What ur rank Sup Forums

what ur rank Sup Forums

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The grandest one of all. N/A

I don't play shitty casual games.

whats ur rank in csgo then

Around 2800. I was hoping for a bit higher but it's actually surprising considering how many placement matches I lost. I just got shitty team after shitty team. I don't know how it's possible for people to be so inept in such a simple game.

I was 59 in season 1 so that means I was platinum?

i won 4 games and got one tie
and only got 2250. i did play sup a lot tho cus i had like 400 ping and did not want to let my team down.

yea for what i know

OK, post your rank from the "pro" game you play.

>Sup Forums shitters get offended because they try to play a casual game competitively

What's even more amazing is you all suck at Overwatch too. I bet you I could play it and get to Diamond without even really trying.

Sorry but betting is for adults over 21. Sorry cupcake but you need a job to get this game first its not free. Go ask mommy for her credit card, I'm sure you have enough good boy points even though you wasted them all on your CS:GO smurf ;)

do it then nigga

Picked up the game in August, went straight to silver as support/tank in PTR after quick play, figures

Hopefully considering how much better I've gotten about 'gamesense' I'll place higher in actual season 2

2400, first game after ranking was shit
>Mercy changes halfway through
>"I only play Reaper"
>We lose both times

>lose 4 games while I have 3-4 gold medals in all of them because teams ALWAYS needs a hanzo or widowmaker.
>Ranking tanks because of selfish teammates
>Can't leave without getting penalized

The ranking needs to be reflective of your individual skill. Wins and losses should be a small part of it, not all of it.

Not looking bright.

So you don't have a meaningful rank on any pvp game yet you're looking down on overwatch?
what do you even play?

okay meet me after school and ill beat you up m8

I didn't even play the placemente matches. I don't really care about competitive mode in this game.

Currently going through my placements 4-1 right now.

So at this pace and with my last seasons rank I should end up in diamond.

The only game that matters: Pussy

Got 1890 after some abyssmal teams and multiple dcs

Including a game we lost 5v6/

Have since grinded up to 2000 and into gold, at least at this ELO I can carry teams myself.

2454, that was with 5L-3W-2T
Three of those losses were from people on my team ragequitting and us getting slaughtered immediately afterward. I placed diamond in PTR after 6W-4L of all fairly decent matches.


>Go 7-3
>Calibrate at 2645

Honestly ruined my day.


losing in placement matches doesn't matter, it evaluates your in game stats. So if you placed poorly it is because you play poorly.

Git gud, good sirs, practice. Play nice, play pharah, and Dva

you can still get 50/50

maybe you were carried in two games meaning you are only 5-5. Be honest with yourself it is ok.


I played Genji, Rein, Ana and Junkrat for the calibrations. I pulled my weight each time and I can say that with confidence because people always congratulated me. My season high in S1 was 65 so I was truly expecting diamond.

This calibration was like getting punched in the gut.

You know the worst part is this was fixed for a few months. Hitting around corners is fixed and having 60 tick now helps that but they reverted the projectile hitboxes back to this because it made projectile weapons so much weaker compared to hitscan.

D I A M O N D B O Y Z On ps4 :)

Going to wait for things to settle, played one match today and it was an absolute fucking mess, got braindead teammates, possibly the worst I've ever seen.

Was 58 last season, but I didn't actually put that much effort into it due to what a joke was (lol cointoss) I'll definitely hit Diamond without much issue.

it's like bragging about winning the paralympics as a non disabled person

Diamond in season 1. I stopped playing after awhile got bored of map selection.

Any suggestions for 1st gold weapon? I'm about 35 wins away from one. Was thinking of getting McCree's first.

I made it to 61 and stopped till season 2 because I was so tired of losing a coin toss in games where my team stomped on offense and the enemy team had barely any time on offense.

>Any suggestions for 1st gold weapon?

Whoever you're good at

I made top 500.

Won 7 tied 1 lost 2. Got placed at 2800 or around there.


Nineteen Ninety-Nine

>get 2650 (52)
>calibrated 51 last season but got up to 70

Not this shit again

Platinum cause im lazy and don't have time for that shit.

Gotta work, and pay bills, and date bitches. Shiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt

McCree it is then.

PLATypus motherfucker

I mainly play pharah but gold gun on raptorion skin suuuucks

bronze= what are u doing with ur life cuck
silver=still shit but better (advantage for ps4)
gold=average but still a tiny bit of a cuck
plat=bit better then average
diamond=not a normie no more
master=ur getting there aron
grand master= Chinese or semi pro
top 500= basement dweller

>Dating bitches
I bet you have sex too faggot

Time to get to work again.


>S1 Placements
>Shit teams constantly
>Decent after, make it to 65

>S2 Placements
>Good teams (Most of the time, 6/4)
>Shit teams right after
>Dropped from 2880 to 2570

>go 6/4 in placements
>Good rank
>Remember that quickplay is much more fun
>Keep the good rank.
Feels good

Well at least you won't fall below 2500.

>Playing in Pubs

you deserve it

Is playing a healer class fun in this game? I was thinking about buying it

One is straight up freelo due to how broken he is
One is legitimately fun
One is designed for women
One is pretty shit and only exists for the ult

Zen, Lucio and Ana are fun

Does autism feel good man?

I'll let you know when I finish my placement matches 2 weeks from now.

Gotta play every now and then or your rank decays, but yeah, that's how I did it.

Easiest comp points I ever made.


platinum looks like a dog

Sup Forums doesn't have to worry about rank decay, it only applies to diamond and higher

post your comp season 2 played heroes


When in fucks name is pharah going to get a buff.

Increase splash damage or something. Theres no reason to choose her other than fun.

How in the fuck do people get up so high. The game is so incredibly boring I only played like 8 games after my placement matches.

Only Master and above suffer decay and even then I think it won't drop you under 3000.

got placed in plat then went back to quickplay, i aint playing ranked solo

Where do I send the "Fuck you and your shitty game" mail to?

Is it wrong that I would much rather be Grandmaster rather than Top 500 just based on title alone?

Like who's gonna fuck with you if your title is Grandmaster?

Rank decay starts in diamond but it will stop at the bottom of diamond at 3k MMR. Diamond is the lowest tier you can drop back into once you get there.


someone should make an overwatch version of this. the leagues are the same even

no one gives a shit about your rap album

>almost plat


>not even level 25
>drudging through quickplay
Blizzard sure knows how to make their games tedious

Starcraft is fucking dead

bronze af

Diamond, but at the bottom

If last season was any indication though I'll climb up to the top of the rank at least


You can't say Tracer isn't an autist or doesn't have ADHD after seeing this

>waiting for it to get positive as I read the list


u must be beyond autistic if ur in fucking bronze because i only played the game every once and a while and i still got 2250 and that was with dog shit team mates and only picking sup because i had 700 fucking ping because all my shit is on the na sever ,

From the looks of this I'll be stuck in the lower 40 retards from last season. Solo queue in this fucking game is fucking retarded

Fuck you and your fucking goddamn fucking game.

ya that's the point. bronze is for 5 year olds and people with mental disabilities

>Never have fun in your life ever
I think you might be the one

welcome to starcraft, where if you're not a multiple time korean league champion you suck dick.

Season 2 stats.

>using this characters at all for any reason

Shitjorn is good on the last point of honamura, that's all I used him for.

I don't know why you think Ana's bad though.


>enter match
>both teams have groups of 3 people in them
>enemy team all has stars
>my team has a level 30
>leave match

What are my chances of getting a refund for this shit?


>mfw rank 47 means gold
this is to make people feel better about themselves isn't it?

yeah, it literally is, they changed the old rank system because people felt bad after losing a point, now you have so many points, it doesnt SEEM as bad when you lose some

Literally git gud I made it to 61 strictly solo queue last season.

This is Sup Forums's general attitude on ranking systems if you haven't noticed by now. If your anything below the top 1% of the playbase your shit.

>eternally play Lucio because nobody likes healer
>5-5 in placement matches
>still avg
>15 elims
>13k healing
>4k damage
>10 assist
>1:55 objective time
>3 deaths

Who's dick do I need to suck to get out of gold? Because from the numbers I've seen, I should be in platinum even with the loses.

Or are healers fucked again?