What is the most Super Sentai out there outside of W101?

What is the most Super Sentai out there outside of W101?

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Viewtiful Joe

>tfw Sentai and Rider games are mostly trash

I've sever seen a franchise with more potential be squandered so horribly.

Just ain't fair, man.

Well, the next Kamen Rider is literally based off of video games so maybe we'll get a good game this time around.

Exaid looks fucking great, especially after the trash that was Ghost

Been enjoying Sentai but never touched any Rider. Which one would you say is the best to start with?

Double, Kabuto, or Ryuki are all good for it. Gaim too.

Well, it really depends on what sort of thing you want out of it.
But W is usually a pretty good starting point, Agito or Ryuki if you want to go for something a bit older.

My boy Masayoshi.

Kamen Rider Fourze. It's perfect.

Might try Ryuki. Have a fondness for older Sentai.

We're getting another All Rider Generation in December, which should be alright.

Kamen Rider isn't Sentai.

Ryuki is my personal favourite. It's about a Highlander-esque death game where all the riders have to kill each other for a wish. It's fucking great.

I know. I just have experience with Sentai which I tend to enjoy the older stuff. Thinking Rider has a bit of the fun classic stuff.

Fourze or OOO
W is god tier too.


Well, if you want to go for the really old stuff Stronger is a pretty good starting point.

chroma squad

How ready are you for the tatakae to return then?

I really had high hopes for chroma squad but the gameplay is just shit.

>mfw my favorite Sentai series will have a crossover soon.
Zyuohger has been pretty good so far, even Autistic Elephant has improved his acting.

Spoonfeed me on which Kamen Rider series I should watch pls



Amazon, Stronger, Agito, Ryuki, Blade, W, Fourze, Gaim or Drive.

Based on the way you type, you seem like the type of person who would enjoy Amazons

>after the trash that was Ghost
>an entire series of Kamen Rider went by without me even realizing it
Aw fuck am I no longer a fan?

>I got Anchor Arms and now I'm a jerk, and everyone loves me.


Only on episode 6 myself and it's been alright. Hoping it gets better soon and yeah The Elephant Man is too bland right now.

>not starting with the original Kamen Rider series

>Zyuohger gets its own game
>it's a fucking puzzle game

at least give us an All Rider-lite like Ninninger had

Most of the original series is completely unsubbed.

go to bed Goto

Well their morphers are rubix cubes.

Why is Sup Forums pro-Shocker?

>Sup Forums
This must be Golgom's doing.



It hurts

only semi-decent ones I've ever seen were climax heroes and battride war and both of those are just "it's okay if you're a fan of the series I guess"-tier

also OP I don't really have an answer for sentai (I'm sure somebody has or somebody will mention chroma squad but that game is boring shit) but if you want a good rider game ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman is the shit.

This and the Movie game were pretty good.

I've always wondered. Is Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger (What turned into Power Rangers) actually worth watching? Or is it not that great of a Sentai?

I saw the whole thing through. It's not great, but not bad. It really picks up when Burai shows up.

>Exaid looks fucking great

>Kamen Rider could be an awesome 3D beat em up like God Hand
>instead reduced to cheap dynasty warriors rip off

>no mentions of Chroma Squad
wtf guys

Haven't you read the plot outlines? We're getting another battlefight among other cool sounding shit.

Man, most wasted potential of any anime, am I right?

Why did they do it? Did all the writers get fired halfway through?

ignore all those answers except for wrong

I got you this image.

There's only subtitles for about half of the series.

If you watch the original, V3 is a required follow up.

Funny you say that when the original still isn't fully translated and subbed so you miss out on like half the series

nigga, Kamen Rider Atsume is a great game!

Would you join Shocker if it meant that you get to be a superpowered cyborg? What animal would you want to be mixed with?

Legend of Dragoon.

Then sub it faggot.

>Movie game

I thought the idea of having to build up energy by beating up puddies before you could morph was neat.

Fuck you, Samumenco was great from start to finish.

Also, it was kinda hilarious to find out Flamenco Ruby's VA was GokaiYellow.


If you were a kid, would you follow Shocker?

>Powerful Rangers

>go into super form in battride war
>insert song kicks in
>go ult
>show's theme plays

Which insert song does G3 get?

I dunno, honestly I was thinking of Take it a Try

Do you even henshin?

This is Akibaranger right and not actual sentai?

It's the current season.

That's Zyuohger, it's the current Sentai series.

>Genesis had no TV Sound Edition on Vita

Maybe next time.

No, it's the actual current Sentai, Zyuohger.

No, Ghost was just shit.

No TV/Sound version? Man the game is almost worthless without that shit.

Makoto and Onari are literally the only reasons I'm still watching Ghost.

Not Akari bitchslapping Igor?

I bought the Kamen Rider Battride War II without the TV/Movie soundtracks last year. I kind of regretted it because playing the game without the different series makes it harder to get into it.

I just got it and I've really been enjoying it anyways, but I imagine it'd definitely be more fun with it. It's probably not there just due to Vita cart size limits, can't go over 4GB.

Wizard is really fun to play as and it makes me want to watch his show even though I hear it's really boring.

I think the only real problem is that Adel is as entertaining as paper.
If villains with Freeze and Bano could save Drive, a better villain could have easily saved Ghost.

It is really boring

The only real highlights are the suit design and beasts antics but that's not enough to keep it going for 53 (fucking 53! that's the longest heisei rider series I think) episodes.

Adel is around the time the show went from alright to shit

those ganmeisers looking like him and showing all at once was too much for me

but episode 52 and 53 were alright episodes

>they didn't make Decade visiting during the final episode a Franchise standard.
Fuck this shit

I honestly liked the first ten episodes or so of Ghost more than the first ten or so episodes of Drive. But Drive eventually shifted into top gear while Ghost never really picked up for me in what I've seen. I need to catch up though. I got sidetracked sometime after Necrom eating takoyaki.

I hate Akari.
Bitch is annoying.


Still less annoying than Akiko

I'm starting to miss Hongo Takahashi as Kamen Rider at episode 28.

She's literally the Akiko of Ghost.

Given they need to come out while the series they are from is being aired they never have enough Dev time

Didn't Narutaki appear in ToQger? I wish he show up more in KR and Sentai shows.


That's a great shmup
but isn't that more of a Voltron game than a Sentai game?

Chroma Squad is literally Sentai SRPG.

Akiko was fine and i would take her over literally anyone in ghost because at the very least you can say she has a personality

i am hoping so badly that Ex-Aid is at least watchable

and in a perfectworld Ex-aid would be 500% RADICOOL at all times


early mecha era yea, i saw combining robots and figured it'd apply

In a perfect world Ex-Aid would embody every single thing about the 90's, including shit like Goosebumps and old Nickelodeon.


What was his deal? I watched Decade series and the 2010 movie, yet I still didn't get what was the point of him.

Who wins?