How many hours on the same part is too many before it's time to give up Sup Forums? Do you give up or keep going?

How many hours on the same part is too many before it's time to give up Sup Forums? Do you give up or keep going?

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If you get stuck on something in a game, its usually best to take a break from it if you're not making any progress after an hour or so. If you keep trying over and over, you start to make more and more mistakes, which leads to more frustration.

So just sleep on it and try again some other time.

Anything more than an hour in 1 section is just overkill.

Let him win. Don't you wanna make America great again?

Let me guess, you haven't been using the dodge offset move?

Just an hour is enough for you?
I don't like taking breaks because it sort of takes me out of the swing of things, but honestly that's probably a pretty good point.

Oh I've been using it. The first 100℅ isn't a big issue, it's after that when he takes my health bar away in 3 attacks. I only have 2 repair nanopastes. I think you get more if you bust open the wreckages he throws at you, but I find that literally impossible to do so I slide under them instead.

I've been here for hours desu, was wondering what habits other anons have when they face difficulty. I'm pretty intent on sticking with it most of the time

This fight was the only fight I used the White Armor simply because I had no nanopaste.

>I think you get more if you bust open the wreckages he throws at you, but I find that literally impossible to do so I slide under them instead.
Learn how to do it. You get shit ton of health while doing some damage to him.

If I get stuck on a part for too long I might just quit the game. Depend on how far into the game I am.
If it is the final boss I will keep going most likely

I remember this guy being a bitch. I also only played it on normal which was kind of sad.

If any of you played Uncharted 4 on crushing( first playthrough, NO CHEATS). There is this part in this pirate ship graveyard("gotta find a way to the beach") that was so fucking hard. It must of took me like 3-4 hours at least just to pass that section.

I literally can't. My analogue sticks don't stay centred sometimes which leads to a massive pain. Considering they're 1 hit kills, it's not worth the risk.
They're not that bad, it just seems like this needs precision they can't give reliably. The few times they have been fine it honestly has seemed beyond me anyway. If I want to practice I have to knock 40℅ off his health first which isn't that small of a feat

I've managed to get him to 26℅ total health before too ;_;

Do you ever lower the difficulty?

It never feels right to me. No matter how much I'm struggling

I fucking hate when a game asks if you want to lower difficulty and its not even on a fighting section. This shit happened to me on one of the god of wars with the spinning spikes thing.

Is it actually difficult or are the enemies just bullet sponges
They felt that way in the first 3 to me as I was playing through

wut this is one of easier bosses since you can cheese it with blade mode, especially on the hardest difficulty.

I beat him on the 3rd try
Git gud scrub

took me like an hour and half because that boulder cut was really annoying to figure out the controls on PC

First time playing I'm pretty sure I didn't realise you could stop him regenerating his health. That alone probably kept me there far longer than I should have been desu

I just did it

We don't all play on easy user