Wow user is that a PSP Vita???

>wow user is that a PSP Vita???

Other urls found in this thread:

>My little brother has a Nintendo 3D DS. Aren't you a little old to be playing those kid games?

>s nes

H-ha ha i-its not mine

Arent you a little old to be acting like a dumb fucking slut you stupid bitch?

>PS Vista


>hey guys you got a Pee Es Three?

Fuck off Todd

more like
>wow user what is that a phone?
and then
>what's a vita?

>caring about other people knowing the exact names of video game consoles

Lmao get mad you stupid Sup Forumsirgin

>hey user, is that a cross box three six zero

>having crippling, life ruining autism

I pity you.

Reddit is around the corner lad

>Hey guys I hope you dont mind if we play on my personal gaming computer!

Just say PC you autists

>Where's my Gameboy Advance SP??

I stole it because you were a little faggot Pablo hahahahahaha

t. Reddit

>he pronounces acronyms rather than full names

Only autistic Americans would do this.

>muh nfl

>muh nba

>muh mls

>i watch le epl

>muh ps4

>Americans are too stupid to memorize names

Top kek Amerilards

What would you know about how people talk when you're a basement dwelling nintoddler lol

>Anyone but Sonyggers knowing what a Vita is

>cute Pikachu



you didnt give examples of acronyms, nfl, nba mls, those are initialisms
you are supposed to pronounce acronyms as a new word like SCUBA or NATO

>user you got a Wii?! We can play Wii Sports lol. Wait wtf is a Wii You? And what's with all these boring nerd games you have here lol is that a japanese cartoon?



You have to be 18+ to post here

No its one of those PSP 2s

How has literally no one caught on it's a reference to House of Cards


This is now a video games in media thread
Starting with a goodie

you mean the NGP

>What games do you have?

>Oh.... all of them

Top kek Sony btfo

in house of cards he calls it a PS Vita


Stay obsessed

>those comments

Dont you have any games or amiibo toys to play with?

>get mad over some inconsequential autistic shit
>people point out it's autistic as shit
>can only muster "m-muh Reddit"


Those comments are because Jewtendo priced their overpriced garbage 3DS $250 at launch while Sony priced the Vita the same price yet with top of the line mobile hardware at the time

>He's too autistic to understand that this thread is only for fun

Like I said, reddit is around the other corner kid

>Sony btfo

>PS4 outselling the Pii U

>Vita outselling the Pii U

Yeah... btfo....