The worst of Sup Forums

ITT: The worst of Sup Forums

I'll start

2014 was a weird year

>Nintendogaf in full force

>people shitposting about the PS4 being a flop despite selling better than the PS2 at launch

>tfw I sent a drawing for the collage and now fully hate what nintendo has become


This will never not be hilarious

moot did nothing wrong and was well within his rights to do what he did.

after selling us out to gawker
he sold all of Sup Forums


>from Sup Forums for /U/

This just screams reddit and tumblr.

I never noticed that Audrey and Allison are right next to each other in that pic. The two idols of Sup Forums's affection.

It's almost supernatural, how eerie that is. That this picture predicted it two years before the fiasco and BotW. Like something you'd read in a collection of mysteries book.


Lol kys


And then gawker was hulked out of existence. Coincidence? I think not.

You could have chosen any of the cards, yet you chose one that made sense at the time?
Congrats retard

I'm glad he's fading into obscurity. Pathetic little cuck.

>the one that made sense at the time

Jesus christ McFuckingkillyourself console cucks

It was a different time



It did, do you even remember how shit 2014 was for non-nintendo stuff?

Or for putting on a really good show when other companies were too busy showing multiplats and movies?

Then why hasn't Sup Forums sent a card for your God of Debauchery Mr. PCuck?

>for non-nintendo stuff

>I literally do not play games outside my nintendo toys

Please off yourself already

Treehouse threads are cringe inducing shit. Just /r9k/ betas fapping to 6/10 Nintendo women.

Sup Forums did you idiot

No he didn't
If he did, why didn't the site die when Gawker got btfo?


I did, only decent release that year outside of them was Alien Isolation.

>this is what nintoddlers actually and unironically believe

Did you even watch E3 2014?

Why didn't we send Sony a card this year?


Cause they didn't announce or show anything interesting besides maybe Crash
It showed how weak they were when Xbox got to FFXV

I bet they hang that in the mens room

Remember when gamersgate was a popular subject on Sup Forums?

The only reason this became a thing was because of the guy squatting. People here kept making gay threads for him and they weren't even deleted

>South Park: The Stick of Truth
>Wargame Red Dragon
>Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Alien Isolation was the GOTY though

That demo they showed at the xbox conference was fucking terrible. Also it was at the Sony conference

Sup Forums is for vidya

>Sup Forums encouraged this shit years ago when it was being done
>now Sup Forums says it's "cringe"

yeah, okay, go back to playing mobas you cucks


>vocal nintoddlers who took over the board encouraged this shit


nothing will ever come close

so cute

How embarrassing.

Remember when Sup Forums was only "shit" and not actually shit
I miss Sup Forums sings and Sup ForumsGAs that aren't bad
although last year's Sup ForumsGAs were an improvement

Friday night and we're here posting. We are the worst

I met a cute trap fapbuddy during the whole fiasco so I thought it was alright.

this entire thread

what happened to Sup Forums? eceleb cancer has become completely acceptable

Saturday morning here

I hope Sup Forums is really embarrassed about this. Nintendogaf was real.

What am i looking at?

Really glad I wasn't browsing Sup Forums on an active level in 2014. All the Gamergate threads would of drove me nuts.

can someone post the actual card for cringe purposes?

GGers were some of the worst people I've ever seen. Maybe the decent ones were outside of Sup Forums, but here, they reported everyone who questioned them, insulted moderators when they said to stop abusing the report function, then when their threads were banned, spammed all of Sup Forums, half claiming moot was a sjw, while the other half pretending to be sjws themselves.

>mfw I was an obnoxious Wii U believer
I actually thought this thing was going to shake things up and make consoles better than ever.
Looking back I can't explain my own delusions. I don't know why I put faith into this thing.
Nostalgia is a sickness. I know there's no excuse, but I think I've learned my lesson.

Enjoy the autism

>Nintendogaf wasnt real

Hindsight is 20/20 my friends.

It was a good e3 for everyone
sorry you were too new to experience it





>console plebs

It's okay, it seems like you know your errors


Que marica

Sup Forums defends false advertising, microtransactions, and thinks fangames is piracy

This board is for shitposting and nothing but

Reminder that a bunch of grown "men" made these

>it was a good e3



Now take a look where all those treehouse games are. Get fucked nintoddler cuck

2015 was the year nintendo died tome.

There is literally nothing wrong with gamergate

Kys you fucking degenerate

Thanks. Still wish I didn't waste so much time and money on this useless thing. Think I'm gonna start pawning it off soon, so I can feel better about this episode.

user I dont really care. I like hot women but I also like cute boys with smooth dicks. It is pretty fucking gay but HE looks pretty fucking pretty as well, and my dick is happy so whatever.

t. Vulpes I agree with you though.


It's his site, he can do whatever.

Sup Forums is stupid

Enjoy your faggot with his smooth dick, you'll never have a real woman.

It makes my heart happy to see you willingly remove yourself from the gene pool.

butthurt Nintendo shill is butthurt

m00t was 100% right though.

A prostitute is easy come by, doesnt have the strings attached to a long term relationship and has all the variety you need, I dont know why you're so upset over this.

>cherrypicking 6 posts out of literal millions
>someone actually went trolling through the archives to make this shit image

i'm not upset at all

my post wasn't sarcastic

do what you want and never reproduce

Your first mistake was assuming I want kids.

Your second was unironically implying you yourself could get a woman properly while memeposting in Sup Forums.

You need to go get some cream for that terminal butthurt you've got there, young man.


So what ever ended up happening to this? I kinda lost interest since I didn't feel very strongly one way or the other.

Did anything change?

They were just as bad everywhere else.

Man am I glad I just left Sup Forums for like 6 months when that gamergate shit started.

>It's about ethics in journalism
>here read this breitbart article that proves it
Gamergate was hilariously dumb

Can someone fill me in on this? I'm just surprised none of them are obese.

My drawing is there
I don't know why the fuck people like to nitpick about this card..
Autists made cards for gaben, iwata (this one I feel it was the most justified one), kojima

I know what this guy was getting at but he set himself up for those (you)s

The last good year for Sup Forums was 2011, maybe 2012 to a point

Nintendrones on Sup Forums thanked NoA for advertising games to them with that autistic card

the year you arrived is your favorite

dumb frogposter

in 2011 it was 2007
you guys constantly just point to the past and say things were better back then, but I doubt that was the case.

Because weren't those other ones for their birthdays? at least that's kinda understandable. This one is literally thanking a company for advertising their products to you

lmao, that was when "neo-Sup Forums" was in every other post

those were your first years here

its amazing, how the fuck does this place keep getting worse

wait is that her?

You have to go back.

My first year here was 2008, so I'm an eternal newfag, but nice try

>ITT: The worst of Sup Forums