I'm proud to introduce you the First World MLG Tournament of 100% Orange Juice. The tournament starts on Sunday and for partecipate you must choose one character. Write down your in-game name and the character that you want to use. I accept advices for rules and maybe if you want to do it another day. Come on guys, it will be a special prize!
First 100% Orange Juice's World Tournament
What do you mean in-game name?
I havent played 100% OJ in like a year btw but im down for this
The name which you use in the game on your save
>tournament for an RNG game
oh boy I can't wait to see lobbies full of nothing but Marc and Sora
IGN: Ruri
Character: Star Breaker
Sounds like fun, but perhaps it shouldn't be on some random thread on Sup Forums?
It's fun, trust me. Anyone can win.
>>>>tournament for an RNG game
Poker tournaments exist.
The catch is that doing only 1 hand and then calling it game would serve absolutely zero purpose. To truly hold a tournament for a game such as this you'd need to have a lot of games being run so as to mitigate any random swings or gimmick plays and instead you get the better players having a stronger winrate rather than anyone pulling a fluke victory out of their ass.
IGN: Taidar
Character: Sweet Breaker
Triple elimination? Round robin? What would work best?
IGN: Quantum
Character: Suguri
Also I advice you to read this steamcommunity.com
>marc is a guy
I've played this game long enough to know that even if a tournament was held, it wouldn't mean anything except who got the luckiest in a set of games.
In this game, skill will (most of the time) put you in position to win games - unless RNG absolutely despises you that game in which case you'll be lucky to reach your 4th norma.
Luck/RNG will always be the determining factor if you win or not, though, which is why even though playing in a tournament might be fun, it still could never be taken seriously.
It's a tournament for fun not competitive
There could feasibly be a tournament held with bracket format where each match consists of 4 players who play sufficiently many rounds (let's say once any competitor takes 3 victories) while also taking into account rank of the losing players to determine which of them move forward in the bracket, let's say they eliminate the 2 lowest-performing players in that set of matches and then they move forward to compete with 2 others, repeat until the final 4 play to a normal set rule.
The logistics of such a tournament format is stupidly complex for someone with only 30 hours invested in the game to organize. Games are too wild to let 1 game win determine an overall victory like most tournaments hosted and how small people's attentiveness for this game will last.
Really the tournament is just an excuse for people to guarantee some playtime in the game with a competitive edge to it with other competitively-minded players. There's no semblance of actual tact and accomplishment that doesn't exist in the game already that can be cobbled together with a simple lobby host and telling people to fill it up.
Isn't this game just luck based? What's the point?
More like everyone playing Kyoko and Poppo.
That would be even worse
and how the fuck are you gonna pick a time when everyone's on?
Exactly. At least with Sora and Marc, people die.
Unless the prize is money or some free shit whatever, only like less then 10 people will join.
>tfw really bad at this game
end my life senpai
Everyone is "bad" at it.
You either learn to embrace the pain and let it fuel you, or you start playing a single character that tends to win more than the others just because you're unable to cope with the idea of losing.
Is leftover humble shit ok?
I like playing Krila or Sham because if I'm gonna lose, I'm gonna annoy the shit out of everyone else while I do it.
If you want people to tryhard, why not a doubles tournament? This way there is some strategy involved
That could actually be fun
I try playing Sham occasionally but she just seems to have really bad rolls
Haha, oh man, Aru/Marie Poppo would be amazing.
I feel like it only really happens when she's attacking. Defending isn't a problem. My worst rolls are always with Hime or Alte. Especially Alte.
>OJ tournament
>OP doesn't even play OJ
>group is back to the same 10 people in every game
Are there any steam communities I could join other than Sup Forums juice for comfy lobbies?
We're kinda dead, aren't we?
The Sup Forums group is probably the only active one you'll find. Otherwise it's groups consisting of already-established friend circles who know each other from some other game.
You know, that's nice and everything but. WHERE'S THE LOBBY
Is Steam broken for anyone else? I can't load my feed or the store page.
My concern is whether this will actually come to be or not. In any case, I'd like to try.
Why don't you like us, user?
I enjoyed every single match i played with you guys
The thing is we are kinda dead and meeting new people is always fun
Public lobbies get to be relatively active when a patch hits.
Just be forewarned about some of the types of behavior you may or may not run into during that foray.
Well, you could always join public rooms. Despite what people say, most of my experiences have been pretty good playing with randoms. If you play enough you begin to recognize some of the people who play in public lobbies just like you would with people in the group.
I'm a pub hopper and quite often bump into people I've played multiple times with and some people even know me for my notorious bad rolls
Even tho pubs are great they are not as fun as playing with people you know
Join this public chat
If you don't want to kill yourself within 5 minutes you can try public lobbies
Probably the only serious downsides of public rooms are
>ERP-type players
Obvious enough. But this also applies to those who forego any sort of conversations at all just to talk with their internet hubby in public rather than use direct messages.
>"Helpful" players
Players who go out of their way to not act in their best interests for the sake of being nice to their pals really detracts from the competition aspect of the game. I find that most of the Sup Forums regulars are pretty cutthroat in the sense that they are not giving anyone else preferential treatment, and at worst will give preferential treatment when it has the ulterior motive of spiting another player.
Nah, the worst of public lobbies are the reddit-style talk you often see in them
I can't really put my words into it, but there's this "style" that instead of a conversation it ends up being just a shitty memespouting trash that hurts to read, :)/-_-/xD/... emoticon shit, caps lock or completely stupid stuff in search of some "hilarity" only a kid would find
Sup Forums lobbies are usually more quiet, sometimes there's no talk at all and it feels all you do is roll dices while doing anything else and other times there's a couple of cucks in there and it's lively and fun. There's obviously memes and shitposting but it's not as irritating as public lobbies are.
I think it's just for the enviroment you are, people who don't browse Sup Forums are more likely to do so in sites like reddit/funnyjunk/9gag and they have no communities in OJ so they play public and Sup Forums people play in Sup Forums lobbies so if you're used to Sup Forums overall you'll be comfier in there and annoyed in a public reddit lobby
will poppo lose
don't post lewd poppo