Here's your female lizard design

>here's your female lizard design

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

They had the balls to make a non humanized female.

I'd still fuck it

Not bad.

Oh what's wrong you otaku chucklefuck? Triggered that someone decided a monster girl is more than just a human woman with some monstrous things strapped onto her as an afterthought?

I'll take it

Can we have a reptile girl thread? The snake girls in XCom 2 were hot.

Looks pretty fucking cool.

Actually not just a painted human/10
I love it and will consider buying the game

I like it.


To add to this, I'm glad they didn't make her a damn alien from Avatar Dragon Commander again.

>weeb wants human girl with funny eyes and a tail for a lizard girl
>thinks others will agree with him
>gets btfo

That's a really cute image

>actually has lizard qualities and not a reskinned with scales and gills

Japan doing it right once again. Step up your creature creation, America.

She's not nearly as bad as OP says she is.. but her neck is way too thin/copy that

I'd have preferred a thicker neck

>a literal regular lizard who end up tall and bipedal due to evolution

What game?

I wanna fuck that

Let's see her lower half. I want proper claws and digitigrade legs.


Any humanoid creature that deviates from the standard monstergirl is always good in my book. Bonus points for their own culture instead of hurr human integration.

One of the reason I like the thri-keen or dragons.


Which game is it?

Divinity Original sin 2.

>digitigrade legs.

That's not a Lizard thing.

It looks good. A lizard with normal human knees looks stupid.

as opposed to
>make human
>but with green skin and scaly face

it even has tits idk why Sup Forums isn't jizzing itself

>frillnecked lizardgirl

I like it.

Fucking this. I'm tired of human girls with animal parts being considered "monster" girls.

>normal human knees looks stupid.

You look stupid. Human knees are what bipeds have. Our knees are super efficient.

Digitgrade bipeds are what's fucking stupid.

I really like this.
I'm still going to run an all-human party though.




Just fat sacks. You know, for the winter.

I like this design. It makes me think of what a humanoid non-human would actually be like.

I find that lizard woman to be repulsive and, realistically, that's how things should be. You shouldn't be sexually attracted to things that aren't your same species.

I don't think humans could ever live in harmony with lizardpeople. I can't speak for the lizard people who don't even exist, but humans will naturally be bigoted towards lizards as we see ourselves as superior to them and human morality sees no qualms in exterminating said lizardpeople if they prevented us from prospering in anyway.

They look objectively better on lizard humanoids.

>Fantasy setting
>Limitless liberties with armor and biology

Might as well stamp SHIT TASTE on your resume.

There's no reason an alien/fantasy species can't have scales and tits.

>still havent shown off Skellymen
where ma skellymen at Larian

>They look objectively better on lizard humanoids.

The word you wanted here was "subjective". But I forgive you, it's a common mistake.

And how do I want realism if I want non digitgrade legs on giant anthropomorphic female lizards with tits?

I just think digitgrade bipedalism looks goofy and stupid.

Aren't birds bipeds
I mean look at ostriches.

yes please

what game is this?

>You shouldn't be sexually attracted to things that aren't your same species.

When lizard people become real, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of them. I already know that in some alternate-fantasy timeline, alt-me having hot inter-species sex with his monster wife and having crazy half breed children and you can't stop him

>You shouldn't be sexually attracted to things that aren't your same species.

Nigga it won't even take one day past the first contact we have with aliens for porn featuring them shows up. No matter how freaky they are.

They'll be cold to the touch and have a different idea of romance that you do.

I'd argue for chicken feet before having to settle with digitgrade legs for Divinity's lizard people. It has been so over used, it's virtually arbitrary

You mean, the alt-version of that user cannot stop him.

Divinity Original Sin 2
same universe where Elves are creepy fucks who eat corpses

I wonder if that's why fantasy races hate humans. Not because of anything to do with killing or nature, but because they want to fuck everything.

finally someone else who gets it

So far so good, Edmund would approve

>'when lizard people become real'
>not 'if they were real'
I like the way you think

>dwarves love gold
>elves get old
>but man just loves to fuck

>implying I'm not so fucking fed up with society that I would prefer a dominant lizard woman's weird customs

Nigga, I'm gonna fuck those lizard people, have children with them, and you can't stop me

>I can't speak for the lizard people who don't even exist
>mfw he doesn't know

prezygotic barriers will stop you though

just enjoy nutting it in your lizard waifu without having to worry about babbies

>meat eating/cannibal elves
fuck yes best trope, high and mighty perfect cunts are so boring

>Humans conquer whole civilizatons
>not because of murder and pillaging
>because they always intergrate into the culture and start having half-breeds pop up, quickly outnumbering the original populace

Oh, my humanity boner for fucking other species is raging pretty hard right now


that one is shit, at least post a good looking one


>all the Sup Forums-posting of race-mixing being a jewish conspiracy
>given the opportunity humans would probably race-mix with as many fantasy races as is biologically possible
I am entertained by this

Her "stomach", or lack thereof, scares me.

Are clerics/paladins/spellblades going to be a thing this time around? Hybrids sucked so much ass in 1. You just pick str, int, or dex and that's the whole progression forever. Trying to dip into both makes you just suck at both unless you know the perfect minmaxing with crafting.

Guoh is a god among man.

ha I bet it would really swell up like a cushy bean bag chair if she had a really big meal.

haha anyone else think that'd be a funny picture to see sometime? lol are there any?

I never understood this seeing as cross-breeding objectively produces stronger offspring in almost every species due to the way dominant genes work

seriously just look at partial sickle-cell anemia providing greater resistance to malaria in African mullatos, that is literally the go-to textbook case for it

>implying the human spirit can't bypass any barriers, even at microscopiclevel


No it won't, you'll just have to use magic to create your unholy half-breed offspring

It's like making an owlbear, only with your dick

>generic anime colorswap girls with minimal animal clothing attire (ears and tail) considered as monster girls
Fix'd. Real monster girls are shit like Medusa or literally any old mythos creature.

get out of here Dobson

>shit like medusa

So long as she doesn't just have a normal human top half then I agree. Basically so long as they aren't the boring ass Monster musume girls who are just normal looking chicks with an animal piece attached to them, I'm game.

>it's a subtle scalie thread


It's much easier to cosplay a girl as a minotaur than it is to make the actual creature. There's a huge lack of non-humanoids in games nowadays and I give them credit for moving outside the box.

what is this

Oh I should have clarified the real actual version of Medua with the entire snake body, scales, eyes, claws, fangs, etc. and not fucking UGUUU dinner plate eyes. The ones in God of Wars series were done pretty well.
I can't believe some shitty VN fucked up the entire monster girl idea. It's like they're too insecure about the bestiality part (because it is) they had to whitewash/animewash it to underage neon anime infants that are actually 1000 years old so its fine now.
Nobody wants to do any original quality shit that takes time now which is sad. I also praise anyone who gives some effort and creativity with their designs and not "quota filling" shit like Overwatch.

An image.

do they fuck


it's all teasing

Muh dick

>it's all teasing
God damn it

well post more teasing, then


>Chris Avellone joins Larian
>Suddenly their game design improves


Wow, what a cuck
Unless there is some kind of catch, like she'll bite his head off or something

he thinks he's playing it for laffs and is in denial about the fact that people jerk off to this stuff

normies are scared away by the teeth


>Races other than human
Fucking finally

Sticking animal hands and feet on a woman is the cancer of monster girls. I know other people said it, but I hate seeing a half-dragon that looks like a regular human, but with a few scales and some wings slapped on

>races other than human
>male humans also look a little less shit
this is all I wanted

>real actual version of Medua with the entire snake body, scales, eyes, claws, fangs, etc.
Be honest, have you ever read any Greek myth books? Because I believe that sentence is wrong.

I'm pretty sure at least a couple of images show that they do fuck, it's just always offscreen. Or maybe that was the question?


wut gaem?

No, here's your lizard design.

>music instrument
this will always be my favorite reveal

Divinity Original Sin 2