What were they thinking

What were they thinking

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>let's give the best legendary in the series a cool mega form
that's what

Best mega imo

>best legendary in the series

But Ho-Oh doesn't have a mega.

But it's broken

Notice how GF discovered that pokemon has metagames a few years ago? They probably made this for shits and giggles.

>He uses legendaries

I legit don't know. This bastard is over gen 1 mewtwo levels of fuckery.
>can mega evolve without holding item
>doesn't count as a mega evolution
>ability makes sure his one hard counter is worthless
>additionally, ability cancels and blocks all weather change on top of this
>those fucking stats

Only the qts

>Let's make the strongest Pokemon in the game an immense sky serpent who swallowed a meteorite from outer space and ascended to an even more powerful form

It still counts as a mega, you can't have more megas in the team (though you can have both primals).

You're right on the rest though

It's a legendary. Who fucking cares?

>the strongest Pokemon in the game

Asian culture really likes Dragons. I mean come on, they made an entire type for these creatures. Even more so the Shenlong-type dragons, and Rayquaza is one of them. When you think about it like that, why not make him super strong?

By best he means strongest. Rayquaza was already ridiculous, Mega-Rayquaza is banned from Ubers, aka the ban list.

>What were they thinking
Zone of the Enders..?

I don't see it.

Rayquaza wasn't the strongest though. Arceus was always the strongest legendary in the game prior to Gen 6, in which Xerneas replaced him as the best non-mega legendary. Even outside of Arceus, plenty of other Ubers were better like Kyogre and Mewtwo.

Rayquaza has still been an incredibly popular Pokemon to use in Ubers, however.

I'm still mad about what they did to my man Gyarados. Inexcusable. Unforgivable. Disgusting.

>mfw my favorite legendary got ruined

ORAS was a mistake prove me wrong faggots protip you can't

>We want the digimon audience

Mewtwofags need not apply.

Lucky you, he's not very good so you never have to worry about seeing him ever unless you for some reason want to replay X/Y.

I didn't like it at first but now I'm okay with Mega Shrimp.

Megas hold nothing to what they they did to my main nigga Rhydon

You what nigger

He's higher tiered than regular Gyarados

The strongest Uber in the game until Gen 6 was always Arceus.

>Dude, what if we do FFVII, but pokemon!?

did what?
Make it even better with Eviolite?

Mega fug isn't even that good

He's on the same level as mega alakazam or mega pidgeot.
How many times have you seen them? I completely forgot mega pidgeot existed until I looked up where Gyarados was. And no shit a mega is going to be stronger than the non-mega form. If it bothers you that much then don't use it.

Haven't played Omega or Alpha

What is so broken about him again?


>VGC rules that Primals don't count as Megas
>can have 2 Legends per team now
yeah, it's basically they are well aware and doing it to fuck with everyone

every battle in 2016 was a mirror match

>And no shit a mega is going to be stronger than the non-mega form
>what is garchomp
>what is latios

>giant serpent monster is more powerful than God himself

All is right with the world.

"lets make one of the most popular legendaries in the game absolutely fucking bonkers"

they've had worlds for over ten years

>10/10 creature whose powers align with creation
>is only strong as a side effect of this
>8/10 creature whose powers align with combat
>is better than the first in a trial of combat
Makes perfect sense to me.

>Ability that neutralizes all weather and types super effective to Flying
>doesn't need a Mega Stone, only has to know Flying type Close Combat
>can hold an item along with being Mega
>+100 stats for a good 780 BST
It's that little shit that uses nothing but legendaries' wet dream.

>llamagod being 10/10

>Darkrai is banned because of how you need to get one
>but Dark Void on Smeargle isn't despite having to go through the same loophoples to get it
cool meta

Both of them are the same level though. If I was to guess the reason why being that you wouldn't use your mega on a lati or garchomp when you could get it on a kangaskhan.

>Mega Pidgeot

Holy fuck, I didn't even know
What a handsome bird

You can also get it if an opponent uses Metronome and shits it out, no?

I wasn't talking about its design, I was talking about its "lore strength". Palkia, Dialga and Giratina are the 9/10s. Other 8/10s include the three xyz legendaries and mewtwo.
Strongest thing besides creation Arceus ever did was make the alternate future a reality after it fell apart and stabilised the entire dimension, in explorers of sky.

It's Pokemon. When the fuck have they ever actually cared about balance?

>it gets a Z move alongside mega

Just because you forget those megas exist doesn't mean they're bad.

Mega Pidgeot is pretty viable as well as Mega Gyarados.

Also, Garchomp's mega is worse than the normal version.

I'll fucking gut you

Creating its own reality? That sounds like creation to me, though.

It's not its own reality.
It's a future in which darkrai won and corrupted dialga, which was then corrected in the past and thus became impossible to exist, which arceus then stabilised as an alternate reality that takes place in the future.

Fuck megas and legendaries the real problem with
>Competetive pokemon
Is shit like GBA where one fucking match in a game so heavily dependent on RNG is all that matters. Wherein other games you have like best out of 20 and there is no RNG involved at

it's a great design, one of the few megas they didn't fuck up

ORAS megas in general were better designed than XY's.

>it's a great design because it's the exact same thing
lel, nostalgiafags

And yet the endless coils of Mega Fug decide their own fate. The power to control reality itself is apparently worth nothing before the all-consuming dragon deity.


Not as broken as Primal Groudon.

It's just nice is all, user.

Just fucking why.

He really grew on me. He's just a big beefy roid rage gyarados and I think that's pretty cool

No, not as broken, more broken.

Non shit megas design wise
Yeah the best megas are the more """"""subtle"""""" ones

I still dont understand why it isnt water/dragon



"Fuck Singles."

atleast if it was dragon close combat, fairys can prevent the mega evolution from happening. very few mons want to walk into 120 flying base stab move.

>no Mega Fug picture
For shame

even with arceus they made sure he didn't excel at anything, where giratina had strictly better defense stats, kyogre was still the king of ubers overall, etc.

but here they made an "obviously best pokemon in the game" which is hilarious, we're going back to gen 1 levels of balance

I think it's because people think of how it's fucking pissed, destructive and "holy shit it's destroying the entire city" before they think oh it's a dragon. Kind of like how Tyranitar is dark type. Seriously though all the Pokedex talks about is how FUCKING PISSED the damn thing is.

That's just my justification anyways.

It only has to know the move user. It can still Mega Evolve regardless. Rayquaza just sacrifices a move slot for an item slot.

>only needs to know the move
mega fuq

poor durama ape. he dreams of his other form being locked behind a move rather than being half dead as a activation

I wouldn't consider it a sacrificed move slot considering it's 120 attack and 100% accuracy.

Darmanitan has different problems. It doesn't make sense that it becomes slower upon activation. How the fuck is it supposed to survive from half health? And turning back from Zen-mode is counter-intuitive.

Oh and while we're on those abilities, at least a third of new revealed abilities in Gen 7 so far rely on HP at 50%. I wonder what gives.

I know. It's "sacrificed". Rayquaza still needs the move to Mega Evolve regardless of if you want it or not. Maybe someone really wants to use Fly over it for some reason.

It's why I always carry an Imposter Ditto on my team. Ditto completely sweeping shitters that use broken shit is always hilarious.

Japanese children like power creep.
Or are you forgetting that these games are made primarily for children?

How? The body is fully connected

Do you think its possible for GF to outdo M-Rayquaza?

Mega Arceus

He's not talking about a shitty gold Moltres

Yes. There's a higher level of powercreep fuckery we've yet to see, count on it.

This stuff wouldn't be so bad as long as they left it out of the VGC ruleset. It's no fun when every team is built around Xerneas/Groudon or Kyogre/Rayquaza.

Mega forme complete, good job Bob from accounting!