Someone asked for a screen shot of the servers from yesterday

someone asked for a screen shot of the servers from yesterday

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How active would you say the community still is?

not op but several of those servers will usually be full. the people that are left in this game are quite dedicated to it. that said, at least from my experience, once you join in on some of these servers you'll either land on the stacked team or the team with 16 snipers that will not move. you'll also have a shitton of people that for whatever reason run aaaaaaall the way up to the cap zone but refuse to step inside and help cap.

every few rounds you'll still get one of those epic games where both teams are going for it hard tho.

can i ask for a screen of south america servers? i want to buy it from steam but i don't know if someone is still playing this around here

Cheers, thinking about picking it up on Steam when it goes on sale again. Played it way back in the day. Great game.

I'm playing regularly user, disregard what that other guy said, most of the people playing are not skilled enough to be a challenge. Usually, there's 1 or 2 people in a team playing extremely agressive carrying the rest.

What region are you in?


>most of the people playing are not skilled enough to be a challenge. Usually, there's 1 or 2 people in a team playing extremely agressive carrying the rest.

This is my experience too.

North America.

What's your ID m8?

I played a few hundred hours back in the ps3 and i have a blast stomping people in the 24/7 arica server.

Got a question: hoe demanding was this game graphically wise?

I can only run games like Killing Floor or Res Orchestra 1 or Stalker 1

I remember having so much fun with this at ps3

Oh man claaaassic game.

Used to bang this on the PS3

>most of the people playing are not skilled enough

that's basically what i told him.

>join server
>[BFG] fag is playing

You used to have sex with your PS3?

not that demanding by todays standards. i have an hd7950 and run everything on high with great frame rate

>the people that are left in this game are quite dedicated to it

Sounded like all the remaining players were godlike to me desu.

Had it for old pc , downloaded it for new pc. Can't play because of used code. How can I play without buying it again on steam?

i meant that they don't move on and play other games, not that they're any good.

I still play with my old non-steam code through Origin.

Someone competent want to set up a Discord Server?

Guess I'll have to buy it again huh

If you remember your old login info you could probably log in on Origin and it should already be in your library.

Been playing a bit, kinda unsure if some players are hacking or just abusing some kinda movement glitches. Maybe I just had a bad connection

Do you have to play this through origin?

I bought the game on release day from EA's website. Some where along the way they added Origin to it and merged the Battlefield and Origin IDs.

Nope, you can play through steam

Pretty sure you don't if you have it on Steam but you've always needed an EA login.

Good, because Origin would be a fucking deal breaker.

Okay I'll try that thanks guys.

Remember to load out M1 Garand.

>Using outdated weapons in modern warfare
Use the USAS 12 you fucking shitter

Origin is no worse than Steam. Actually I think it handles things like expansions and add-on's better. is the one service I wish would go away.

>not using that one bazooka with a person's name


>Using anything but glorious Russian rocket launchers

Daily reminder that if you are not harvesting massive asspain through the use of the AN94/M60/Charlie G in your respective load-outs, you just ain't playing right!

>naming your weapon after a dyslexic autist

Game is still sort of alive on PS3, can find half full lobbies most of the time. Vietnam is pretty much dead though, it's rare I find a game with more than 2 other people in it. I get really mad playing this game now though because 90% of the time I'm playing on the garbage tropical maps and not the based snow & autumn maps. One thing I'll admit the newer games do better is having a server browser.

Don't work. Have to buy it off origin. Dumb drm.

How are the Vietnam servers on the PC?

>shotguns with slugs

The DICE guys still come to .Sup Forums right? Why don't they just greenlight Bad Company 2 made in Frostbite?

So many people get nostalgic for this game for some reason.

I think it was the last and only time I enjoyed Rush. Laguna Presa 24/7

Sorry I can't remember what process we had to go through when Origin came out. I'm pretty sure it merged my account with the new Origin ID I made.

>shotguns with slugs

my fucken nigga. this is the only correct setup for this game. blasting asses up close and counter-sniping assholes from afar.

That's stupid, user.

Make BC3 instead.

>buy expansion
>fortunate son starts playing

As long as they bring back 3-4 Rush maps.

waaaaay to much ass

Fucking potatonigger

>m1 garand

>that one vietnam map where its like a peninsula and you can use boats to get around
>trying to get past enemy line with 1 squad mate
>suddenly under fire from enemy boat
>gunner dies and i hop on gunner seat
>brutalize enemy boat and feel like rambo on the .50cal
>my team just planted the mcom thats close to beach and i have perfect view of defenders rushing to defuse it
>mow them all down

i swear bf games are worth playing for hundred hours just to get 1 glorious moment like that

also this guy is a huge fucking faggot

whats up with the kits that have SA next to them?

hey guys
since i got fired from work since the cousin of the boss needed a job i can't afford to buy any games so if anyone has any battlefield 3 or 4 PC key or every game you can donate im thankful Steam ID/Woolleyy/

just a skin

Something about Bad Company 2's destruction was so much better despite me knowing that BF4's destruction looks better. I think it was the slow creek when you know the whole building is coming down, then the "OH SHIT" moment as you try to get out.

In the BF1 beta, I was looking out a window, then turn around and the whole room was gone except the window I was staring through. I didn't even notice the building being blown to bits while I aim downsight because it doesn't matter. I want to die from destruction 3.0

What the fuck went wrong after BC2?

I can't pinpoint it but BF3 was boring as fuck compared to it.

I loved Bf3

It could have been better without the blue filter but I loved bBf3 a lot.

This is coming from a bfbc2 players

Also the first game doesn't get enough love, it's singleplayer was miles better than the second game's

The focus went back to huge maps. In BC2 the main focus was Rush and it showed. In BF3 and BF4 maps felt like they were designed for Conquest, then had a Rush path put in them somewhere. People forget that Conquest in BC2 was pretty fucking horrible. Heavy Metal a shit

>battlefront company 3

BF3 wasn't THAT bad. 4 is definitely a lot worse. It's unplayable for me

The only good thing about the first game were the ads.

>"That's about as stupid as hiding in a cardboard box!"

most overrated bf game in history. better then anything after though

Just got back from a half hour sesh.
Community is still alive and kicking there's usually a server worth your ping on the weekend. Good luck on a late week night though.

All I played was 24/7 squad deathmatch. Might install again.

you posted in the other thread

>that much squad DM

>Might install again.
How bout you install a life instead you fucking retarded fatass

It was fun and I had a crappy HD5670 back then. I'm not doing much better now with an HD7770.

>~210 full days wasted playing games instead of using them to further knowledge on real life skills

had a 4890 then a 6950

fun times

Where do you think you are?

Now show Vietnam's server numbers

Vietnam was barely alive when it first came out

>Heavy metal shit

>He can't fast travel from one flag to another.

There's 2 active Nam servers iirc

this made me laugh out loud

I bought this game but didn't play it much.

What game mode should I spend most time on?

What are the best servers?

Installing playing when, i get home.

Install BF2142 instead!

TDM Africa Harbor as sniper 24/7

Literally all you need in life

>fucking retarded fatass

I used to run 5km everyday till I had knee problems, had to tone it down a bit. Thanks for reminding me of better days. Still not fat.

>Install BF2142 instead!
user....I have some bad news for you......

Squad death match and a shotgun, either C4 or carl gustav.

the pc browser was always fucking garbage

>24/7 shit map
>instant respawn
>1million tickets

who the fuck finds that fun?

when bc2 was in its prime the console version not having a browser meant you got normal fucking servers every time. however, this quickly became old when you had to join and leave a couple times to get one that was actually full

doesnt matter, bc2 was still fucking awesome

Tell me the good one first.

Good news? What century do you think this is?

The good news have excellent taste!
The bad news is....All servers have been shut down, you literally can't even login anymore or even play singleplayer

Yeah, I'm not feeling all these 1 map/mode rotation and "Brawl Club" rules like no C4 on MCOM and shit like that

you can you JUST need custom client and master server files

ive played a couple times this year

c4 m-com was the biggest pussy bitch nigga move you could do.

the only way to have less skill would be to sit in spawn and shoot tank shells at it

>tfw always dropped 8 AT mines on MCOMS and ran
>soon as i saw an enemy i chucked a nade in there

literally streamed this earlier and 0 viewers



How do you deal with choppers at low levels?

AT4 all day

or jeep .50 cal

>or even play singleplayer

please explain

>tfw no 1.5x tickets hardcore mode rush/conquest mix servers