This shit is unforgivable.
This shit is unforgivable
Yeah that picture quality is shit
so this is the power of the ps1
I know, it's all I could find. But you can still clearly see what's wrong here.
Yes, they all have awful fashion sense.
Japs don't see a lot of black people, but Americans do. This is unfortunate for Americans but it's a reality they must deal with.
what is wrong with
the game still pretty fun
actually the europoors did this
>explicitly searching for shit that triggers you
Jesus Christ neo Sup Forums is worse than feminism
I saw it in the game and I searched for a picture.
Believe it or not but it's Europe this time. The NA version of the game is literally just the EU version brought over.
That's NoE censorship but
>its okay when its not treehouse
Why do localizers feel the need to deputize themselves as morality cops?
Just translate the damn game.
Different skin tones is minor. I'm more concerned on whether or not they removed content like in the previous game.
This is the only thing stopping me from picking this game up.
how is this any different from some radical SJW getting triggered and posting low-quality b8
oh, I know, they aren't hiding behind anonymity
>they aren't hiding behind anonymity
The CON leaks proved other wise.
The only thing they removed was skin bleaching wasn't it?
They didn't give us the free update that came later with dream boyfriend, I know that, but that's not the same as removing content.
>The only thing they removed was skin bleaching wasn't it?
You're aware that they were originally white, yes?
Girls Mode 4 better allow us to customize body proportions. All the girls are literal sticks.
That is some wishful thinking, faggot.
It'll end up as a phone game anyway.
No retard, the original version of the first game still had a range of skin tones, but just lighter ones, from gyaru tan to white as snow, and you could change your skin tone with tanning/bleaching because that's what Japanese women do.
When they decided to add a wider variety of skin tones for the Western release, they obviously couldn't keep the bleaching/tanning in otherwise you'd have black women going straight to white and white women going to full black, which would be fucking ridiculous from a realism standpoint.
[Citation Needed]
Fuck. Phone "games" are the true cancer killing gaming.
Why would you want fat girls?
Shit, you're probably right since the 3DS might not have a real successor and NX will be too expensive to develop for.
We're not talking about the first game, my dear newfag. Try to keep up.
>Retard spouting about his outrage didn't even play Girls Mode
What a fucking surprise
> I'm more concerned on whether or not they removed content like in the previous game.
>in the previous game
Learn to follow a thread, sorry we don't have indents here like on your favorite website.
I just want ass and titties.
>Style Savvy 3
>Previous game is the 2nd
>You bring up the first
Ah, I see now, you're retarded.
Burden of proof, cuck.
Now sit down.
By removed content, I'm referring the clothing removed from the men's line. And by originally white, I'm referring to OP's pic, you fucking moron.
How is this censorship
>Mens clothing added in Yokubari Sengen wasn't added as an update for NA
>Removed content
Hang yourself.
Honest question
Does anyone hear actually find black chicks sexy? I honestly think they're ugly as fuck unless they're like half black or something.
See: >I'm more concerned on whether or not they removed content like in the previous game.
Previous game is the second Style Savvy.
Content I'm referring to is the clothing removed from Men's line
I understand you failed basic English and reading comprehension courses but don't take your butthurt out on me.
>Referring to the games by their Jap names
Nice autism.
Apologize right fucking now.
Most basketball americans tend to have wide noses. I'm not into that.
surprised it hasnt become a mobile game honestly, it could even take elements from that shitty browser game, poupee girl
>Refers to an unreleased localization in the past tense
>Tries to talk about comprehension
No, dig up, up!
Just wait until the next installment. The 3rd was probably in development or done before they wanted to shift certain IPs to mobile.
Now you're just embarrassing yourself.
I do in very, very, very rare cases
>Grown men arguing over a dress-up game for little girls
Please, don't make this any worst than it is. Can you date your husbando in Fashion Forward?
>A 9gag tier OPM reaction image is your only rebuttal.
Just leave this board, if you can't add to the discourse you aren't wanted.
Shut up, CON leaks never happened. Goobergatz is evil reeeeeeeeee
>Remove the black skin color
>OMG Dev is rasist!! Y dey remov nigar?
>Leave the black skin color
>OMG Dev is rasist!! Y dey make white people and paint em blak?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I would strangle you for costing me summer lessons.
but im a teenage girl
Apply yourself.
>arab girl too busy praying to help a customer
>black girl gossiping about a customer
what did europe mean by this
>Some delicious jap girls have become delicious brown jap girls
>There are people actually complaining
I knew you were gay but holy shit.
>delicious brown jap girls
No, they became mudslimes.
"Noor" is not a jap name.
So what does the hairdresser's brother look like in JP?
Because I live in a country with more black people than Japan, when I want to play a Japanese game, I must play it with characters changed into black people.
That sounds reasonable to you?
>Japs don't see a lot of black people
They're getting there
Yeah it's called localization. Customers want to see characters they relate to and a lot of black and latino people play video games. Just because dark skin triggers you doesn't mean it triggers other people. Just like how Japs want girly men in their games, most westerners like games that reflect on their society.
>most westerners like games that reflect on their society
Games are meant to be wish fulfillment, to be better than real life. The majority of people playing this game, in any country, will not be black girls. Nobody that will play this game will enjoy it more because Nintendo changed an Asian girl to a black girl. This is not a genuine effort to localize the game, so much as a half-assed attempt from some tumblrite working at Nintendo to do what they think is socially just.
Games should serve as escapism not as a reminder of how shitty the world is.
localization is a form of censorship.