I was trying to reply to ,
but the thread died just before I was finished.

So let's try that again!
Let's start with the LATEST SH PC Guide + the DL links:


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.

Now, to go back to 's woes, I was going to ask that what file is he trying to mount, and with what program?
Also where'd he download the file, and how big is it?

here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.

The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.

alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.

You could also try the new PGXP emulator, that adds Perspective Correction to PS1 textures.

Is Silent Hill truly dead or will Konami revive it with another shitty game like Metal Gear Survive?

Reminder that:
SH1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > SM > > > dog shit > the rest > the movies.

...and the "HD" " Collection" is fucking awful!

>ever caring jack shit about SH
top kek! The SH saga was like this desperate wive of a violent drunkard husband, who only kept her around because she made some cash. After her prime time was over, he dumped her to random perverts to toy with.

SH fans experienced the same pain as MGS fans, but many, many years earlier. Heck, Konami even considered Team-Silent as their "B-grade team", consisting only of their "worst" coders and artists!

But they already did, user-kun!
come on, HIT THE LEVER!!!

why is Siren so terrible when Silent Hill was so good?

-way too strict and obscure "mission objectives".
-clunky gameplay.
-can't-see-shit-captn' visuals, resulted by narrow fov, poor performance, filter effects, darkness, and split-screen.
-TV series "design". Seriously, this shit is annoying in vidya, and just ruins immersion!
-That awful dub of S1.
-that awful ending of Blood Curse.

Such wasted potential...

I agree with your listing.

Plus that's my point, that Konami will virtually hand the IP to another no-name studio for another rowdy round of rape for all of us.

Though I doubt they'd try any time soon since their reputation is in the dumps, but evil always finds a way.

The stencil-shadow thread that's going on got me thinking.... anyone got good, hi-res and clean screenshots of emulated SH2, in dark areas that'd demonstrate the shadows?

Some people claim that PS2 version used all different shadow format, which resulted softer shadows than the PC port. I've yet to find any evidence of this, and still think it might've just been the low-res + CRTs + shitty cables of the time giving the impression, enhanced by the game's noise filter.

pic's the only image I have so far, and it's quite hard to tell.

for a comparison, this is how the PC port looks.
Pics of character shadows clearly cast on walls would be best.

anyone actually managed to get this pgxp to work?

I myself failed to get the perspective correction working, and I recall seeing mentions of texture glitches on other user's machines.

No. I like how the guy that first mentioned it in that one thread abandoned us.

I was the host of that other thread. The i was trying to mount the disk image file found in the SHDC_CD1 folder. I was using both windows default mounter and then i tried osfmount. What it said was that the file was corrupted.

>another cool sounding emulator tech piece, potentially wasted and forgotten
welp, I knew it was too good to be true.
back to ePSXe...

>Windows default mounter
so you're on W10? That may be part of the problem. Tried DaemonTools Lite yet? I've been on v4 for ages, and it always works.

You sure you're not trying to mount a .cue file or something?
But yeah, if the file's corrupted for real, I guess you should re-download it.

Post more heather

So is squishing fruitflies the only use for melee combat in SH4? I find it absolutely horrid for anything else.


i downloaded daemon tools lite but its incompatible with windows 10 or so my computer said. I dont want to download Power Iso since that tends to install malware. What would you recommend user?

I didn't use anything BUT melee combat in SH4.
Axe + charged hit = everything goes down.

>What would you recommend user?
To uninstall W10 and get W7 Ultimate x64.


Just make a general already.




>reminder that even TS devs love Heather

You kidding me? The first enemy interactions with the dogs, I decided to go melee. I fucking died. Never tried it again.

>You kidding me?
No. It's a SH game. One that provides very lil' ammo.

>tried to fight dogs
just don't.




>Fighting puppers in a silent hill game



>tfw playing through SH2 with my gf cuddling me while we keep the lights off

Life is good, life is spooky. What SH should I play after I beat 2?

I hope you've already beat SH1.
Because if you have not.... WTF are you doing??

Plus, all SH games by Team Silent are made to be replayed.

I didn't play SH 1 cause I don't have a copy/PC at my gfs house to emulate it on

>not having your GF play it alone, in the dark
>not having a gamer wife
step it up, kiddos!

1, 3...4????? After that, you might as well give up. You might enjoy Shattered Memories as a spinoff, but everything else is garbage.

so, what are you playing it on?
Hell, what are you TYPING that message with this very moment??

If you got any kind of PC, you can emulate PS1 games, for sure. If you got PS3, you can easily buy SH1 from PSN Store.
I just hope you are NOT playing the terrible, terrible HD Collection ...

She's just too scared user, she jumps more than I do
will probably propose to her soon

Ps2, found an old copy for like 5 dollars, and my PC is at my house not hers
I mobilefag

get "her" a cheap, refurbished business ThinkPad, and an USB gamepad, and you got yourself a great emulation and low-spec gaming tool in the livingroom.

that's the main reason to put her to play!

With a PS2, you should be able to play all the games that matter, although the Wii version of Shattered Memories is superior to the PS2 version.

SH1 is still the best game, damn important considering the overall plot of saga, and essential for SH3's story.

I want a remake of 1 on the Fox Engine.

you will never fucking ever get it, because Jewnami.


How about a SH1 remake in Max Payne 1 engine ?
