
When will Nintendo stop their reign on free fanmade content?

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who gives a shit

there's like 4 fanmade games ever worth playing

If the games in question are being sold, as some of those 500+ are, then its perfectly acceptable.

But tossing out DMCAs on free fangames is pure faggotry. You may as well DMCA people for drawing fanart.

I'm sure that's coming.

Its there company they can do what they want with it.

when people stop stealing copyrighted contend to make "their" game.
It's espeically stupid because most of those games don't even pretend to be original, and use the names and logos of the original. This is a legal suicide. fair use doesn't apply to trademarks.

Literally who cares.

What fanmade stuff are we going to make out of then? PlayStation games? How would that even work?

>DMCA people for drawing fanart
theyve already been doing that actually

>You may as well DMCA people for drawing fanart.
They did that already, lots of tumblr artists got nailed with DMCA takedowns of their pages

>source: my ass

That's because they were getting those Patreonbux in exchange for their fanart. So in a sense, they were selling fanart.

How does gaming copy right work? Could someone just recreate the first mario game with code written by them along with entirely new assets and release it?

and when I mean recreate, I mean literally same enemy placements/layouts and everything. only thing different is textures and sound.

It's ok when nintendo does it.

Source faggots

Only faggots go on tumblr

Time to start educating fangame authors on OPSEC practices and how to evade DMCAs then.

>create completely new identities for your fangame that are completely disassociated with any of your other online handles (new accounts for everything)

>never use your home internet or wifi to discuss or promote project, public wifi or unsecured internet only and never discuss the project without the identity you created just for it

>thoroughly vet any other people working on the project to avoid infiltration by legal teams/hired PIs (yes, they will hire PIs if they cannot suss out who you are the normal way)

>ensure team members also follow above practices to ensure they are not the weak link in the chain

>do not announce release until it's uploaded and out in the wild for people to download

Oh hey, Sup Forums is defending Nintendo fangames. Can we get some Mother 4 threads now?

It's quite literally okay when anyone does it

Yeah bro true real men go on Sup Forums most masculine redpilled place on the internet

always happy to see this kind of thing

And nothing of value was lost.
Be honest. How many of those did you play or are actually worth playing? I'm sure 300 of those were shitty Pokemon romhacks that add nothing but autistic OC.


I wonder when Mother 4 is going to be fucked

Good on Nintendo, now instead of making shitty clones with ripped sprites maybe these amateur game devs can work on something original.

None. But it's great material to use for shitposting!

Or they'll just make shitty clones with ripped sprites from non-Nintendo games.

Because fuck fun things and free advertising.

How many cocks have you 3 sucked today? 10? 20?

>always to the sony scapegoat
Fucking grow up and accept Nontendo are shitholes annd that has NOTHiNG to do with Sony

Yeah, that's fucking flawless logic buddy.


Pick one.

>Free advertising

You must be 18+ to use this website.

>nintendo can't make any games people give a shit about aside from occasionally normalfag bait the casualfag pick up like Wii Shit and Pokemon: BAZINGO
>shut down mods gamers do like

solid business plan they've got

Pfft way to prove him right.

Nintendo tried to do that to 34 paheal over pokemon. Only way paheal managed to not get fucked was changing the pokemon tag to porkymon

Nigga every person who has ever drawn decent to good fanart uses Tumblr

If you haven't noticed, this is another of the cripple vendetta that goes nowhere.

Any good fangames besides Psycho Waluigi and AM2R?

>free advertising.
You can't prove it creates sales for them. So you are wrong.

No they go on drawfag threads on Sup Forums you fucking nu male cuckold piece of shit

>I have no argument so I'll call him underage

>You may as well DMCA people for drawing fanart.
They already do that.

Good, this encourages creativity instead of nintendo game recolored #1323173892743

That's actually not the reason the change happened. It was because people were starting to just get porn links when they searched Pokemon on sites like Google, so Nintendo told the website to change the tag for that purpose. They didn't take down any content either.

>free advertising
hmms, seeing a pattern there. You should use the same memes as last year though. You are one "he does it for free" away to give us your name there.

>tfw can't wait for NX to bomb


>No argument

No, there's an argument. But why would I waste my time posting it for an underage shitposter that thinks "free advertising" and "fun" are good excuses?

That was confirmed as just some faggot pretending to be a legal representative of Nintendo, which is surprisingly easy to do. Also tumblr will delete things and suspend blogs almost at random, happens all the time to people who have done nothing wrong but upset some autist who then lies to the tumblr staff.

Go back to tumblr if you don't like the way we talk around here, fucking retard sjw

>go to gamejolt
>ads on the site
Nintendo was in the right.

Yeah man you should write out a post about why you shouldn't bother writing out a post instead, great work

What changed?

Nintendo has never been this touchy about fan stuff. Were they somehow just oblivious to it all until recently, or did something happen to make them suddenly give a shit?

>still no argument
Seriously why would a company waste time on lawyers to remove fangames?

Their new Yakuza CEO realized that everyone but them is making mad bank off their IPs.

eshop these fan games are competing with their rereleases and they can't have that. They made a huge stink a few years ago about how fangames and roms hurt their copyright

Fan games started getting media attention. Blame """news""" sites trying to get clicks for it

>nu male cuckold piece of shit
Opinion discarded.

Fun isn't an argument. Free advertising is false.

>Why would a company waste time on lawyers to remove fangames?

Good question. Ask their legal team.

Or just stop making things involving content belonging to a band of evil subhumans.

Nineelevendo only gains from free fan games made with their content. It's not fighting da man to fight their DMCAs, it's more like groveling on the floor, licking master's boots even as the master stomps on your face trying to get you off his boots.

>sega embraces fan game makers and even give them jobs
>nintendo tries to stamp out all potential talent

was iwata like this?

They are making Sony fangames, with that new Skylanders series and Crash.


lmao, kys fucking retard.

Nintendo's PR right now is fucking insane.

Whether or not you think they're right, the fact that they're pushing their weight around after having such an abysmal year sure isn't going to do them any favors in the eyes of consumers.


The majority of their userbase does not care about this shit

They embrace them because Sonic Team is Incapable of doing anything besides sonic boom

They have no option.

Again, go to fucking tumblr if our dialect offends you somehow, you numb cunt samefag

>Streets of rage

What is particularly feminine about being gay anyway?

Man = Masculine

So logic would dictate that two men means twice the masculinity, right?

>More Buzzwords

How about you actually make an argument or something?

where's the archive torrent?

Free advertising IS an argument, I can't count the number of times I've discovered a game because someone made a fanart of it. If they are taking down fanart of their games they are shooting their own foot.

That was five years ago and sega has changed alot since then.

But sonic team didn't make boom user. Even so I do agree with you modern sega isn't too good with the exception of Generations

That is all.

i would be mad, but look


the ads mean there is money involved. i highly doubt if you owned an ip, you would let other people just get money off of it from ads on their website. if you think nintendo is in the wrong here, you may actually be underage. "lol who carez it's not a threat xd" is not an argument.

>Sony resorts to fans for content because they nearly went under trying to figure out the problem with Sonic a decade ago and were saved by Yakuza strongarming

fan games =/= fanart

it's the exact same thing. Fanart, fan games and fan music is all the same crap

Actually it isn't.

It's all part of a series of actions that make them look worse.

They haven't been releasing well received games. They haven't been releasing very many games in the first place, and half of what they do release is being censored. We have little to no knowledge of what the NX is, and will be, and in the midst of all this, they're lashing out at people who enjoy their products.

Not sure about Nintendo, but TPCi did that with some Ash art

It's just NoA being pieces of shit. But what changed is that some people left/got fired and they obviously had to replace them.

It's probably also shareholder fuckery as shareholders are almost always assholes.

Make them look worse too who?

How braindead are you that you can only spout buzzwords and tell people you don't like to go to tumblr? I can do it too see?


They are losing revenue for the same fucking reason why most games from big companies are shit nowadays. They waste more time and money on other things than making good games.

Once again, most of their userbase dos not care. Children do not care about any of this drama.


That will be all.

Even if they weren't being sold, Nintendo has a right to protect the message and direction of their IP (which they've created and have spent years of time and money on), and therefore has the right to ask for removal.

Fans, the general public, anyone. How much positivity do you see in news articles relating to Nintendo?

Children don't fucking play Nintendo games, user. They play shit on their mother's tablets.

Because that's all brain dead vegetables are worth

>tfw your game on Game Jolt was praised and played by thousands

>tfw too intellectual to make more games

Once again.

All you're worth.

I don't understand how it's any different.

The fangame would attract potential fans into the real franchise. Really no matter how you flip it, it just seems like greedy devs who can't stand being away from all of the attention.

Investors as well. Just look at how their stocks went up when Pokemon GO was released. Additionally, how fast it went down when investors realized it didn't make that much money as expected.

I'll be okay with this as long as you don't try marketing Nintendo's games at me.

You don't want fangames to exist. Fine. But I'll never consider a Nintendo game good again. Unless you can prove that it's good, but i have high standards. You're gonna have to do alot better than rehashes and shovelware.

The two of you are retarded

Because they want you to buy their new game "Nintendo Maker". Now you can make all the fan games you want

>Children don't fucking play Nintendo games, user. They play shit on their mother's tablets
With the release of Pokemon GO, I feel they will begin shifting their focus on this... Actually, haven't they already begun this with some games?