>re-skinned fallout 3
>shit tier companions
>shoehorned love interest
>negative perks
>nonsense karma system
>easy as fuck even in HC, just stealth archer everything
>ncr a shit
>legion a shit
>house a shit
Re-skinned fallout 3
>This thread
hi Todd
>shoehorned love interest
What love interest? Cass cucks you and Veronica is a lesbian
Otherwise I agree with you
>Shit tier companions
Yes tell me how much you loved Clover,Jericho and RL3 over Raul,ED-E and Arcade
and even with all those negatives, it's still far outshadows 3
>actually really liked Jericho
That said, Arcade was great.
No (You) for (You), OP.
Yeah, what did he mean by this?
kind of makes you think
What, I hate New Vegas now.
>easy as fuck even in HC, just stealth archer everything
why do morans have to minmax tryhard singleplayer games? why can't they just go for a fun build rather than the one that lets them oneshot anyone and then be angry that they can do so
because he wants to nitpick and shitpost
why would you take OP seriously?
I don't get the ED-E meme. It's just an eyebot that beeps and boops.
As far as companions go. 4 > NV > 3. 4 has the most fleshed out, while 3 are all boring like Skyrim companions outside Fawkes. NV is in the middle
Go back to your wacky Bethesda generals, kid
Actually now that I think about.
F3s companions might have been netter if they had quests or were affected by player choiced like in NV and 4
Though to be 100% honest the only good companions in 3 were Charon,Butch and Fawkes
This. I have a jungle king build in 4 right now and its fun as fuck.
>3 and New Vegas both introduce a qt girl who helps you in the beginning
>they arent companions/romancable
>4 are the most fleshed out
Romance would have been shit in those games for the same reason it is in 4
And what the reason exactly?
It doesn't actually do anything or change your interactions with them too much. It just gives you a perk for when you sleep near your companion.
That's because you don't JINGLE JANGLE JINGLE
i started a new character and realized i wanted to do more. now i'm trying to make new traits with mods.
every time i go back and play this game i learn something new.
*angry beeping*
Isn't shitposting frowned upon?
The whole game is overrated trash. I want to vomit in my mouth any time I hear someone regard it as one of the greatest RPGs of our time.