Based CDPR.
Based CDPR
Linux fags get cucked
>promised Linux version
>promised no downgrade
>promised extensive modding tools
Are CDPR liars too?
SteamOS is linux doe.
To be fair, it might be Valve who went solo on that kind of announcement. We'll probably never know what actually happened behind the scenes.
Just fuck my Todd up.
Around Poles hold your nose.
Yes my friend I cant have any sympathy for devs that straight up lie to their customers.
You bought Fallout 4 with all DLC right? I never lie about my games!
>promised no downgrade
The biggest "fuck u" was that they didn't release the redkit to fix the downgrade
>Street Fighter V Linux port probably cancelled
>Project Cars port cancelled
>Batman Arkham Knight port cancelled
>Rocket League delayed infinitely, constantly missing promised dates and probably about to miss another one
>TW3 port was just a lie
>Dead Island port not supported by the developer somehow
>every other port arrives months or years after the game's release, even though the port was announced long before release
This has to stop! ITS NOT FAIR!
most people can't even run the game right now, why should they release tools that can't run on 99.99% of PCs?
... besides the fact they lied to and deceived people by saying they would
>Denuvo is getting used more so you can't even use Wine
>most people can't even run the game right now, why should they release tools that can't run on 99.99% of PCs?
wut ?
>Promised free DLC
>most people can't even run the game
are you drunk?
Does it count if I pirated all of it?
I remember there being free DLC, it was stupid shit, but it was free and downloadable.
At maximum settings.
Adding the tools to unlock more intense rendering would only benefit a very small margin of people.
I fail to see the downside here Todd. You're really shooting yourself in the foot.
>win10 is free
>"""""gaming""""" on linux
What's your excuse?
Dont make me do this, you just need to buy Fallout 4 and no one gets hurt
maximum settings = ultra shadows, 32x msaa, etc. You can crash any computer with any games with that kind of things. It's not like its noticable anyway.
Windows 10 isn't free any more.
Funny enough as soon as they stopped handing out free upgrades they also released a W7 port of the "W10 exclusive" Quantum Break.
>and there never were any
So who lied?
because windows 10 is botnet trash, it's the opposite of what free means
Most people can, just disable gimpworks
>It's not like its noticable anyway.
You are incorrect. What you meant to say is that
>those settings have diminishing returns compared to slightly lower settings from it.
Whatever, enjoy your nogamez
Windows 10 was never free, assuming you're talking about people that are using Linux only.
>they also released a W7 port of the "W10 exclusive" Quantum Break.
>look it up
Holy kek, nice backpedaling there M$
only retards use linux, anyway
So let ppl choose what they want ? If ppl want the pre downgrade game with a lesser draw distance and no ultra shadows why is that a problem for you ?
there is that diminishing returns meme again
Diminishing returns isn't a meme, reddit
Right now, there are diminishing returns. In the future, they will be legitimate options because we will have more powerful computers.
It technically is a meme though. Not him, just saying.
>pirate win 7
>upgrade to legit 10 for free
jesus christ you people are illiterate
>linux fags
yeah, microsoft spies on you. but guess what, everything you do is recorded, its not just windows 7 or 10. dont use a shitty OS just to spite microsoft. they dont care.
In that case everything is free, and thus it's a stupid fucking thing to say. Also, that doesn't mean W10 is free, that means the upgrade is free.
You're wrong on multiple levels.
Cool, wouldn't like to support devs that break their promises anyways.
>you could get an original OS forever for free
>not free
The buttfrustration is strong.
Your privacy and all your personal data is not free.
>not playing decent games like SOMA and Talos instead
But W10 is a shittier OS than Ubuntu. Literally why can't I choose when to reboot my own machine? Why do I need to reboot to update a program I never use? Why does W10 automatically change control panel settings you've set?
But it has to look like the PS4 version or there will be an outcry
>Having windows 10
post yfw when when you didnt fall for the Witcher meme
>people age
You don't get a million yard stare just from aging, fammo.
It makes sense, if the devs promise the third game after giving you the first 2 and they fail to deliver their promise you would be mad too.
>Regards Beta Ray Bil
>Beta Ray Bill
>GOG have second best Thor working for them
>BRB had a cameo in GotG
>GotG -> GoG
>Geralt confirmed for Thor 4
who made it a meme?
I didn't realize it was being memed around