Yes nintendo, just what I wanted, yet another 2D platformer! I had so much fun with New Super Mario Bros...

Yes nintendo, just what I wanted, yet another 2D platformer! I had so much fun with New Super Mario Bros, NEW Super MArio Bros 2, Yoshi's NEW Island, NEW Donkey Kong Returns 3DS, Kirby NEW Super Star Ultra, Chibi Robo NEW Zip Lash and LoZ a NEW link between worlds.

Also, thanks for remaking everything in 2D platformers except for the only one that could benefit from a game like that such as Metroid.

I'llplay them all on my NEW 3ds

Other urls found in this thread:

NSMB2 is the only actually bad NSMB game.

DKCR is a port. Super Star Ultra and ALBW were great.

Zip Lash is unrelated to any previous iteration of Chibi Robo.

You are a faggot.

Have a (You), my salty friend.

>Link Between Worlds

>These reasons justify shitty games.

Fun fact, Nintendo uses "New" all the time because it sounds foreign to the Japanese.

But you didn't list shitty games. You're just being a faggot.

Ignoring the OP post why the fuck does Nintendo like slamming "NEW!" on a lot of their titles now? Having the word "New" as if it's anything special doesn't really do much, especially if it's like NSMB and barely much is changed when compared to the previous entry.

Is this true? I literally was just about to post what I typed above right before you posted.

DKCR and ALBW were great. NSMB2 was good enough, imo (it came for free with my system so I can't complain).

>a genre is bad because it's
This is tragically sad that you actually believe to belong there, or in the hobby at all.

Japanese love anglicisms. It's true.

Kirby Super Star Ultra and the original NSMB came out eight years ago, and A Link Between Worlds was a sequel to a twenty-year old game. I also loved all of them except DKCR and Yoshi's New Island. Yes, even NSMB2.

It's more the Japanese just love the word new.
No fucking clue why

>In Japanese, "new" is exotic and sounds cool. That is the exact reason why "new" is on so many titles."

How can you love NSMB2 but NOT DKCR? Cuck off

Well that seems boring to me, at the very least when localizing it they could change the name to something more interesting for outsiders.

I meant Triple whatever Deluxe, sorry.

It is more sad that you apologize lazy developers who love to reskin older games using the same engines.

Triple Deluxe is awesome too. Personally I love platformers. I couldn't be happier with the 3DS.

>I played a lot of games so you aren't allowed to play them!
Yeah, right. I clocked 1000 hours in CS, clearly first person shooters should be illegal now.

>and LoZ a NEW link between worlds.

It's called "A Link Between Worlds." It has no "New" in the name, and it's not a 2D platformer.

What a retard.

apologize to who? You are the one crying like a bitch and you haven't given a reason that isn't "I don't want people to enjoy games because I played some unrelated games last month".
You are a faggot, kill yourself, end of the discussion.

Fucking nintendo defense force, this is my thread, you don't end discussions.

B-but user, 2D platformer is what Nintendo retro fans like r-ight? Here, please buy our new retro console with NES games you probably played dozens of times, a-and please buy our retro Zelda amiibos , oh remember poochy , he is back, so retro right?

I fucking hate this dogshit company and their idiotic fans, hopw you enjoy your new hambeast jewel shekelords as your new masters, oh wait , Reggie is so funny a ha ha ha so much memes MY BODY IS READY

>Nintendrones will defend this company no matter what

yes I mad as fuck

Why does Nintendo only care about the japanese?

But then they expect the rest of the world to keep them afloat so they dont go bankrupt..

The only one of those games that wasn't so good was Chibi Robo. I'm not expecting much from Pikmin.

I'll bite.

Just because you don't like a type of game doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. Wow, hard.

>Zip Lash
I'm still mad about how bad it was and how they'll never make a new Chibi Robo like the first game
at least I have the amiibo

Just because you guys like one type of game doesnt mean that every nintendo IP should get their own 2D platformer.

>Chibi robo
Oh boy the first game was so great yet underrated, what should we do, I know, make it a platformer for the 3DS

Pikmin games are always good but it doesn't sell well, I wonder if it is because of lack of advertisement or maybe it is only on the wrong console... I KNOW, make a fucking shitty platformer spinoff , that would do

Let's make another 2D Platformer like the world acclaimed Super know what that's a stupid idea, better make a shitty coop spinoff 3D game nobody asked for

Holy shit, Who is making all these bad decisions? It's so fucked up It's not even funny anymore Well actually yes unless you are a Nintenyearsold

>can "localize" text of any game to include all the DANKEST MEMES LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE ON FACEBOOK instead of providing a good translation

>can't fucking remove NEW from the names of their products even though they sound like bullshit to westerners

>how dare this company put a small team to do a small crossover to get some extra money and make the saga more accesible so people get to know it before the next big title releases

>Adorbs is now a meme cause some triggered fag on Sup Forums said so

fuck, I meant spinoff, not crossover

please leave reasonable poster, this is a triggered safespace

>make the saga more accesible so people get to know it before the next big title releases
>before the next big title releases
>big title releases

elaborate an example of that on the recent 3 years

>your response
>calling someone else triggered


Since when is "adorbs" an internet meme?

You know how there's lots and lots of Japanese games with Shin in the title?
That's the Jap word for new.
It's not just Nintendo.
11's just love calling reboots New so and so.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and X. Most of the big guns have been working in secret on NX shit for a while, outside Good Feel with Woolly World and IS working on Fates.

The PC version of Pikmin is the best one.

Thats not what you meant, all those games you mentioned were made by different studios, an example for what mean is to make a star fox spinoff game before the release of Zero , which never happened.

Metroid Force Federation MIGHT be an example of that assuming a new big Metroid game is on its way but the issue here is that fans want from a long time and I mean a fucking long time a real Metroid game , 2D or 3D , but instead Nintendo is making a 2D Pikmin game for reasons we still don't know