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God Eater R and RB2
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Fuck GE2's story missions past 120 that is all.
I've seen people say you should go for poison with scythes in Resurrection, should I keep pouring levels into Armida or is there a better one later?
>Brought Kanon with me after hours playing
>Chi-You or whatever that bird thing is named
>jump to smash it
>hit by something
>try again
>hit by something
>I hear Kanon saying something like "I am sorry, you were just in the front etc"
>finish mission
I feel bad for this spaghetti launcher.
If a scythe has a chance at a status effect, does it calculate it for every damage instance or every swing?
Who is best bro and why is it Lindow
When do I fight some new aragami? I just got back to Friar and I'm at chapter 5.
I just used the hammer for the first time. How do I use it effectively?
Dead within two week..max.
What rank Yan Zhi drops Siren Mask?
That's a weird way to spell Haru
The way of the Kanon is a long and harsh road.
But only the true can see the end.
G-gosh really? Why me?
Is there anyway to make the ai party members not shit? they are too dumb to dodge multiple enemies at a time making them use up all their healing items in survival missions.
I've tried making them heal bots but they only heal me and only when I reach 25% and they still somehow miss 50% of the time if an enemy is near me.
They also can't act as aggro holder since enemies I have never attacked will switch to me while I try to kill the second enemy.
HP Up, Damage Cut, Close Quarters DEF, Firm Stand, Prepared.
Go for Healing Shot: Adjust and Healing Beam since they can heal you from a distance, compared to Healing Radial, which requires you to be up close.
If it's Resurrection, have Soma on for aggro, since he has Hate Up 10 and is pretty tanky. Alisa's a healer and can give you Link Burst LV3. As for your fourth, I found Tatsumi (pretty tanky, has Restore Posts, and a Short Blade complents Hold Hits well), Brendan (really godlike damage), Annette (really tanky and aggressive), and Lindow to be good characters to use. 1st Gen Gunners are pretty ass since they have no shield.
I liked him much more than Julius.
The way of the Kanon is true, emblazoned in the many friendly-fires of Kanon and healed by the many healings of Kanon.
Cause you're a 10/10 cutie!
b o i p u s s y
the white haired kid is the default protag?
Does this game ever get hard? I haven't played a mission yet that was more than 5 minutes long.
In this artwork it's probably the MC the one in the middle, but I believe it's a light blonde color and not white. At least in Ressurection intro it shows a light blonde guy picking up the God Arc
it's the default male protag
How am I supposed to be prioritizing/going about getting upgrades? I'm on difficulty 3 and even though I want to use a short blade I don't have any upgrades available for it. Meanwhile the Buster sword I've been able to upgrade like three times.
Am I expected to farm materials or just keep doing missions and upgrade when I can? For that matter, am I supposed to be crafting different weapons and upgrading those as well on top of what you start with?
I'm on difficulty 3 and the hardest missions was the ones with more than one monster and my teamates being idiots shooting them while I'm trying to use flashbang and run away
O-oh wow
user no he is p u r e
There are some missions where you'll face like 3 mid-large monsters at once that can be kinda crazy. But I still wouldn't exactly call it "hard".
I wish glasses didn't look like shit with like, 90% of the male hairstyles
eyepatch is cooler looking anyway
I went with sunglasses because the mc eyes look creepy as shit.
I love the eyes my character has. The faces she makes are appropriate too, and overall ended up quite attached.
The voice I picked is complete ass though since I didn't feel like cycling through them all and now I regret it
I picked Voice 6 as a male. I have made a mistake.
I think they looks pretty good with headphones.
Upgrade what you want (good skills, elemental coverage), try not to upgrade one of everything, until endgame, because you'll run out of mats and FC.
You don't have to grind if you're using Reward Rate Up, breaking bonds, using Bond Break Reward Up, and exchanging A-Tickets for stuff.
If you're going for a specific drop for a specific weapon, you might have to, though.
Import Save Data to recreate your character. In Rage Burst, you'll have to reset your options, though.
I got to difficulty 3 and got bored as fuck. Just a shame I decided to give the game more than two hours so trying to refund it would be a hassle.
Its a shame, because I typically like this style of game, and while I don't think it is necessarily bad, there are a number of smaller things about it that I don't really care for, and ultimately made me stop playing before I could really get to the more difficult stuff, where I can only assume it isn't as boring.
I somehow picked Ciel's voice but since it also has personal dialogue it just doesn't match at all. Not to mention I have to have subs on to tell who is talking now.
Thanks user. I really want to use Short Blade but I haven't had any upgrades available for it since D1 so I feel like I'm basically being forced to use other weapons for now. I guess it'll even out in a bit? I'll keep going.
And those things are?
user difficulty three is around where shit starts to get more hectic and fun. How many missions did you do?
Oh, I'm doing Resurrection, I should have clarified.
You can still Import Save Data from the main menu in either game. It'll let you change your face, eye color/shape, voice, and skin color, when you normally wouldn't be able to.
So go and listen to whatever voice sounds good and has good voiced lines. All 86 of them.
Am I supposed to play Rage Burst or Resurrection first?
Resurrection if you want better context for Rage Burst. Otherwise Rage Burst
The biggest is probably the general feel of the game. The movement feels off, I guess? Not terribly good at explaining it. Regardless, something about it doesn't feel right to control, to me.
The early upgrades feel boring and not super useful, at least early on. For example, there are all these small skills, which later probably have a nice impact, but early on I see +6% damage or something and it is just boring. The actual differences between Weapon A and Weapon B of the same category aren't really large early on either, so actually getting an entirely new weapon doesn't really feel rewarding.
Also really hate all of the characters. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have the deal with them all the time, but in order to progress and get to the, presumably, more interesting content, I need to deal with them and suffer through all the bullshit I don't care about.
>kyuubi is the most animal like aragami, that just happens to have very deadly homing laser beams and is one really slippery bastard
>Also really hate all of the characters
yes everyone should be perfect badasses with no sense of development whats so ever
I will add, I really do like the bullet creation. That is probably what I spent the most time doing, and I am a sucker for those kind of things.
I don't know the exact number, but it wasn't terribly far into difficulty 3, to be honest. I was really starting to feel sick of it during 2, but I wanted to continue at least until getting access to blood bullets, which I did. Messed with them for a bit and then promptly stopped playing.
>The actual differences between Weapon A and Weapon B of the same category aren't really large early on either,
Maybe it doesn't feel like that on paper but I assure you they're significant.
To put it in perspective, I had a blast gun which had 110 for crushing. The next upgrade had 126 added onto it.
The difference between them was roughly 445 damage using the same bullet.
This is in chapter 3 too since I spent tons of time making bullets
>the upgrades when i'm in the tutorial area feel weak
Well gee, who would have thought.
Perhaps the tutorial shouldn't be a long and boring slog then? Just an idea.
If you care, try booting up one of the difficulty 3 Free missions. They throw multiple aragami at you and make for much more interesting missions
I'll take your advice and boot it up at some point to try that. Currently completely burned out on it.
Perhaps you shouldn't be such a massive faggot then? Just an idea.
I miss my perma-burst.
I got you covered.
I miss Predator Styles too.
you just learn to live without the burst until I WILL WIN
In which difficulty does winning commence?
what do you mean by perma-burst?
if you want to stay in burst indefinitely just get the mutual burst skill which fills your burst gauge back up each time you pass a burst bullet to a teammate
>second game adds a new feature
>first game gets an enhanced port
>adds a new feature that's objectively better than the second game's
>port is released before second game's enhanced version release
>second game doesn't have predator styles or something close to it
>second game comes out and everyone feels like they got a huge nerf
Do the NPCs in GER eventually get new skills to learn? Cause I have like 300 AP sitting on everyone in difficulty 3.
They do. Difficulty 7 I think.
Frankly, Resurrection made you too powerful. It requires almost no effort to maintain crazy buffs as long as you want, and the bullet abuse is simple to the point of rendering melee a glorified ammo collecting minigame.
There are a few rounds of expansions on their skill lists, ending with their personal skills that cost about 1000 each plus the price of each included skill.
They released Resurrection first because muh continuity.
Rage Burst still has a Control Unit (just not 5 of them), and you have plenty of 2nd Gens giving your Link Burst that keeping your Burst up becomes an afterthought.
Melee's also balanced with bullets via Blood Arts, making either play style viable, and Control Units in Resurrection could make you nearly invincible (Burst Saver, Automatic Recovery, Melee ATK HP Absorb, Reinforce, Reinforce +) or stupidly powerful (Red Mist, Red Mist +, Weak Point Booster, Vs. Attribute Booster, Gun Specialist, Power Strike (Bullet)).
Right on. Thanks for the info.
I've never broken anything on this guy before he keels over.
He's pretty ezpz since he just hands you Level 3 Burst. Yan Zhi can be a bit overwhelming, though.
>Fighting a proper Caligula with best boy Brendan
Shit was hype.
I can agree with the movement thing, but the other stuff is just nit picking the game for not giving you crazy stuff at the beginning. Dude, your around 2 hours? Maybe 3? You aren't going to get a weapon with 40% damage boosts, another 40% while fighting multiple argami, another 25% for sacrificing a bit of stamina and a plethora of other skills 2 HOURS IN. Even MH doesn't do this, you might be lucky to get Melee Atk up M at all in your second set.
You aren't going to go from Dull spear of wackness lv 1 to Anubis' scepter of assrape +30 in 2 hours man. The early game is easy anyway, so none of that is needed. In fact, getting an upgrade at that point at all is surprising since they're so few and far between, you shouldn't get any major upgrades till chapter later chapter 3.
If you don't like a character that's fine, I can't make you like anyone. But these characters all have baggage that needs to be gone through and sorted out so they can grow as characters (also unlock their blood arts) so it matters in more ways than one. This game isn't for you man, go play MH or something, it sounds more your speed.
Dude! I just want to predator dash into the sunset!.
Hopefully someday will get non OP predator styles back plus a customisable melee skill tree.
>Frankly, Resurrection made you too powerful. It requires almost no effort to maintain crazy buffs as long as you want, and the bullet abuse is simple to the point of rendering melee a glorified ammo collecting minigame.
They could have solved this by making the buffs gained from predators much weaker in GE2 or changed it up a bit. We're stuck feeling like we got a massive gimp because there's nothing like it in the sequel. An entire feature people played around is now gone.
>game not even on top 100 played on steam charts
Can you find others to play with?
Well, remind yourself that you weren't gimped, you just played a questionably balanced prequel with enormous power creep first.
and then came the sequel where the powerful ability is completely gone, therefore leaving people feeling gimped.
>go from Resurrection to Rage Burst
>the character creation voices are all different now
>my RB character now sounds different than in the first game
>Dash Devour was literally the best way to traverse the sunset
>now only Short Blades, Boost Hammers, and Charge Spears are capable of traversing long distances via Step Cancels, that one Ignition move, and Backflips
I can kind of Zero Stance cancel my steps, but it's not the same.
I was playing for about 7 hours, mate. Though, to be fair, a good chunk was spent making bullets because the rest was boring the hell out of me. If I had only put two hours in I'd have gotten my money back.
And I'm not wanting the upgrades to make me a living god capable of one-shotting everything. I just want them to be interesting. Currently I have things that make me slightly quieter or slightly stronger, or slightly this or that. It is boring and uninspired.
I'm not trying to shit on this game, plenty of people seemingly are enjoying it; like you said, it just isn't for me.
i like gilbert's design a lot.
So, I'm still going through Ressurection.
How different is 2? I don't want to get burned out from Resurrection and I'm feeling like just looking up the cut scenes on Youtube, especially learning that I can't transfer my character over.
how does anyone backflip consistently like that though I always get turned around
They aren't supposed to be the same, your GE1 character is off fucking Alisa while your GE2 character is off fucking Ciel.
So what happened to the MC of GE1? What is the plot of this game?
thats what shot guns are for
No lock-on, face the camera, and step afterwards.
Blood Arts that change the properties of your melee moveset, Blood Bullets that are unique traits for each gun (and are more commonplace in Resurrection), Blood Rage in the second arc, new Aragami and maps.
Blast Gun for life, my dude.
Yeah, hence prequel. Nobody is forcing you to play it if it triggers you so badly.
People in the thread last night were telling me that the dash devour in GER was the best mobility I could get. I got it and never use it. Shotgun and rocket hammer just seems way faster.
Am I supposed to be getting SSS ranks on my first time through these missions? Feels like I plain don't have the equipment needed to kill things fast enough, but the materials I need to upgrade my stuff I've never even seen before.
>all of these cool ass outfits unlocking near the end of the game
>have to go through the whole game again If I want to see how they look on a girl character
Goddammit. Is there no transmog? You think the Anti-Monster Hunter game would have the most requested feature of Monster hunter.
>Get GE2 today
>Came came with a carboard slip on that goes over the game case
Fucking nice. Shame though that GER is only a digital download via the voucher thats included with GE2 isntead of a physical disc or better yet have GER and GE2 on a single disc since both together only uses up 17GB. Not complaining though.
SSS+ exists, and not all missions are equally difficult. Some are just really easy to SSS.
>have to go through the whole game again If I want to see how they look on a girl character
You can import your save, and remake your character and be exactly at the same place where you left off, the only thing you can't change is the codename.
Import Save Data. It'll let you recreate your character and edit everything but Code Name.
>slay 4 kongous
How the fuck do you deal with this
You can't lead one out, they all just follow you
He's off in Europe establishing more satellite bases or something.
SSS+ is solo only.
Import save.
That's what I did in GER. Went female post game so I can play dress up.
What difficulty do I unlock I WILL WIN
>Import Save Data
>from the same game you are playing
I was wondering why that was there.
Please respond
>Does a % chance status effect on a scythe roll on every swing, or on every damage instance in the swing that connects.
GE2 MC is sick and tired of Dark Emil's shit
I would imagine it's for every instance since that's what happens if you use a scythe with Melee Attack HP Regen.
I used the Sariel Scythe in Resurrection which has built in Venom+10. A monster is poisoned pretty much within the first combo.
>tfw Ciel is starting to grow on me