Samus & Joey Storytime Revengeance

Notice me sempai edition

It's Friday night, Sup Forums! Since you don't seem to have anything better to do right now, why not curl up with your computer, a hot meal, and a storytime to pass the time?

Tonight we're picking up the tail end of Volume 3, chapter 5 of Samus & Joey, a manga released in the mid-2000s about the adventures of Samus and a shonen-as-hell sidekick kid. This is noteworthy as being one of the better representations of Samus in media, with Samus being badass and stern yet encouraging, unflappable, and most importantly, not a sniveling coward. Also she punches things sometimes, and that's nifty.

If you're new to the comic, catch up with the previous threads, hopefully still archived:

Also, a disclaimer: I am unable to bump my own threads, that's how Sup Forums works. So I'll be relying on you, the readers, to post and comment to keep the thread alive. So don't hold back! Reactions, small talk about the games, even shitposting. Seriously though, my last attempt died almost 12 posts in.

So sit back a spell, relax, and let's enjoy the madness together.

Other urls found in this thread:

I encourage you to visit that last thread, it's important.

Kind of had some important plot details happen, but I'm too worried about being banned for spamming to repost them. They're all archived, though, don't worry.


I can't stress enough how important bumps are to these threads.



0/10 can't fap.

Hopefully I can stick it out to the end of this chapter, so we can finish off volume 3.

Your contribution is appreciated all the same.

Though I disagree on both counts.



user this thread is going to drown if it doesn't get bumps. I don't care what you post at this point as long as it keeps the thread alive, because I can't do it myself.


Oh boy, Samus time!







Well I wasn't expecting Ridley.


And that's volume 3. Some art pages and credits to round it off.

Then we're full tilt into volume 4, Samus & Joey EXTREME, which takes place in the EXTREME galaxy.


So what are you guys having?

I'm waiting on a pizza.



pizza here too.

And of course, this was all thanks to the work of the people at the metroid database website. There's other manga up there if you need more, so be sure to check them out!

And now it's time for



This is volume 4, which I suspect they weren't sure they'd be able to make, as the others came out in 2003 and this was around 2004/2005, and it reeks of "renewed shounen manga". It's incredibly silly but kind of badass, so hang on tight, it gets pretty weird.



Remember, only YOU can prevent the thread from falling off page 10.


And here I thought they were in the city of outlaws this whole time.



Nah, they were just in the rough part of town.

Now they're literally on planet Outlaw, city of Brigandia.

Apparently all these criminals are a new development though? Which is weird considering they fucking named the planet Outlaw?


Why is Wolverine being such a dick? holy shit.

OH OH OH if you REALLY want a reason to stick around, there's a race episode later on

Get hype

So metroid just turned into trigun? I can dig it.


I'm still disappointed Samus didn't have that kickass cloak on again. It would have been more fitting in this setting.



Real talk, I have a thing open in the background and it's playing that song from The Man With No Name on loop

That's not even intentional


I can't stick around in this thread, but I thank you for storytiming and I hope you can complete it without the thread dying. I gotta say, the idea of giving Samus a plucky yet capable young sidekick is surprisingly appealing. I don't know how well it would work in the games (especially with the fanbase being so strict about atmosphere and tone), but I would like to see more of this idea.
Just not written by Nintendo or Team Ninja, for the love of God.

> I don't have any weak spot!


Also I think it was the theme from the Good the Bad and the Ugly, actually.




I mentioned this shit gets pretty silly, right?


Ennio Morricone is such a great composer

I have a deep appreciation for anyone who can put that particular type of guitar to good use. I don't know what it's called though. It's very distinctive, though, you hear it in all the best western movie music.






Metroid is so badass


We're Resident evil 5 now

End of chapter 1.

You know, stupidly enough the thing that bugs me most is that this takes place in some other galaxy. Metroid doesn't feel like it has that kind of scale. Also the saying is something along the lines of "praying for peace in the galaxy", singular galaxy. I dunno. Moving on.

Try not to have an aneurism thinking about the logistics of all this.


That comic is cringy as all hell, holy shit.

I'm pretty sure this is where they get the ice beam.

"The galaxy cluster is at peace" just doesn't sound as nice


Oh, sorry, quoted it wrong. But yeah, I agree.




AH, Shigechi. So this is what happened to you after you died to Kira.

Oh god, is the boss of this planet going to be alternate-comic Samus?

Guy can't catch a break.





Come on Joey,

grow some balls




Is it that time already?
Godspeed OP, thx for the dumps


Has Samus even used the morph ball once in this comic? She didn't even need it to use bombs earlier.

I'm not sure. Not really?

She used it against the gravity crush attack.


Ah, right.


Shit, now he's Vanilla Ice? This chapter's filled with Jojo.


A bit of Johnny/Gio too, I suppose.