This game is really testing my patience! Does the game get easier as you level up?

This game is really testing my patience! Does the game get easier as you level up?

You get better.

this. you'll just get better at it the more you play it, like any other video game.

A little but not really no.

Just get enough stats to use a weapon then just pump everything on hp. It becomes much easier after your first run.

Equipment makes a much bigger difference than levels in terms of difficulty.

Going from level 10 to level 50 will only make you attack/roll 1-2 times more per stamina bar and take 1 extra hit from a boss.
Get some armor with poise, make sure you're not fat rolling, upgrade your weapon and you're good.

Find a weapon you like and stick with it. Almost any weapon is able to serve you throughout the entire game through upgrades.

Just don't make that weapon the drake sword, because the drake sword is for casual pleb faggots. It doesn't scale with your stats and the upgrade material is rare, so its initially amazing damage peters off very quickly.

git gud

or use the zweihander's 2h r2 attack on everything. you can stunlock the final boss and most everything else too

its initially amazing damage is fine for almost the whole game


if you ever need to choose between using your souls to level up or upgrade your weapon, always upgrade your weapon. Buying ore is worth it if you can upgrade your weapon.

Also there are strong armor sets in the forest. Stone Armor particularly is really strong and you can get it very early

Yeah, but you have to put points into resistance.

This is a lie

Sure, upgrade your equipment hen you can but listen to these instead:

The fact that equipment is more important than character level isn't mutually exclusive to the fact that skill is usually more important than equipment

skill > equipment > soul level

unless you equip a full set of superheavy armor and a fully upgraded lightning weapon, in which case you can just beat the whole game running at the enemy and spamming R1. Gear can literally replace skill in PvE

Nah. I mean, sure, it's technically viable, but it stops being good after the Depths. Once you can get +10 regular weapons, the damage stops being worth dealing with the shit range and shit moveset. You'll be treated much better by the Claymore or Balder Side Sword at that point.

>Gear can literally replace skill in PvE

Pretty much the only reason I was able to finish DaS1. I got lucky with a Black Knight Sword drop from the first one in the Burg, built up my strength and threw on Havel's when I got it then I poise-tanked and R1'd my way through the rest of the game.

yes just farm a little bit near bonfires. if you feel way too weak. you could also be in the wrong area.

Giant Dad this bitch

Nah. For instance, having a +15 Uchigatana with lightning resin will melt through Gwyn much faster than if you had a less-upgraded or less optimal weapon. The faster a boss goes down, the less times you'll have to dodge and the less times you'll be put on the skill-check grinder.

e.g. Look at how easy using a raw straight sword makes Dark Souls 3, compared to using something else like a spear. Equipment can make Dark Souls easy or hard.

I know its a bit out of place but is Demons Souls online community still a thing? or do you have to get lucky to get matched with someone? Im talking about both pve and pvp

In terms of leveling, just put points into a few stats rather than trying to keep stats balanced

don't bother reinforcing armor but focus on upgrading weapons instead, only if you have the extra souls

but most importantly you should work on getting good

Lv 60-70 sees action in 1-4
120 gets action in 4-1
Old monk can get action for a fairly wide level range.

>avoid the flooded ruins
But the Estoc is down there, along with a blacksmith so you can upgrade weapons before Undead Parish, if you're lucky enough to get a shard drop or if you get Astora's Straight Sword with the master key or a Black Knight Sword drop and kill the crystal lizard in the barrel right before Taurus Demon. Just stay away from the spooky ghosts.

I can fix this:

1. Go to graveyard and get zweihander
2. boost vit to 30-40 after getting enough str/dex to use zweihander, then str 27 and then go for end.
3. wear high poise armor
4. r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2
5. you win!

Anyone that doesn't want to do that can just learn to play themselves and git gud

>str 27
What's the point of going past 16?

damage, it makes a pretty big difference 2-handing since it gets multiplied by 1.5

Only Demon's Souls is worth playing.
Everyone after that all you have to do is slow down and prepare yourself for extremely boring gameplay

People have beaten this game with naked characters at level 1 using no weapons and not rolling or sprinting
Git gud

You fucking new fags. Tell him to git gud and fuck off

>this low quality bait

Jesus fuck neo Sup Forums


once you figure out what your doing and where your going the game is casual tier easy

implying this isn't bait