Early Access Title now begins selling Paid DLC

>Early Access Title now begins selling Paid DLC
>Early Access
>Paid DLC

How can anyone defend this?

defend what? you can't even articulate a problem

Fuck off, shill!

Nobody is.
The DLC is a temperature adjustment and like 5 dino's they would have released in a week regardless.
The Developer needs to make the game work first before even thinking of pulling this shit.

Well i do believe the title was quite clear,but ill say it again

Ark: Survival Evolved comes out with a paid (20euro) expansion pack before leaving early access.But it's also an early access title so it makes little sense why it should have paid DLC considering early access is meant to help fund the development of a game.

Dumbass OP aside, does anyone even like that game?

It's pretty much the most stable early access pvp/raid each other game. It requires a fuck ton of memory and is very grindy tho.

I find the base game a slog to go through.

Private servers with faster tame times and higher gathering and mods make the game great.

Never play on official servers.

>so it makes little sense why it should have paid DLC considering early access is meant to help fund the development of a game.

what does one have to do with the other?

I think some other shitty early access rust/daisy clone was selling DLC. I think it was heezee.
Also Don't Starve had DLC while the game was in ea.

Because the money people spent helping to fund development of the game is instead being utilized to develop other products which cost more money?

how do you know that?

How do I know what? That the game isn't finished?
Because it says so on the store page.

Are you being intentionally dense or are you actually this fucking stupid?

Wait, the dlc is coming out BEFORE the full game?
Also, do early access games ever get finished/released? Never heard of one, but maybe it's just because those burn out in early access and when they finally release no one cares anymore.

>do early access games ever get finished/released?
>Darkest Dungeon

grim dawn

Didn't know those were in early acess, still it's 3 games out of hundreds, thanks for pointing out tho

I wondered about this too. Did nobody, devs and those who bought it, ever consider that this might be kind of fucked up?
>it's in top sellers
I do not understand

>releasing DLC for a game before releasing the game

truly the next gen experience we have all been waiting for

You can pay to have your title stay in the top on steam page for a week


not that I dont belive you, but a source would be nice

>Early Access DLC
What a time to be alive. Thank you based Jews!