Is this game worth playing?

Is this game worth playing?

Best game in series

No. Every single game in this genre suffers from a terminal case of shit gameplay.


Yeah it's worth giving a go, I warn you though if you've played Diablo 2 or 3 you might find the game slow since there's no run button

Spooky atmosphere, great soundtrack.

best atmosphere out of all the diablo games

Yes, HD mod is pretty good as well. As says, it feels pretty slow without a run button and it lacks a lot of the bells and whistles off the later games and other games like Torchlight, but it still holds up pretty well.

fuck off retard

Best in sense of story, presentation and atmosphere.
Really, more of a survival horror game than the loot simulator the rest of the series became, though it lacks the refinements the later games made.

No it aged like nigger cum.

H-how do you know how nigger cum ages...?

Only if there's a way to make your character walk faster.

The only arpg I actually enjoyed.

I hold onto the opinion that Diablo 1 is the only good Diablo-like, Diablo 2 and its copycats are B O R I NG

Diablo has atmosphere, gear and spell choices that feel like they matter, a great setting and characters you actually remember, the gameplay isn't a piece of shit either.

Diablo series is almost identical to Terminator.
>1st game is pretty good and sets great groundwork for the series to follow. It's more subtle, less over-the-top, and more deliberate than the later entries. Might seem antiquated to some but it still stands well even if it's a different experience than the sequels.
>2nd game is high octane masterpiece and widely considered the best in the series. Some of the charm from the first game is lost, but it's replaced with rock solid gameplay that stands even today, years later.
>3rd game tries to improve on the formula of the second over a decade later but falls short by a wide margin.

Post yfw you heard fresh meat for first time

The big problem with it is that you can only walk around slowly and can't run.

Alien is a good comparison too I think but that's because I like the first installments better.

Dark souls are better 2bh.

aaah fresh beef

It is a good game but it's not timeless. It's not as great as it once was. But it does have vidya magic and anyone interested should play it.

>tfw liked what little diablo 1 I played on the PS1 compared to what little diablo 2 I played on PC

Wasn't really into the whole 'adventure this dark, grassy field' -thing.

Eh, not like I played either that long. But I had great short-lived time with a friend as we co-oped d1 in front of an old CRT tv. Even if we kept getting annoyed with someone trying to pick up loot vs how the camera worked.
Porting it to PS1 was a neat idea. PS3 and 4 now have III but PS2 had nothing. Makes me think there could as well have been another game like it during the 6th generation.
Could have been cool.

Fuck yeah, newly-picked flesh!

I had Infravision cast first time

>3rd game tries to improve on the formula of the second over a decade later but falls short by a wide margin.
>tries to improve on the formula

I didn't say they tried hard user.

20 years ago maybe

Because I am one.

It is the only game of its kind that is worth playing.

With Diablo 2 they traded off tension and atmosphere for infinitely respawning levels and that delicious GRIND FOR HIGHER NUMBERS. Fuck that, fuck all of that.

Oh come on, Diablo 2 is great too for different reasons. Still, the atmosphere and aesthetics of Diablo 1 are just in a league of their own. There was nothing but pure despair packed into that shit lol

OPs picture is Kil'Jaeden

Wait a sec-
>Diablo will be 20 years old in Dec

Get the HD mod

Adds back all the cut content & the game looks beautiful at high res