Let's post some Sup Forums related video game cats and discuss video game cats...

Let's post some Sup Forums related video game cats and discuss video game cats. Cat related monstrosities are also acceptable. In this occasion I will post one (1) Steam key for each cute video game cat (male) posted in this thread. Here is one to start off with.


I don't really care about the free games, I just like cats

>tfw can't redeem codes cuz I'm working
i want to play games with qt cats (male)!!

Why did you start off with a female cat?

But it's a boy, Anonymous.

Pick your images better next time.


>Nobody is posting cats
Fucking casuals

What's wrong with Meowth user?

posting best game

>But it's a boy, Anonymous.

She's really not. Maybe you could meme it up like this when the first images of the character came up. At this point it's a known fact the character is female.

I got you OP.

I swear, Sup Forums is full of casuals with no knowledge of vidya cats

Obviously Ghost Trick. Also, Missile is the best vidya dog.

The image quality was just bad.

Quite the opposite. He stays in the men's bath, is attracted to girls, speaks in a masculine way and has a masculine stand. You'd be better off claiming he's a transitioning tranny than a female.

A classic.



Confirmed by a trusted source.

would you a cat? How?

best cat

Guy sitting on bench stroking chin

Here's one from MonHun Gen.


FYI OP, it would be best to do the codes like this:

* = 0

Otherwise automated scanners snap the codes up rapidly.

Just be faster.

Cute one, kinda like the official art better though.

Not bad. Haven't had time to play it yet.

From WarioWare, his name is Spitz.

Doesn't thw bad guy henchman literally refer to him ad a mouse?

>Samarost 2
Good taste OP.

>not providing a Steam key for Blinx user
Shame on you, OP.

That doesn't look very cute.
You can have this Origin key though.


Genki from Saints Row IV. Technically not a cat but whatever.

Nah, I saw the real thing, not cute at all.

>not finding Blinx cute
There's no accounting for taste, I suppose. How's this then, OP? More to your taste?

That's a robot though
