Games of September

What games you looking forward to in September?

I was looking forward to Final Fantasy...........

Forza Horizon 3

Destiny: Rise of Iron


bioshock 1 "remaster"
dead rising pc

there's so much plastic in this picture you could put the hasbro logo on it

Ace Attorney 6

Black people whitening their skin is fucking hilarious

The only rising thing here is my dick

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

there are no games coming out in september that I really want jesus christ thats hot as fuck

that doesn't look much like a black person, maybe dark-skinned but their features don't look much like those of typical African descended peoples.

There's nothing I'm plannig on buying in septmember, maybe I'll pick up something old though. Buying games new is a waste of money reserved only to chumps.

peenis wrong
pac man championship edition 2
destiny rise of iron

kind of a mediocre month, at least i have an excuse to get addicted to destiny again

I'd love for her to reject me.
I'd then send her abusive messages.

I'm lonely.

>implying you wouldn't

Persona 5

Tits and ass


Nice tits!!!

Shame about the muddy skin tone, though

I'm not seeing the problem.

blacker the berry, sweeter the juice

I'd put that logo on with my dick

Wow, user. You're not racist, are you?

tfw out of the loop with new releases
not sure what's coming out this month, looking forward to the steam release of Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu but don't know when that's dropping

ugh thicker?



I'm not into bestiality

>Maybe Bioshock collection.
>Splurge on that oddly addictive horse solitaire game if need be.

Got plenty of stuff to get me through the month. The holidays might be boring as fuck, though.

Then you shouldn't lust after human females.

Really black skin on a stunning woman makes me instantly erect

looks like a turd

Trails of Cold Steel 2

t. Neckbeard calling her ugly

>Dem dsl


You're projecting now. Delicious.

She's Hispanic you retard. From Panama

That's some stale bait user.

>whitening their skin

What the fuck

>that doesn't look much like a black person, maybe dark-skinned but their features don't look much like those of typical African descended peoples.

>typical African descended peoples.

i was going to type out a long paragraph about how logically retarded this sounds and if you even thought before you typed it but i have video games to play

Hey guys off topic here but does anyone happen to have that hentai picture where Theres a couple of cockheads which like to listen to music and they go into vagina stands

>she isn't in porn

I can't even imagine that.

>hispanic is a race

white people everyone

My waifu's VN.

Same here, OP. Only in my case it was Valkyrie Drive.

Fuckers pushed it back a whole month later.

But I ain't a neckbeard. Why is everything projection with you people? Is it a defense mechanism? Christ

It isn't the skin tone, its her face.
I understand you want to be racist but be a realist for once, the only reasons black women are considered unattractive is their facial structure and the fact they tend to be overweight. Dark skin itself is fine.

Forza Horizon 3

Dead Rising 1 PC

You argue like a teenager, lmfao

Now that is projection

It's not projection if it's true

I love you, Zarya!

Horizon 3, that's it.

Mother Russia Bleeds.

Final Fa...

Oh, wait...



Well, fuck.

Happy birthmonth to me ;_;

For you.

more thicc

she kind of looks like a dyke yet is still incredibly attractive. this has to be some kind of sorcery or dark magic

Would eat her pussy while she teased me.

How the fuck is it not?

although many censuses refer to it as a race it technically just means Spanish speaker, their are white people, black people, and people most other races that are considered Hispanic


Buy Joules game!

I didn't say that, so stop strawmanning. She is Hispanic, which means she is a descendent of a Spanish speaking country. The peoples of these countries are regarded as having long since diverged genetically from Africans. This is why they are not considered "black."

Hispanic is a nationality, not a race. You mean Latino/a.

>Hispanic is a nationality
Mexican, Costa Rician, Cuban, and such are a nationalities.


To be clear, it is quite possible that some Hispanic people do have African ancestry. But it is generally not enough to warrant themselves or others classifying them as "black" (This is where definitions of race/ethnicity grow fuzzy)

>Steins;Gate 0
>Ace Attorney 6
>Dragon Quest 7
>Valkyrie Drive
>Psycho Pass
>tfw I can pirate all of them
Pretty good month if you're a fan of handheld games.

This might be the first nigro lady I find attractive.

Valkyrie Drive is still coming out this month though.

>lives in a place full of blacks
>none of the girls look like that

Fucking shit

DQ7, Shantae, and Final Fantasy.

Then just DQ7 and Shantae.

Now just DQ7.

It's not racist to not like black skinned women user. Is it racist to not want to fuck an Asian? No. It's not racist to not want to fuck a black woman either.


Literally gay

Many Hispanics (Not Spaniards) actually do have African ancestry considering race mixing between the two groups was acceptable in South America and the Caribbean when the Africans were brought over as slaves.

Yeah, you'd totally turn that down if she offered you a whip.

I'm just memeing user. Cool your jets

so was i

Preordered today. Won't need another JRPG till 2018 probably.

Then why do they state that it is on literally every job application?

I looked unfortunately that is the LE, I bought the standard one on Amazon. And for whatever reason, got pushed back to October 25th. It even said it over on Gamefaqs.

But didn't you come from a bitch?


And what does that picture have to do with games you're lookin forward to?

Loool thavage

Real life legoman proportions. Cock = Diamonds.

will the bioshock 1 remaster fix the physics and animations so that they aren't locked at 30fps?

user ur tho thilly

What's this ladies name?

oh shit


You mean to say ethnic group.

Coal McBurner

Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Dragon Quest VII
LoH: Trails of Cold Steel 2
Mystery Chronicle
Pacman CE 2
SMT4: Apocalypse
Valkyrie Drive: Baabhabhiat

Even with the loss of Corpse Party and Shantae to October, September's going to be fun.

Too god damn savage

Everything good's coming in 2017

Who bitch this is?

Actually she's gay.

I'd NeNe.