What do you think of Bioshock 2 Sup Forums?
What do you think of Bioshock 2 Sup Forums?
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Weak story but Best gameplay in the series.
Fuck Infinite and its poorly written doctor who plot
Better than Bioshock 1 in every way, except in that it lacks the shock value of exploring Rapture for the first time.
Minerva's Den is one of the best expansion packs in videogame history.
Didn't play it but played 1 and Infinite
There was an expansion ? I must have missed that
the story was pretty nice but it loses feel when you play as a big daddy and not another human
>implying big daddies aren't human
Fuck off Lamb
An unnecessary sequel. A cash in made by a different developer. How the fuck did it turn out so great?
Improved on gameplay.
Story, while not as good as 1 is still good.
Overall better level design than 1.
Shits in Infinite in aspects that Infinite supposedly excels at (much better daughter figure character etc.)
Minervas Den is one of the best expansions of recent memory.
Was a great story , better then the main campaign a mind would have been better then what we got.
You have to save the super coumpter that runs raptures electronics to use it to cure any remaining splicers
It has the best gameplay in the series, but the story is kind of weak.
The endings were a fuck-ton better. For one, they actually had a neutral ending. Two, the neutral ending was actually good.
>A cash in made by a different developer
Isn't it funny how everyone bashed Bioshock 2 because Levine said "we're done with Rapture", but then he goes on to make Infinite, which constantly references Rapture, and has 2 DLC set in Rapture, none of which are as good as Bioshock 2.
Also, just because it hasn't been mentioned yet, fucking DRILL DASH
>much better daughter figure character
goddamn this so much, Eleanor is a 10/10 daughterfu
I rented it and liked it a lot
Better gameplay than Bioshock 1. Combat is definitely improved and it's a plus that they give you the option of disabling the vita chambers.
Compared to the first game it seems like more of side story, but I really liked the father-daughter dynamic and there are some memorable characters throughout the game. The levels were all interesting as well, very atmospheric.
dat drill, too. I'm tempted to say I enjoyed it more than the first one. Not sure why you occasionally see people who love Bioshock 1 give it so much hate.
Better than Bioshock 1. If you haven't played a Bioshock game before, play 2 and only 2. If you've played 1, don't bother with 2. It's literally the same game, just better.
>and has 2 DLC set in Rapture
I remember they said in one of those developer featurettes that they could have done DLC set in Columbia to make it easier on themselves, reuse assets etc. but they chose to do Rapture and put in work to create all this new content and it turned out that this new Rapture is literally just Columbia assets with a different coat of paint complete with fucking sky rails in an underwater city.
>fucking DRILL DASH
As much as I think that playing as a giant armored hulk is not as appropriate as playing a human that absolutely makes up for it.
better than the first one
i like the story better on the virtue that it doesn't re-use the same twist from system shock, system shock 2 and bioshock
I wish it wouldn't delete my savegames, other than that I had a great time
Loved it. Gameplay-wise anyway.
No playable big sister DLC. It would have been so good, instead there was a "Defend the little sister" mode
2nd best gameplay, after infinite
2nd best story, after bioshock 1
Best one in the series
I'm not giving you an actual (you) until you earn one.
best bioshock game.
does the waifu shit a lot better than infinite.
Fun game and had a surprisingly solid multiplayer mode
tfw I'm still stuck in Bioshock 1 in the level where spoopy plaster splicers attack you
I'm literally too much of a pussy to continue, is there a way to de-spoopify this level
I would like it more if I didn't feel like my suit was made out of tissue paper, is it just that it's an early model/rust?
What is this, a jew face?
You beat the level.
Because Jordan Thomas, one of the head designers for BS1 and the creator of Fort Frolic, was the creative director for BS2. He was also a lead designer on Thief: Deadly Shadows. He's a really smart developer who understood what made a good video game story and good moral choice mechanics.
Because they're fucking stupid over there, they wasted him on a terrible XCOM game, he wound up leaving 2K, and I dunno what he's doing now.
Bad story, locations are fairly meh, best gameplay in the series.
Minerva's Den is really good.
I know I am in the minority but I really enjoyed the infinite's gameplay. I really liked using the skylines which just makes me more mad when I think back to e3 demo
the little sisters looked cuter
Neutral ending was the dev's favorite, too. It's pretty great how much character it packs into your mute wizard gorilla man in just a few seconds.
The thing i realy enjoyed was the sniper rifle
I had this as a main gun and an automatic rifle as secondary.
Until realy late game every enemy was dead with one head shot and mini bosses needed three.
Realy made the game easy and relaxing.
>tfw bees + bots combo
Never played the original, but I really liked it. It completely blew Infinite out of the water.
Story was slightly weaker compared to 1 but still very strong in its own right. Gameplay was streamlined heavily with dual-wielding and I didn't have to play pip panic every time I wanted to hack ,so with both of those issues resolved its pretty much flawless gameplay wise. Also has one of the best DLCs in all of video games. Tied with Dark Cloud 2 for my favorite game of all time.
Better story and gameplay than Infinite
Better gameplay than BS1
A bit worse story than BS2
DLC was awesome
Overall, still the best of the three.
Extra points for making Ken Levine buttmad.
once you see it...
Infinite wouldn't get half the flak it does if the word Bioshock wasn't in its title. Infinite and the other two games are barely even in the same genre, considering the first two had a taste of survival and horror while Infinite focused mainly on run around gunplay with stuff like the rail system. That and its ending sucked balls holy fuck why couldn't I just fight the fucking songbird.
Sup Forums would give it less shit because there would've been fewer expectations, but the mainstream reviews would not have been nearly as glowing without the Bioshock name behind it.
It was a cause and effect thing. Bioshock and Levine's names caused the thing to get universal praise, which caused heavy backlash on Sup Forums when we all got our hands on it and realized it was fucking mediocre. Remove the big names and it gets less flak because a lot fewer people care.
>tfw electric bee cyclone traps
Did you carry out his final wish or did you let Alex the Great live? I usually let Alex live since Gil died a long time ago and it seems needlessly cruel to kill him.
I carried out his wish. Even if the Gil as we knew him was dead, Alex The Great is a dick and should not be allowed to live.
Is the Subject Delta the most powerful dad in video games?
Better than Infinite.
Alex the Great was no longer a threat. If you let him live, he'd just fuck off and swim around the ocean.
Fuck. Is anybody interested in trading? I have The Witcher 3 and Black Ops 3 keys, but I want GTA V!
Yeah it was alright.
Just wait.
>Find Power to the People Machine
>Use it
>Turn around
>There is a plaster statue right behind you, where there was nothing before
I actually jumped, that entire level is spooky as shit and they did a fantastic job with it.
But, I will give you a tip that will take all of the dread out of the level. Use the bee plasmid, they'll automatically go and attack any splicers that are hiding as statues, and you can kill them without fear. Launch the bees before you go into a room.
Do you really want THIS in the ocean?
Most of them acting liking weeping angels and move only when not seen. But they tend to despawn if you leave the room. So just keep facing them while walking backwards until In a new room
It's pretty good, but I fucking hated holding the line and defending sisters against mobs of the exact same 5 splicer models
It had compelling characters. Sophia Lamb was a much better antagonist than either Ryan or Fontaine were, and the audio logs were more interesting as a result of the fascinating dynamic that she had with Ryan. The fact that Delta had a personal relationship with the villain and everyone he interacted also helped to make up for the otherwise weak plot.
>Sinclair sacrificed himself for you
nope thats asura.
Holy shit are you 5? You fucking pussy...
So what was behind the helmet Sup Forums? I heard he had a bushy moustache.
How new are you here?
gameplay wise I like it more than bioshock 1 and infinite
Only the bushiest for a gentleman of such testicular fortitude.
This, fuck Yahtzee and all the drones that parrot his shit opinions about this game.
You are not alone my friend
> Scout + anything
> Splicers in the next room
> Become invisible, sneak in there
> Use Plasmids to fuck with them
> Decoy makes them flip out, then just go back to what they were doing once it ends
> Hypnotize makes them kill each other
> Steal their stuff with Telekinesis
> Set one on fire and it panics and runs into the others
>Take them out quickly
>For I am a kind God
>Scientists find this thing swimming around, singing showtunes in 40 years.
Are you saying you don't?
You could actually use scout with natural camouflage and be invincible. Made the defend the little sister parts impossible to fail.
Makes sense. Lots of levels in BS2 where great and comfy
Fort Frolic was so comfy. Something about store levels always get me. Same with system shock 2. Or anything with a hud and paths that spring out from all directions.
Grossly overrated on Sup Forums specifically because it was underrated by reviewers.
>Overall better level design than 1.
Eh not really, it added more verticality to some levels which was nice but the levels overall felt smaller and more linear.
Post best plasmids.
Elizabeth was a complete rip off of BASED Eleanor.
She is best
Dident care to make sence of infinite but isn't Ryan and Jack alternate universes of booker and cumsock ?
Is delta and Eleanor alternate versions of booker and Elizabeth
>mfw the fucking makers of Gone Home were involved with Minerva's Den
In Gone Home, Porter became the equivalent of Shigeru Miyamoto
>Eleanor in the bad ending
Turning your daughter into a sociopathic killing machine was surprisingly satisfying
I thought I was in the minority for thinking Bioshock 2 was the best in the series while Bioshock 1 was still good and Infinite was a pile of shit.
That drill dash and made it so good.
Based Sinclair though.
Is it weird that Fontaine and Atlas looks a bit similar or is it just me?
I want to take the ears off
Fuck me it's been years since i saw that last.
Oi quit bein a loon that sounds like ryans propaganda
what a game
the very first model
>Levine goes back to rewrite history so that Delta didn't kill Suchong and Elizabeth figured out how to bond, not Suchong or Alexander
How salty can one developer be to retcon another studio's story
I like lamb and ryan both are just left and right politics gone awry
>Multiplayer is mostly dead
>Game has achievements for multiplayer
Never played 2. First was my GOAT fps on the 360. Thinking of getting the remastered series in a week. Dead Rising too. Sadly, there's nothing new coming out that's interesting at all.
stop bitching about Infinite, we get it, it's shit