So, she somehow owns and reviewed the new PS4 Slim and it wasn't even announced yet.
How is Sony not upset?
So, she somehow owns and reviewed the new PS4 Slim and it wasn't even announced yet.
How is Sony not upset?
spoiler that shit user
Cause she did nothing wrong. She didn't break any contracts or steal the thing, she obtained it legitimately.
What's Sony going to do?
To be honest lads, I definitely would
Don't know who this is.
Also if you dye your hair you should be shot.
Don't look like a she to me.
ebin upvoted
I've seen her vagina.
>blue hair
>black eyebrows
Into the trash.
>not knowing Laura K Buzz
>not knowing one of the best independent gaming journalists around
>always nice
>always treats her fans with respect and communicates with them
>does whole video series talking about butts and sexual stuff
>did a whole ASMR reading of the Sausage Party orgy scene from the leaked script
>broke the news on the Until Dawn DLC
>now revealed the PS4 Slim and recorded footage of it
has he mutilated his penis yet?
>all this unchecked, blatant transphobia
Sup Forums wasn't always like this... you guys used to love traps.
gofundme dot com slash LauraKBuzz
Is this an actual trans person, or just a girl that looks like a guy? Cause, I've seen some girls who look like dudes, but were natural females.
I have to admit, that tranny isn't nearly as ugly as I thought from the video
But it's not that hard if you've been on hrt for a few years
>people hating on Laura
>one of the few journalists who doesn't go "wahhh I'm being harassed cause I'm trans"
>actually spends her time doing her work
>is one of the few journalists with legit inside sources
>posts gameplay videos and frequents a lot of podcasts and other groups
>has created two independent journalist websites (Indie Haven and Let's Play Video Games)
Woman is probably one of the best people in the industry and the most friendly one around.
back to tumblr faggot