What is Oculus' approach to their clear gender gap and how you're gonna not port that into VR?

What is Oculus' approach to their clear gender gap and how you're gonna not port that into VR?

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>that guy who nodded and clapped behind her

How do you answer this with "we don't care" without committing PR suicide?


Carmack managed to because he's god

Carmack gave a proper response. Put this girl in her place.

by saying you dont have the funding to hire the people you dont want to hire and there's nothing you can do about it.

Do I even want to know what this bitch was complaining about?

Girls do not generally want to escape from life so they will never really get into this sort of stuff until a form of VR comes out that fits inside of your glasses.

I remember watching it and the putdown was beautiful. I hope she suicided after that.

"We're struggling to find anyone that can do the job as it is, we don't care what you look like"

John Carmack is a god, bless his autism

Watch Carmack's keynotes you fucking heathens.

the clear gender gap and how they're gonna not port that into VR


pls post video, i'm drunk and cant fiind

Isn't there a transcript somewhere?

To this day I do not understand the question.


Lwts leabe this in the past they finally shut up lwts not rile them up again already

Some of these comments
>That was just like asking if mayonnaise was an instrument.


it's less than 30 seconds you sperg

Still mad

>What is Oculus' approach to their clear gender gap and how you're gonna not port that into VR?

how do you even answer a "question" like this?

both carmack and the other dude did it right

Who did this? And why is my throat filling up with bile?

>ask completely incoherent question

Reassure that you are trying everything you can to port the gender gap into VR.

Maybe she was too excited to lay out her agenda and fucked up her question.

What does that even mean? If your whole goal is to ask a "gotcha" SJW question to make the guys look bad, at least make it a coherent question.

What does she even mean with "gender gap"??

Any better shots of her tits


The question didn't even make any fucking sense.

>people still praising Carmack after he sold his soul to Shlomo Zuckerbergstein and the Facebook crowd
Good goys.

She totally destoyed Carmac and his boy's only club, they couldnt even articulate a non stupid answer

That movie was great

hmm... gender gap

I like that filename...

So you don't want to hire women? Sexist motherfucker.

Why not port it?
What does that even mean anyways?

Wut mooby, annie?

Because it is replacing them.

Look how she struggles to speak.
Clear brain damage

>that beta who nods and claps behind her

They had more men than woman working on it.
Somehow they needed to avoid porting this to VR, whatever that entails.

In America, you don't laugh, you clap.

>"this should get me laid!"

Is the Sark wearing No Mans's Sky earrings?

Nightcrawler. It's got some Drive vibes, some Taxi Driver vibes, great acting by Jakey who got fucking cheated out of an Oscar nom, and the whole third act is super tense. Great shit.

Don't watch the trailers though, they give away practically all of the third act. Just go watch it.

As others have said, Carmack did it. Turned her "equality" ideals against by pretty much saying they are going to hire the best person for the job regardless of gender, race, etc.

Is there a gender problem in VR? Is VR even a big enough, let alone just a plain old industry to have a gender gap? Or is she just trying to start shit for no reason?

what is a gender gap?

Much appreciated. I'll give it a try.


How do I port a gender gap?

If you are young you might get to live long enough to see the day that some cryptology classes at a random uni picks it up and decides to us it as their studying material and then releases the results on the internet

She is saying "would you hire me because im a woman?, also fuck you"
Also, anyone has that screencap where she says someone sexually assaulted her at the event?

There is absolutely nothing stopping women from getting involved in technology, they just have to care.

The Ben Garrison 1488 filename?

All sci/tech industries do in the US because women choose to not go into the field. In other countries this isn't as much of a problem because those careers are chosen by people who want and need the money. In America women are urged to follow their dreams instead of money primarily... so they go into office jobs like HR, nursing, teaching, whatever and then bitch that there aren't enough surgeons, lawyers, programmers (well, more like CEOs/producers/directors). It's stupid as fuck.

This question has come up several times on morning news programs in their version of clickbait, and every time the whining feminist gets asked, "Why didn't you go into this field?" their answer is "I didn't want to."

What, did someone make a dad joke at her?


The panel was 100% male and that "triggers" some people. It's got to the point now that if a panel with a specific context can't find enough women with a relevant background in the field, they'll throw in 2 or 3 women journalists to pad the panel and shoehorn in a way for them to answer some marginally relevant question.


It was Hugh Mungus


And yet they also bitch at having/being "the woman" to fill that quota. It's crazy how much they want it both ways.

t. Hugh Mungus Johnson

Wasn't that when everyone was trying to shove into everything gaming related in order to seem anti-gg? That whole list was still pretty fucked from top to bottom though.


no, she said something along the lines of "occulusconnect, the only place you get made fun of and get your ass grabbed"

Humongous what?

that's my name, why you ask my name?


i'm hugh mungus

I wish he had just given her what she wanted and said "suck my humongous dick you shrill feminist cunt."

I still respect him that he didn't lose his cool in front of her.

Thread is now Hugh

It's a typical catch 22: you get shafted for pulling in diversity panellists, or you get shafted for under-representing women on the panel. On top of that, you get verbally assaulted by attendees like the person in the OP asking for some random tech industry guy (forgive the hyperbole, no disrespect to Carmack) how he personally plans on magically making women in general enthusiastic about the tech industry and making an industry still in its infancy more diverse overnight.

>tfw don't go to tech events and can't grab women's asses without any soft of consequences

Women on the whole will never be as enthusiastic about programming and tech as men. Nothing similar exists that they have a high representation in.

>In America women are urged to follow their dreams instead of money primarily... so they go into office jobs like HR, nursing, teaching,

Since when is Europe part of America?
Because that happens here too.
Is not some silly "follow you dreams" retarded stuff, is because women are social creatures by nature so they value social jobs more.

I'm Hugh Mungus

Primary education


It is the follow your dreams shit, because in western society women are fiscally capable of pursuing their dreams over what pays the best.

Is nothing like working as a programmer, mechanic, engineer, data analyst, etc. Education is a social-centered job, not a technical one. Even within healthcare they choose entirely roles that involve high patient contact and not nearly as much research or lab work.

Off topic, but a huge concern of parents is a lack of male influence (for both boys and girls) in primary schooling.

Is it? Do you have a single fact to back that up?


That's funny, yer funny

how come Sup Forums doesn't have sound for webms?

>gives brief description of Carmack's career
>only mentions Rage
wtf is this shit?

I would say it's a huge concern/criticism of a small, educated subsection of the population. A huge concern of parents? No way. If anything, more parents of young children are going to say they do not want a male teacher in a classroom with kids before say, middle school age. This is coming from a high school teacher.

Kids definitely respond differently depending on whether the teacher is male/female, though. And I agree 100% that a lot needs to change about the public school system, and encouraging men to stay in the classroom is one of these things.

But here's the thing: being a male teacher for the long haul is shooting yourself in the foot. Men are still expected to be the primary breadwinner and teaching in most places does not pay very well. You also are thrust into a very PC culture that can be very frustrating.


something about this being an imageboard, not being a video sharing site, but moot's a fucking fag so he forgot that videos without audio are just silent movies without the music

do you really want constant screamers and rickrolling on Sup Forums

If it means that I can get some better webms then sure

well other boards have sound so why not this one

How many other boards? Isn't it just /wsg/?

I know /gif/ does too, not sure if there are others.
Unrelated, but /tg/ even supports PDFs.

>file name

I chuckled