How do I force myself to beat this game? Why is this game boring me to death...

How do I force myself to beat this game? Why is this game boring me to death? I just finished beating the crystals + Exdeath and acquired Krile.

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And before someone bashes on me for not enjoying it, I have nothing against this game. It's just... not clicking with me.

The most relevant question imo is how old are you? I grew up on VI and V is pretty damn good to me but I'd get why it doesn't click if you didn't develop a taste for 2d rpgs throughout childhood

I turned 18 a few months ago. Played I, II, III, and IV (all on PSP) when I was 17.


tfw bought ff 5 and 6 in a boxset and only 5 works but so far the game is had funny moments and is good for what year it came out in

is this a really long game btw?

>forcing yourself to play a game you're not enjoying

I'm playing the FF games in chronological order. I've beaten I, II, III, and IV so far. I just want to move onto VI...

The games boring to you because you use words like acquire when you're talking about people user.

What other word would you have used, then?

Hmmm i would have worded the sentence completely differently i think lol

Not sure what is wrong with you or your playthrough, FFV is fucking great. You are either using guides for everything (ruining your whole experience) or you just don't like the job system (the main feature of the game).

Should I spoiler?
Three worlds in the game (third one is world 1 and 2 combined with new locations).

If it's not clicking with you by that point then consider dropping it and moving onto 6.
Or if you're really adamant about finishing the game you're about 3/4 done.

Yeah, I'm using a guide. What does that have to do with anything though?

Name another good game you didn't enjoy OP so we can get a sense of your taste in games, also nane your three favorite games

From the FF series, or games in general?

You liked the previous titles and not V?

Yeah I'm pretty adamant about beating the damn thing. Really, 3/4 done already? I thought I was only halfway there.

I enjoyed I and II. IV was mediocre, not sure why everyone loves it so much. Absolutely hated III though.

>chronological order
They literally aren't connected story or even world wise.
I sincerely hope you meant release order and simply fucked up because English isn't your native language or something.

The only FF games that are CHRONOLOGICALLY CONNECTED are FF4 and FF4 The After Years, then you've got the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7 stuff which encompasses Final Fantasy 7, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Last Order, Advent Children and finally Dirge of Cerberus.
Then another ones that are tied are Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2.
Then there's Lightning Trilogy aka FF13, FF13-2 and Lightning Returns.

And finally you've got the Ivalice games which are FF Tactics, FF Tactics A2, FF12, Revenant Wings and Vagrant Story.
FF Tactics Advance is a separate thing that takes place in a dream version of Ivalice and not the real Ivalice like the games above.

Ja, English is not my first language. Thanks for clarifying.

He's lying with the 3/4 thing.
You are indeed at about halfway point, though it can be shorter if you skip extra side content and just rush with main story.

I don't get why you don't like FF5 because it has a really chill atmosphere, a laid back protagonist that's not your generic tryhard hero, an unconventional enemy (a literal tree) and most importantly the amazing Job system which does everything 3 did but much better.

Generally FF5 as a whole is pretty much FF3 but better.

Thing is, I hated III.

Why the fuck do you hate them? Do you have some innate problem with the Job system? Job system is what makes FF unique, heck Dragon Quest even ripped it off later on but in a simplified and dumbed down way.

so I'm not the only one who enjoyed II over III

>Absolutely hated III though.
Which version did you play? I played the DS version around when it came out, I was pretty young and it was awesome, though I dropped it when I got to that final boss marathon area. That was ridiculous and if that's your reason for disliking the game as a whole I'd say that's reasonable.

play 4 and 6, both are better than 5.


I hated how long it took to level up your job levels. The last dungeon was pretty tough, I will admit. Also, I played it on the PSP.

Wanna know a secret? You can get ridiculous amounts of JP per battle if you guard for as many turns as possible before ending the battle

Thanks. I'll probably never play III again though.

Also, how do I finish V and enjoy it? Most battles give you like 2-5 AP. Know any good places to farm exp?

Just cheat yourself max stats if you want to rush through it so much.

I'm playing on a real GBA

>playing on a platform with shit sound and shit screen
>playing the GBA version with butchered music without at least using the music unfuck patch for emulation

>not using emulator


I could even fucking give you prepatched rom with restored proper colors, original music and censorship removed.

Should I just restart completely on an Emulator, then? How do I get the sound fix?

Yes, please. You got one for FFV as well?

Restarting this far into the game is pointless so just finish FF5 as is and just check the original SNES soundtrack on youtube instead after finishing the game, the GBA version really raped the music hard.

But FF6 on GBA while having much better translation and great extra content, got hit with some censorship to comply with new Japan laws, had color palette all fucked up to make up for GBA's shitty screen and music butchered since GBA wasn't powerful enough to handle the original music.

Keep the thread bumped, I need to take a shit but once I'm back I'll prepatch FF6 rom for you and post it here.
I can throw in the emulator as well if you aren't tech savy.

finish 5 before you start 6 because you most likely won't play 5 ever again if you start over

Shit... Is there any way to transfer my save from the real gameboy to an emulator? Also I heard you can fast forward in emulators, so it shouldn't take too long to catch up... Right?

Do you have some kind of autism?

You can search for a savefile online and hope that it is on the spot you are on
It's very unlikely tho

>Also I heard you can fast forward in emulators
You'll still be there for a good while even on fast forward

>this whole thread

This is why I hate five faggots. Say what you want about the other games in the series, but even eightfags aren't as shitty as you guys are.

What is it about FF5 that makes its fans such assholes?

Can you elaborate why fivefaggots are assholes? No one in this thread is being a douche about it

Even with fast forward it would take you forever, also I'm back from taking a shit so I'm gonna make the FF6 prepatched rom for you now.

Just keep playing FF5 as is user, GBA version's only problem for FF5 is the music, it's not as extensively plagued as FF6 was.
You can listen to the original SNES OST here so you can hear what you missed out on:

Are you not playing the game correctly? I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy it.

How do you even play this game correctly? You just kill shit and progress.

There's a job system man. Have fun with it.

>No one in this thread is being a douche about it
You sure?

>I don't get why you don't like FF5
I ain't even that other user but FF5 fags nearly always come off as condescending and pretentious and then go on about how it is "objectively" the best game

Nobody in the fucking thread said it's objectively best.
But it is objectively better than 3, for example and is one of the better FF games, certainly better than 2 or 8.

It's just a fun game nigger. The only really pretentious ones are FF6 and FF9 fags.

>"I don't like FFV for some reason I don't get"
>"well, I don't get why you don't like it, have you tried [etc]"

I could see someone not liking some of the monster designs. Also most of the overworld tile was just lifted from FF4.

Are you done taking a poo? Can you make one for FFV as well?

Read the thread, I'm already back and just finishing patching it actually, there's an array of patches that need to be applied hence why it takes a while.

>Also most of the overworld tile was just lifted from FF4.
But that's a literal fucking lie.

It hasn't happened in this thread yet but if you have ever been in any other FF threads FF5fags usually throw that word around as if it was nothing

lel, Are you flustered, user?
You should turn that into an mspaint comic, that will get the point across better

How many patches are there?

Border cross, fixes RNG
Color patch, fixes color
General violence, fixes censorship
Siren patch, fixes monster censorship
Sound restoration, fixes music
Font patch, makes the font nicer and more readable

Ok user, here you go.

FF6 GBA prepatched with all fixes and with mGBA emulator included:

You can make one yourself for FF5 since it's just music.
Grab FF5 Advance EU rom (make sure it's EU version, US had few leftover bugs that were fixed in EU release) from Emuparadise and then patch it with the music patch from Romhacking.

Can you elaborate on the bugs?

Thanks so much wonderful user! If my 24 year old sister wasn't married, I would have introduced her to you! Thank you very much!

>Can you elaborate on the bugs?
Typos in the script, RNG not working as intended, a few misaligned tiles, nothing serious outside of RNG which only refreshes upon entering/leaving location, making it a serious issue.

Honest to fucking god, I wouldn't count on Sup Forums to tell me why a game is good. They will literally just say:
>better combat
>better story
>better depth
>better atmosphere
>better difficult

Without even describing what the fuck those things mean in the context of anything. Or they'll just post a "tier list"

>He's lying with the 3/4 thing
Nah, he doesn't have much to go.
Though to be fair it has been a while but I kinda remember the game not being that much more after that point.

I dropped it because the job system was awful but it's a fun game

Job system is better than FF2 because you don't have to arbitrarily keep murdering your own characters with eachother to skill up their everything including HP, instead you pick a Job and it automatically levels up after X amount of experience from battles.

Better story than FF1 since it actually has a story while FF1 had literally none outside of initial Garland kidnapping the princess, you killing him and then killing 4 evil fiends only to learn that you need to go into the past to stop the cycle of evil where the whole Garland was Chaos the whole time plot twist comes, the end.
Better than FF2 because the story is original rather than a blatant fucking ripoff of Star Wars Original Trilogy
Better depth again due to Job system which is far more fleshed out than it was in FF1 or FF3, and naturally trumping FF2's laughable leveling and FF4's complete lack of choice and variety since everything in FF4 was linear and predetermined including all stats and abilities.
I wouldn't say FF5 has better atmosphere since that's subjective but it's the first one to have a more laid back protagonist and cast despite stakes still being serious.

Difficulty in FF5 spikes around the time you reach the desert and you can't just mash attack to win, so definitely harder than all FF4 versions outside of the DS remake (and its ports), FF3 was balls to the wall though (at least DS, never play NES version), difficulty wise it's about on par with FF1 I'd say.

Happy now faggot?

He does, he's literally barely at the start of World 2.
He needs to go through all of World 2 and all of World 3 and then all of the final dungeon.
He is nowhere near 3/4.

What the fuck are you talking about? I literally just beat Exdeath with Galuf in the forest of Moore. Fuck you and die.

>He does, he's literally barely at the start of World 2.
That's not the beginning or World 2 tho.
He's well into World 2 at that point with just a li'l bit left then World 3.
If anything he's a bit more than half done.

>Fuck you and die.
So this is how you repay me for kindness with the FF6 rom?
Okay, be like that and get cancer and die while at it.

I'll get memed on for this but you should maybe consider playing VII. It got me into the series in a serious way and now I'm jumping back and forth between the GBA version of I and the SNES version of VI and also shitposting in XV threads.

Oh shit, that was you? My bad. Sorry.

Too late.

He'll get to it eventually, no need to hurry

Why the fuck would you play GBA and not the PSP version of FF1?
PSP one is literally the same thing but with better, higher resolution sprites and much higher quality audio.
And why play SNES version of 6 when it has absolutely abysmal americanization in place of translation, couldn't even be arsed to do minimal code work to implement VWF (variable width font) to not have to cut item and spell names length and doesn't have any of the extra content of GBA version.

Side note: Is VII generally considered one of the easier FF games? I played it and finished it and I didn't game over once, but in VI I'm getting party wiped every ten minutes almost. not complaining and I am gitting gud but I just noticed how much easier VII was in retrospect

Well I don't have a PSP and emulating the GBA is more reliable and a rom takes up less space than a .ciso or whatever. And as for VI I just wanted to play the semi-original version with all the little son of a submariner kind of stuff. I guess I wanted an authentic "little American kid sitting in front of his TV on Saturday morning in 1994" feeling.

Can you patch FFV for me? I'll send you $5 on paypal. I beg for your forgiveness.

Was this the most anime FF game?

>Almost then later all female party with sister princess, pirate, and Loli
>Hot blooded Rival
>Cosplay costume system

>and emulating the GBA is more reliable
That's objectively wrong though.
PPSSPP has been emulating FF games perfectly for years. In fact FF1 and FF2 were one of the first games to reach perfect status on PPSSPP.

Technically all 3 are princesses.
Also reminder it was anime before anime harem trope actually became a thing (aka after Evangelion).

Nigger I don't want your 5 bucks, how hard is following the instructions I give you? You need the rom, the patch and Lunar IPS to patch the rom with.
You literally just download the rom, download Lunar IPS, download the patch, run Lunar IPS, select the patch and point to the rom and press Apply.
That's it.

Not even. That honor goes to FFX.

>but in VI I'm getting party wiped every ten minutes almost
That's funny because if you ask me FF6 is by far the easiest FF game out there.
7 isn't hard but I still found it harder than 6
To be honest the only FF games I found to be challenging were 3 and 4 DS, a couple of spots in 10 and the Wii version of FF4:TAY

FF10 and FF13 are easier. But yeah those are the only two ones easier than FF7.

Dude it was so anime that there was even an OVA based on the story.

Not really, it's a spiritual sequel that takes place 200 years later.
Being based on the original story would mean it's an adaptation, and it's not.

Link to the patch?

Already posted in this thread you lazy fuck

lol thx

Nah I already know that just being half serious but okay.

OP here. Just transferred my save from the GBA cartridge to my computer using an R4 + Ds Lite.

Sweet, now I get to fast forward!

Don't forget to apply the music patch to the rom if you went through the effort of transferring the save.

Is this website legit for patched roms?

Also, do you use a controller when play on an emulator? One thing I already miss are the buttons from the GBA.





Ok, ok. Calm down, man. Also, I noticed you patched the EUROPE version of FFVI Advance? Why did you pick the EUROPE version?

I like V but one thing I didn't enjoy was grinding to master all of the jobs.

I feel like I've seen this thread like 8 times over the course of the last week and a half. Are you just constantly remaking this thread man?

Just move on already if you're not having fun. I love FFV, but, if you're not having fun I'm not going to beat it over your head about how to "have fun" with it. Just enjoy another game man.





Nice projection, haha.

using a guide kills the experience. i used to do it too but eventually i realized that i need to play them cold.

When did you stop using a guide? What FF games did you use guides for?

Yeah, sorry 'bout that.