do you report hate speech in games or ignore it?
Do you report hate speech in games or ignore it?
Usually report than ignore. No sense getting too upset about it, I just let the GMs deal with it because it's their job.
I engage in it
If someone is thin skinned enough to care about something like the word nigger in a video game then I dont want to play with them
I actually enjoy raging people, doesnt matter which team they're on. The only ones I mute are the simpletons repeating the same insult over and over again.
this thread was a test you failed you fuckin queers
If they're being obnoxious then sometimes yeah. Usually no.
>report people insulting me
>call other people faggots and shitskins
>start a thread
>people reply to thread
I honestly want to know what you expected
wee woo anouncing reports
counter ported
Why? Racism is divisive and ruins the group cohesion of a game. Only shit tier players act racist.
Maximum edge. I can't handle it. I bet you "trigger" so many people.
all report 350564079 pls
pls b bait
kill yourself my man
I love reporting people because I live for inconveniencing strangers
this. regardless of your opinion on racism, acting racist is only going to start arguments 90% of the time
>calls people nigger
>they say "Dude, you can't say that"
>"WHY??? ARE YOU TRIGGERED???" You reply, stuffing your mouth with stale cheetos
>"What, no, it's just not cool to insult random people like that"
>"WOW, LOOK! IT'S THE PC POLICE, DID I CRASH YOUR SAFE SPACE?" you type, with a smug grin on your face
>the next day, you return to your computer after a 5 hour sleep, filled with wet dreams you still haven't cleaned up
>"You have been banned. Reason: Harassment", the screen says
>You then proceed to shitpost on Sup Forums about how proud you are that you call people niggers online for fun
I normally just call everyone a nigger and block them.
My screen name is typically GigaNigga, I'll give you three guesses
>hate speech
Nah. I have thick skin unlike you other SJW leftist faggots.
my niggers
lol its just some fat cuck on the other side of the world
who cares
Agreed, fellow gentlesir.
kill yourself nigger
Why would it be bait? Racist players are very bad at what they do because they cannot play well with others. Imagine playing an intense match of Quake TDM and having one player yell at another because he was of a different ethnicity. You would most likely lose or at least be at higher odds for a loss because those players are not coordinating their shots or calling out enemy positions and status at all but calling each other slurs instead.
At the very least, racists should keep it to themselves and put winning above calling others names.
reportet your post to the police
I'm countering your report to my report by reporting.
Multiculturalism is not only a stronger dividing force in modern society than racism itself, but a reason for people to become racists in the first place
What happened to the good old days when people were expected to assimilate into the culture of their new home and not have sequestered off little communities willfully segregated from each other where they talk about how the others are out to get them
People tilting/getting pissy over minor details that have nothing relating to the game should lose and forever be in the "losing" streak. Very VERY few players are fuckgood and can talk the biggest amount of shit. I've seen some of them but it's not very common.
No because people have every right to say whatever they please. No one is forcing you to play with that person again. If you're against free speech you're part of the problem
____________ nigger
never saw any racist stuff. when i played wow the 'craziest' thing people did was /yell leeroy jenkins and make item link lube jokes.
Private companies and consumers are under no obligation to uphold free speech, only the government. If I were running a bar and someone was shouting racist slurs at my customers and thus driving away business, I would be well under my rights to kick him right, his right to free speech be damned. Maybe you should grow up, friend.
are you like 34
If he's being a little shitty nigger and losing it for us, i'll report him knowing he'll get in trouble. I don't really give a fuck what he's saying i'm just doing it out of spite for someone being worse at the game than I am.
'Hate speech' was such a brilliant creation. People and groups have been slashing into free speech bit by bit making very little headway, and then the idea of hate speech comes along and now a large portion of people who support free speech are the ones eroding it by chanting hate speech.
It was good strategy, kind of impressive
nigger bait much?
>considering being called a nigger as an insult
What, you think you're better than a Basketball-American? Look at this fucking racist.
>all these cucks in this thread against free speech
you pushing the wrong buttons coalburner
>having to abandon your cultural heritage when moving somewhere else
Das racis.
Free speech only gave a voice to the lowest reaches of society, and those are all imbeciles incapable of forming a coherent sentence, let alone have a good opinion of anything.
The sooner it's removed the better
But free speech only exists at the will of the owner or owners in a private environment such as businesses, households, and video game servers. Why should someone who is running a business bother to allow someone to say "nigger" when it's obvious that the general public is against it and that they would get more business and avoid bad publicity by making sure that those who are racist are denied service? If you want a safe space to shout at Mexicans or black people, perhaps you should go out in public and do it on public property, where the government is obligated to stand by and twiddle their thumbs unless you try to incite violence.
>free speech
Go yell "fire" really loud in a crowded theater.
Then say "Freedom of speech".
Those days never existed, you must be 12 if you think that. People have always either gathered in communities of people like them or were forced into communities of people like them.
This, I find it quite enjoyable unless it's mindless "NIGGER" spam.
Spam of any kind is annoying.
food analogy tier
China towns and the like have existed forever. You can't forcefully assimilate a culture it never works out well
Yeah, remember back in the 50's when white people and black people hung out all the time on the same buses and restaurants and shit instead of being sequestered away from each other because whites were huge babies?
i hate niggers, but i hate losing more, so this.
Thx fascist
>the general public is against it
Bacc to reddit with you
That's pure anecdote. I always encounter the inverse in multiplayer games. Therefore, I'd say there is no correlation of racist confrontation and skill because most people in this thread and others online give conflicting accounts.
If you can get in trouble for being racist in game chat I always report racists so that the people being racist get in trouble
While I am a racist myself I am also an agent of chaos, you see
>tfw ebony gf
I hope you'll make cute little niglets with her