Chibi artstyle

>chibi artstyle
>first game in five years
>other m was the latest game before this

Just a reminder that this game has zero chance of being good. Anyone who realizes the above will plainly see that. It is LITERALLY impossible for Federation Force to be good. There is NOTHING they can do to salvage it when you consider these facts.

Other urls found in this thread:\

>possibly thinking mpff could be good


The game came out a few weeks ago, everyone already knows it's shit.

How could anyone possibly think this game could be good when the previous game was Other M and it's a chibi co-op game for the 3DS?

>bad graphics
>first game since other m

Yeah, it's patently obvious this game sucks.

It just goes to show you that Nintendo doesn't care anymore. How could they possibly think that anyone would want a Metroid game with chibi graphics and co-op, especially since we've been waiting for redemption after that travesty that was Other M?

They've totally lost touch with reality.

nintendo doesn't care anymore, op

otherwise they wouldn't have made a chibi co-op metroid game thinking that could possibly make up for other m instead of a real game

what else would you expect? this is the same company that gave us other m

you can't patent "obviousness"

t. patent lawyer

The fact that it's a 3DS game is disgraceful, especially since we're all waiting for their apology for Other M. Now we get downgraded graphics with a chibi artsyle and to add insult to injury, it's a co-op game! How is this Metroid?!

meant for 350561789

Nintendo's totally gone downhill. The first Metroid game since Other M and they decide to make it a co-op game on the 3DS with chibi graphics. This is NOT the return to form for Metroid that we wanted.

>3 posters
Is that you ACfag?

At least we all know it'll suck, right? After all, just look at those chibi graphics and the co-op gameplay. To make matters worse, this is the first Metroid in the five years since Other M. It's like they don't know what their fans want at all.

I'm really liking the controls.
It's basically Gamecube Prime controls but with additional gyro aiming that feels really natural.
I'm actually annoyed that such a satisfying control scheme is wasted on such shitty level design and overall game structure.
It would be perfect for something like Metroid Prime 3D.

Something something chibi art style something something co-op.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if Other M was seen as a success by Nintendo. Critic reviews for the game were generally favorable and the game outsold Metroid Prime 3 in Japan, and selling more in Japan was one of the goals of the game.

It's actually a good game. And rather fun.

No one owes anyone an apology for a game in a series you don't like. That's fucking dumb and you come across as entitled for even suggesting it.
If you don't wanna play FF that's fine. I'm a go a have fun with it right now as a matter of fact.

>knows what they're doing

pick one, especially in light of the fact that they're making a metroid with chibi graphics on the 3ds in their first attempt to drudge up the property since other m of all things

i mean, it's even co-op. yeah, because that's what metroid needs

Fucking retard, just kill yourself.

Don't expect this game to be good. Not with all the signs of poor quality it's shown: a chibi art style, poor 3DS graphics, co-op (in a METROID game?!), and the very fact that this is the first thing they've given us in the series since Other M disgraced store shelves.

At least we got AM2R this year. Even if Nintenshit doesn't want it to exist, it was released, it's been played and no DMCA can do anything about it.

And all Nintendo themselves have to offer us is some crappy 3DS spin-off with chibi graphics and forced co-op. The FIRST game we've gotten in the five years since Other M, mind you.

You thought that your post in that other thread was so good that you made a new thread just for it? Woah.

Nice argument.

I'll bet you haven't even tried it just because it's not what you want.
Entitled kid. Kill yourself child do the world a favor and end your life so your parents can use your college fund on something more useful than a drunken mistake that should have been a pull out.

To think this is what they have to atone for Other M. A 3DS game with crappy chibi graphics based around co-op.

Nintendo is so backwards.

It saddens me that this is what Metroid has been reduced to after the Other M disaster. Being stuck on the underpowered 3DS, having to resort to chibi graphics. They couldn't even get the gameplay right. It's just a forced co-op game like TFH all over again.

>nintendo not only shits a dump on your bed but steals your vidya
they cant keep gettin away with it!

>it's actually a good game
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

It's clear this isn't a good game. Biggest warning sign is that they stuck chibi graphics on a Metroid game. Then they totally mangled the gameplay into a co-op squad shooter, and then tried to adapt such an experience for the 3DS.

Especially after Other M, it's clear Nintendo doesn't know what to do with Metroid anymore.

holy shit your samefagging knows no bounds.

Reminder that this is the final boss.

Now it is just a mediocre game, that have freedom to add its own stuff instead of being ruined by badly used pieces of a good franchise.

M:OM should have been the first red flag, faggots. Now they're sticking the Metroid title on a co-op shooter for the 3DS, with totally unfitting and horrid-looking chibi graphics. They're just gonna whore this series out from now on.

Me and my 3 friends played it together and it was kinda fun

Now tell me that you're just pretending to be retarded. Please.

Yeah, it's out... And it's good.

But I know shitposters can't be arsed to edit copypasta.

Cant wait for the sequel! I mean, it wasn't even that "bad"! Thanks nintendo.

Five years since Other M and no real game in sight. All we get is some spin-off for the 3DS around grunts no one cares about. Shoehorn in co-op like Triforce Heroes and make everyone chibi because the system can't handle anything else and call it a day.

Guess we'll be waiting forever for a real installment.

To all the still-fans ITT: let me ask you this: why should i continue supporting Nintendo? I dislike every one of their other titles on the WiiU and 3DS, and I've been waiting for them to make a new Metroid for 10 years that wasn't just shovelware or a glorified fapfiction from Sakamoto. I already gave them a second chance after Other M, but they go and blow it while showing no consideration for the people that might not want online co-op for Metroid. The fact that the singleplayer isn't even playable unless you have 2+ people playing should've already told you that they don't want singleplayer anymore.

So overall, I see no reason to give them ANOTHER chance when they already blew the second chance they had.

The chibi artstyle is solely because they had trouble differentiating friend and foe on the tiny ass resolution of 3DS.

Games don't have to be good to be fun with friends.

The ending of Fed Force seemed to hint at Prime 4 if that's any consolation



Who will make it though? Retro Studios is probably working on the next Donkey Kong game.

This is what Neotendo is.

Take a beloved, atmospheric series like Metroid and turn it into a brainless co-op shooter for the 3DS with a completely out-of-place chibi art-style.

It's like they don't even play their own series.

>Make everyone chibi because the system can't handle anything else
I know, right?
Yes the artstyle is absolute trash but I'm sure that's only because the hardware can't handle it. There is just literally no way to make a Prime game look normal on a handheld and NLG should be applauded for getting as close as they did.

It might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen in a game.

Oh, and this is AFTER they already ruined the series with Other M. FIVE YEARS after, with no other game since.

It wouldn't even be so bad if it weren't for the fact that this was the first game in the span of years since Other M.

Oh wait, yes it would. Because making Metroid into a cutesy chibi 3DS spinoff with co-op squad gameplay is a fucking stupid idea.

Wew lad.

What's wrong with any of those?

I feel bad for Next Level Games, even if the game wasn't that spectacular.

Did you read the title of the game?


Nintendo needs to drop them, their last 5 games have been mediocre to outright awful.

You have quoted me, whatever shall I do.

I don't.
They should have learnt their lesson after Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon that just because it's a handheld, doesn't mean you need to break the game up into tiny pieces so it's impossible to get into the groove of things.
Plus, the mission design in this game is fucking terrible, it looks terrible and everything moves so fucking slowly that the game just feels like a chore to play.
Even when removed from the context of the Metroid series it's a very dull, uninteresting game. They just had the bad luck to have the dull, uninteresting game attached to a name which people have very high standards for.

Speaking of Next Level Games, how is Mario Strikers Charged?
Is it worth picking up on the Wii U VC?

Dank, but maybe you should actually explain your point.

Fucking Pretendos.

It's genuinely a good game, and I'm not being contrarian. AMR2 was an illegal project that needed to be taken down

>anything not made by Nintendo is bad

You're totally not biased.

uh... ?

You must be a total retard if you haven't known fed force would suck since its e3 introduction

Holy christ how many times can you reword one post

I know the game is bad, everyone knew that the game would be bad, why do you so enjoy posting about how bad the game is

On another note, has anybody played Triforce Heroes? Is it any fun with 3 people playing locally or is it just stupidly easy? I remember having fun with Four Swords when I was a kid, but I'm not sure how I'd like multiplayer Zelda as an adult.\

>Punch Out Wii was not within their last 5 games.

Good. Best game from them. Though LM2 was still alright.

Federation Force has too many issues, and AMR2 should not have been taken down.

If this game was megaman you'd all shit your pants

>see this thread
>man let me see if there's any news on AM2R
>No future

Why do even like this fucking franchise

>has anybody played Triforce Heroes?
Yea the month it came out this board wouldn't stop sucking its dick
> Is it any fun with 3 people playing locally or is it just stupidly easy?
It's fun multiplayer sure, but single player wasn't very good since the scarecrow guys are dumb to switch to. Four sword adventures was better i'd say

Its a good game,
but its a horrible metroid game
op is a faggot

This whole fucking game would barely even matter if they didn't slam AM2R

Reminder the dev has just been completely forbidden from releasing updates in any way. At least the gravity suit glitch is gone by now.

Anyone got the download link for AMR2.


Nope only an opinion. And that's all that matters I enjoyed what I paid for and got my moneys worth.

It's another case of "If it were a new IP" and looked more interesting it probably would be considered decent. But because they put the Metroid franchise for the title after such a drought of consumer-praised games, it's just in bad taste. People hate this decision more than the game itself.

But really the game doesn't look too interesting, I'm sure objectively there's enough fun to be had, but I never cared. Probably won't even pirate.