BADLY designed map if you wanted to impress them?

There is very little chance the maps get much better or so much better that this map does not represent the quality of the final game.

Why do I need more of the weapons? Aim Assist has been increased dramatically and bullet drop has been all but removed. The game is casual as fuck but without any of the fun elements of modern military shooters like meaningful weapon customization. It's a mess of a game that doesn't know what it wants to be.

I bet next you'll tell me I should pre-order because maybe there's a Zeppelin level that will blow my mind. But the game, as is, does not impress or excite me or anyone on my friends' list.

>battlefront beta launches
>people start realizing it has a lot of faults, but it is okay because it is star wars xD
>-celebs are dickriding DICE hard
>game launches
>one month in and is dead as fuck

>battlefield one beta launches
>e-celebs are dick riding DICE hard
>more people this time are seeing the faults, but it is BF so it will be good anyways xD
>game launches

I have played every BF, this one is by far the most casualized, dumbed down, and unbalanced one yet. I could write a book about of everything bad about this. Just like Battlefront, it isn't bad, but it isn't that good either. I do doubt that the honeymoon effect will be as short as Battlefront. But I will give it until January until everyone starts realizing that this game isn't that good.

>really wanted bf2142-2
>it was hinted in last bf4 dlc
>autists voted for a ww1 shooter
>now we're stuck with a shitty shit fest
oh well

A true 64 player WW1 video game would have two people on each team manning machine guns, mowing down the other 30 players again and again and again. Eventually the match would be decided by a random artillary shell blowing up a team's machine gun placement.

The only fun I'm having is using the arty pieces, and even that is limited because they can't be fucking repaired. Everything else sucks. Gameplays like a typhoon of shit, just run in a direction and die two minutes later.

White people made the game tho lol

>Sup Forums is one person

Think of is this way
At least we didnt get Battlefront:2142

>white people

white cuckolds are just as bad as niggers, if not worse

Since they died for fuck all reason I guess that makes the black smarter than the whites.

Is Verdun any better? I want a game with the same mechanics and play style as BF 1942.

This game is just BF4 repackaged as a WW1 shooter. It's dull as hell

I like it, but after Battlefront I don't feel right about giving EA money again.

>This game is just BF4 repackaged as a WW1
I wish that were the case.

gonna have to back you up on this one

>millions of whites died for a conflict their own stupid countries started, only to do it all over again a few decades later
>white people are proud of this


>Why Sup Forums didnt like it?
The non-english speaking shills are here already

You want a game thats a repackaged BF1942? Then play BF Vietnam.

Because 1942 was not a simulator.

Oh look! There also not running around shooting each other, flying planes, riding horses, fighting or driving! Why isn't Battlefield 1 like that hmm? Man! I wish we had a game where you just sat in a trench for weeks on end before jumping out of it only to be shot and killed instantaneously.

Those weapons did exist at the time but were not used a lot. This doesn't make the game historically accurate but those weapons aren't future tech for ww1.

>REEEE! Why are niggers in the game!
>tfw more niggers fought in WWI than the USA
These guys had fucking empires, mang, and they didn't ignore them.

Its a ww2 game with a ww1 skin

it's even more boring than hardline


Fuck DICE for conforming to history in their efforts to appeal to as wide a consumer base as possible in an effort to make as much money as possible!

>tfw more niggers fought in WWI than the USA

hahaha what? Got a source on that one Tyreese?

it literally just works though

>in their efforts to appeal to as wide a consumer base as possible

hmm, is this really what's happening? Do you believe there is no political agenda behind their decision to plaster niggers all over their advertisement beyond sales? It couldn't possibly be part of the larger cuckification of video games that' been going on for 5 years now?

>conforming to history
>germans in ww1 were black

you're fucking retarded and you're probably a nigger


All of the Indians and other colonial soldiers deployed. Honestly, I'm lazy, but if you look up deaths you can see that India is nearly a match for the USA alone.
>Do you believe there is no political agenda
There were German Africans, user. It's part of the whole reason they went to war.

>goes from niggers to India in the space of a single post

yep, concern troll. Fuck off

When has Dice ever given a shit about 100% historical accuracy?

>Indians are not niggers
You have problems.
>Concern troll
Probably related to autism.

this game will sell 10 million copies ez

>just dont buy the fucking dlc


imagine being literally any other ethnic minority other than niggers, getting lumped in with them as a "marginalized group" but literally every time leftists implement tokenism or affirmative action it's solely to the benefit of niggers.

And they're STILL responsible for half of all homocides in the US.

People keep saying about futuristic weapons being in BF1 but they don't give any examples, the only case I've seen people talking about is the MP18 but it has seen action in the last german offensive so it qualifies to be in the game.

It doesn't matter if it was used on the last day of the war or the very first day, if it's there then it can be in the game.

Otherwise you'd have to remove the tanks too since the Entente only started to really use them during the late stages of the war, better to make a game that encompasses the entire 4 years of the war than just cover specific periods of it.

Realism ≠ fun

Dice implements unused prototypes in all of their games anyway.


What? There's no 60fps on PS4 yet. All the servers are 30hz.


>It doesn't matter if it was used on the last day of the war or the very first day, if it's there then it can be in the game.
t. autist.

It's not actually about historical accuracy. People saying it doesn't have to be accurate are right. It's about the feel of the game and the time period, and running around with portable machine guns does not conform to that.

>It's World War 1!
>don't make it like World War 1 at all
Okay so what's the fucking point

why is pol so easy to trigger

ebin. simply ebin

>Blacks killing Blacks is worse than whites raping little children and shooting up schools
White people logic. And you wonder why we don't like you.

because they are right and it's frustrating when there are so many left wing retards in the world

Should've been a WWII game, the combat would made more sense

This, it's like people forgot about 1942.