Why do people hate sprinting in fps so much

why do people hate sprinting in fps so much

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>can't shoot or aim forward when sprinting

Sprinting in shooters = asking to be shot at

I hate the chicken with head cut off gameplay it promotes. That is also a problem with CoD style random spawning where you literally spawn within 5 feet from someone every time.

Like iron sights it's a way to make shitty players feel good about themselves for getting free kills any time they see an enemy before the enemy sees them. Hence it's only in the most casual of games, or milsims, and not a single game that's actually designed to be fun.

any fps that has a choice between walking or sprinting is a shit fps

I like sprinting in red orchestra. It's for mobility. You can't shoot because that'd be retarded and you can't run forever because it's supposed to be used to get somewhere and then reestablish yourself.

There's no reason it shouldn't be the de facto speed and also the best aiming state

>Soldier conditioned through years of training
>can only sprint 20 meters before feeling exhausted

Because bunnyhopping and strafejumping are cooler.

good for single player games, not so good for multiplayer because it's already hard enough to stop moving and aim without latency.

>You can't shoot because that'd be retarded
But that's bullshit. You most definitely would shoot whilst running if the situation required it. You keep your fucking gun pointed towards the enemy or he's going to shoot you where you're running and there's nothing you can do about it.

>can only sprint full-tilt 20 meters while carrying sixty pounds of kit
That's pretty good desu senpai.

Think about that. That's retarded.

It promotes austism instead of steady playing like real life scenarios

I want you to perform a little experiment. Put your fists up in a boxing stance, and go to a particularly long stretch of your house. Now, I want you to run as hard as you can while still holding your fists as still as possible. Come back and tell me how difficult it was.

If it's sprinting a la CoD, you can't strafe, you can't shoot, or do about anything while sprinting without having to stop, wait for the animation to play where you stop and then do the action.

In games with shit like bunnyhopping you can move fast while doing other actions too.

Lowers the skill ceiling and raises the skill floor by disabling the ability to shoot while moving at top speed. Better players aren't rewarded for mastering precision aim while moving at the fastest possible speed where aiming is most difficult.

Old games had a walk key because you always ran

New games have a run key because you always walk

This makes them slow as molasses
The means they need a shitty zoom blur effect to tell you your really fast now sanic
This stop you doing other more important shit, such as playing the game.

You should complain more about the fact that all anyone cares to play is deathmatch. and only in deathmatch is that problem compounded by the constant stream of chaos and sheer numbers of people involved.

No, it's shit. Anyone can sprint 200m, lugging around a fanny pack isn't an excuse for barely managing a tenth of that.

This is terrible bait. Would you like to try again?

As hard as it was in the FDF, you double-nigger. If you're assaulting enemy positions in CQB, you sure as fuck don't swing your gun around like they do in most FPS games.

You personally couldn't sprint 2 lugging nothing you armchair soldier fitness faggot.

200m is full sprint.

Because this is really annoying

>Actual Military

Don't you ever fucking post this picture again you fucking nu-male cuck piece of shit.

Not him but 200m isn't even a full lap around a track
I think trained soldiers can manage a little extra weight, especially if their lives depend on it.

I'm pretty sure I can do 21m, does that qualify me for specops or something in burger land?

Moving the goalposts there, sonny. Look at ~0:40. First guy at high ready, others at low. You keep your goddamn rifle aimed at the probable enemy direction or you fucking die as soon as he pops out to shoot at you.


Because you can't shoot.

Why not just increase the default player speed to sprinting speed? Get rid of aim-down-sights too while we're at it.

Maybe in the women's exam


Doom had a sprint key. And a lot of games had a setting for having run or walk be the default.

>take a shit game
>make sprint speed the default speed
>make the ADS accuracy the default accuracy
>double health and remove health regeneration
>Suddenly it's a much better game

>every game should be an arena shooter
Kill yourself, my man

Hes not wrong.

they arent even sprinting ffs, thats fast jogging at most

Makes arenafags mad.

run != sprint

which they dont have anymore

>the modern COD formula is good
you first lad.
I bet you even like persistent unlocks.

Still speed modifiers though

>if you don't like arena shooters you must like CoD

What's it like being autistic?

Because they probably hate sprinting in real life, as well.