Fact: healer is the most difficult class to play

Fact: healer is the most difficult class to play


A Healer is mechanically identical to DPS but with a larger margin for error because they're in less immediate danger.

Just post the real image so we can wrap this up early and go home.

fuck off, faggot

Fact: healer should not be a class

that was tried and failed miserably

that's a nice objective fact you got there, OP.
>tank only ever has to worry about positioning
>DPS has to cycle through hitting buttons in order and keep their positioning in check
>healer needs juggle targets constantly, use the right buttons at the right times based on judging the situation and not just following a rotation/flowchart, and needs to keep their positioning in check

TLDR: in order of least skill to most; Tank

Welcome to every Diablo clone.

You know you want to post "THAT"

A dps want to max output at all times. A adjust his output according to the rate of incoming damage to maximize his ressource usage. Ressource for a dps is purely for his rotation, ressource for a healer is long term planning to not be on fumes at 50% of the boss hp.

Cataclysm launch was the best healing model WoW had. Fite me.

We do have healers now actually. And the image sort of fits with the raid healer experience.

Someone post the original

XIV got it right, instead of getting rid of healers completely they just made them support dps classes that still need to heal to ride out tank busters and heavy damage phases.

Also has built in playstyle progression because the more you outgear whatever content you're fighting the less you need to heal and the more you can dps.

Melee DPS > Healer > Tank > ranged DPS

Healer is fucking easy in most games.

>wahh I wanna ERP during low damage phases
You been trained to be the bitch in Warcraft, you can be retrained to be a badass in a group.

Tell that to druids 17 years ago with a paladin tank in everquest.

Healer here, no it isn't.

DPS is truly the patrician role of the trinity since it has no performance ceiling, more is always better. Your job as a tank and healer on the other hand ends the moment it's no longer conceivably possible for you to die.

Which is why I like xiv, it puts dps on top of the totem pole where they belong. Tanks are just support dps that hold targets in place, and healers are just support dps that throw out token amounts of healing at the right time. All this to make sure the REAL dps classes don't have their fun interrupted.

I played healers in MMOs because I find tanking and DPS to be boring. But that said, I also find the trinity system and WoW clones boring as well. So I stopped playing MMOs as a whole.

Well, you enjoy your 30-160+ minute wait while us plebians get instant-5 minute queues

Okay fine, I'll give you that. Healers NOWADAYS are fucking easy.

>play as healer
>decide to just talk to group members instead of doing my job
>they blame each other instead of poor little me :(
>they keep giving me first chance to take loot
>or just gift me items/money

Being a healer is great.