How are you coping with youtube fucking over our guys like leafy and keemstar?
How are you coping with youtube fucking over our guys like leafy and keemstar?
Loving every laugh.
>almost 5 mil subs
Just how the fuck?
Fucking WHO?
How do you goddamn high schoolers tell all these fucking stupid "assholes who talk over video games on youtube" retards apart?
I killed a guy named Leaf once.
Why are they getting shut down?
Surrogate friends.
Basically, because the audio is the only really important part of the video, and everyone has such an elevated need for stimuli caused by media overexposure, commentary channels are massively successful because people put them on as background noise while enjoying other media.
time to get a shit job like the rest of us you cunts
how are you feeling that leafy and keemstar are the cancer of youtube
not video games
>how do you goddamn high schoolers tell all these fucking stupid "assholes who talk over video games on youtube" retards apart
Not having alzheimer's is a good start.
By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
Coping well. Youtube drama channels are the absolute fucking worst of all the Youtube cancer.
Most people here on Sup Forums are okay with it because "S-stop being more successful than me!!!!!"
It's happening with a lot of channels. Even pewdiepie. How have you missed this?
Bluedrake was right
Who the fuck is this nobody and why should I care?
Literally who?
I don't know, I don't use youtube often.
Is gaming channels illegal now?
It's not hard to kill a canadian.
pewdiepie isn't being shut down you idiot.
Fine. They're second-tier normie youtubers (i.e, contrarian to the normies but still not actually unique or interesting enough to stand on their own). The place is better of without them
Youtube started demonetizing some already uploaded videos so their advertisers could feel more comfortable. The reasons why are vaguely written and apparently are being harshly applied, probably by just a poorly implemented bot. It has something to do with vulgarity and sexuality, but lots of people are getting things taken down.
Leafy is a cunt so he probably had more stuff than most.
Who and who?
I am so glad fat boogie francis whatever the fuck his name is good as gone now :,)
That's a damn shame.
Are videos getting taken down or just demonetised?
Give me a single reason as to why I should care about any youtube "celebrity".
Y W H O ?
Leafy fucking irritates me. Every single one of his 'jokes' could be thought up by a preschooler, he thinks edgy=funny and he generally just seems like a horrible person to be around.
He's the kind of faggot who spends a week on Sup Forums and now thinks hes a master of comedy.
All commentary channels are like this as well. Don't even get me started on Pyrocynical and that Russian twat.
>our guys
leh ehben b8 fred
Nothing is getting shut down. Videos with bad tags/titles/descriptions (ie. rape, kill, etc.) are having monetization pulled from them because advertisers don't want adverts on those kinds of videos.
It's literally not even YouTubes fault. YouTube barely makes any money as it is, and the money "content creators" are getting is from the advertisers who pay YouTube. If YouTube doesn't do this then the advertiser will pull out which means no money to pay "content creators" anyway.
I'm loving it. Fuck all e-celeb faggots and the hordes of children like you who worship them.
Threads like this make me realize how young the average Sup Forumsirgin must be.
Where do oldfags go when they start feeling too old for this shit?
I am euphoric
>He hasn't migrated to yet
You never get less out-of-touch.
>YouTube barely makes any money as it is
kek, it makes so much that it's made pewdiefag worth 61 million dollers
>and that Russian twat.
Fuck you Circumsoldier is hilarious.
Enjoy circle jerking over when you were young.
I genuinely hope someone like iDubbbzTV calls out these commentary cucks so that they get bombarded with hate and are forced off of YouTube.
Good, because those people where the ones ruining Youtube to begin with.
In fact their so terrible and cancerous that they had to ruin everyone's else fun in the process in order to stop them which is sad.
>he thinks all that revenue is strictly from YT ad bucks
It's also known that Google operates YT at a loss and has been for years.
I don't know who those people are but I absolutely could not make it past the 30 second mark on their videos when I tried to find out because they are such obnoxious faggots.
It's for the best.
Who is Leafy, fill me.
who /leafy/ here?
if not you should kys hisssssss
I thought youtube was always operating at a loss.
Is there a full list of all Youtubers being shut down yet?
I was referring to NFKRZ but ok.
YouTube does not make a profit.
It costs billions to maintain and makes billions minus one.
Well deserved.
He doesn't have a patreon so he's basically a hobo and it doesn't matter.
Youtube the company, operates at a loss every year.
Literally the only reason to run it is because it doesn't totally bleed money and it's still a damn near monopoly on video hosting.
Why do you care?
Is this the death of youtube?
>Surrogate friends
dumb meme
He's no better. He hopped on the "loud noises=tween views" train a year ago, a la Filthy Frank and others.
I really miss when he had 80k subs or so and demo'd overgrowth maps.
>cancer getting chemoed
seems good
Leafy/keemstar are 30 year old men who try to entertain edgy teenagers while playing Call of Duty/League of Legends/Popular shit of the week while swearing every other word and calling all their teammates shit while they're probably the worst person their team.
I forget which one did it, but they do shit like find a YouTube video of an older man saying how much he likes playing video games, then make a video saying how he's likely a pedo and only plays to get close to kids.
Then tells their legions of 14 year old 2edgy fans to go harass the guy until he deletes his account.
They're pretty much total assholes who are loved by millions of kids who get excited when someones says "nigger".
Why are so many of the big youtubers saying "YOTUBE IS SHUTTING ME DOWN AND CENSORING ME"
are they genuinely retarded because that is not whats happening at all
who cares. i say close all those faggots.
>wha wha wha I can't sit down an play video games all day now I gotta get a real job
Idgaf who that is but anyone who relys on the Internet and wasting time playing video games for a job needs to kill themselves.
Does this mean the """""ASMR""""" meme is finally finished?
Why do you guys hate these people anyway? They turned video games into a job, some of them becoming millionaires or close too in the process.
Any of us would kill for that.
>I have been telling my college liberal dipshit friends for years that the youtube bubble was going to burst, and it was going to burst HARD
>nuh uh it's the FUTURE man we're all gonna make a living on youtube
>This happens
>mfw laughing in their faces as they know they can't argue back
Bet they feel really fucking stupid for trying to get their wacky meme degrees so they could get cool internet jobs while I actually went to school to get a real job
Leafy is 20, we went to the same high school.
we won bros
we finally did it, it was long and painful but we defeated the let's players after all these years. All the sacrifices were worth it. I'm crying right now comrades
sounds lame desu, glad i don't divulge in that nonsense
You mean when they made that old ass chill dude on twitch that played runescape and made him cry by calling him a pedo nonstop, even though it wasn't him and he gave a half assed apology?, that was keemstar.
But it didn't burst. Not yet. Only some videos are being tagged.
Was he a fat faggot who got bullied?
Sup Forums needs to have an eceleb board so we can get this shit off of Sup Forums
it'll still be terrible, but it can only help. every board should unban porn too so we can get rid of some of these normies
>Another clickbait title
This is his shtick, he ain't going anywhere
I'm not affected by this because I don't monetize and even if I did all I'd have to do is edit the metadata or re-upload a couple series.
>October last year
>one of his Kickstarter Craps appeared as a suggested video at the end of some random one I watched
>watch it and got instantly hooked on his content even his vidya stuff
>he appears in that MaxMoeFoe and Filthy Frank video in November
>nothing seems to change really in his content
>all of a sudden a huge influx of subscribers and more collab shit with Max and Frank
>mfw his newer videos and the even more retarded people in the comments
What a fucking shame that he's now forever tied to those two faggots.
Is "Keemstar" a real person or thing? I just assumed it was a dank Reddit or Youtube maymay because I keep seeing this thing mentioned over the past few weeks but have never heard of it before.
My favorite part about the new youtube standards is watching all the "only a government can censor!" types like neogaf shuffle uncomfortably as they complain about it.
Sounds like something Sup Forums would love
The fact that Youtube had to change ad revenue ENTIRELY because of them (and some prank channels) instead of just directly removing them form the start is retarded.
Of course he play as Genji
You know how people here were saying that the Youtube LP fad was going to die out because eventually their source of money (monetization of their channel's videos along with with corporate sponsorships) was going to either become too little to feed themselves or removed altogether due to how advertisement works?
It's happening right now.
Isn't that the guy with the view bots?
>find a YouTube video of an older man saying how much he likes playing video games, then make a video saying how he's likely a pedo and only plays to get close to kids.
That's fucked up. Good thing these cancerous faggots are losing shekels
i bet they make more money than you user :^)
Anybody with an ounce of smarts will make their own website, host their videos on there, strike an advertising deal and direct their viewers to that. If they have actual value as an entertainer, they will be able to do so and succeed without needing a middleman like Youtube.
Said big Youtubers are making a living off of that shit. If they can't carry on as they are without losing their monetization on their videos, then they are virtually being shut down, unable to continue their way of life.
This is true. This was always inevitable.
The real damage here is that:
1. Youtube, like always, didn't explain shit or forewarn any of the content creators about this coming storm. No one knew what was happening until after damage was done.
2. To say that content is being painted with a broad brush is putting it lightly. Advertisers literally have the ability to censor whatever they want. Youtube wrote straight into the policy that "Touchy subjects" are viable for demonetization. Anyone could be hit for anything. Even the CNN youtube channel had many videos demonitized over covering world news.
3. This turned out to be happening for a while. There are many content creators who have had videos demonitized for a long time now behind the scenes, but weren't warned until this movement went official just recently. "Did my video get marked when it had 100k views or 5mil views?" no way to know. Youtube doesn't give a shit.
Basically youtube isn't safe for anyone not ready to attach their lips to a sponsors cock. Because of how vague the rules regarding advertising friendly materials are written nothing really stops sponsors from nuking channels who don't affiliate with them in order to favor channels that do.
But Sup Forums didn't do anything. They don't even know the guy.
This. Tired of tertiary threads on Sup Forums.
Wondering how long until YouTube goes under
If idubbbz is the same as Leafy to you, then the opinion center of your brain is broken.
It makes my fucking dick hard these fucking retards will have to get real jobs now