Can we have a civil thread about this game without Sup Forums autists?
Can we have a civil thread about this game without Sup Forums autists?
>horses are op
>support class is retardedly useless until you unlock new weapons
>tanks are fine i guess
>melee is so wonky
>%90 of my team is scout
game is fun desu
Talking about basic historical facts doesn't mean you're from Sup Forums you twat. Nothing wrong with just wanting a thread without that controversy though. Go ahead. Just doesn't make sense bringing up the Sup Forums boogeyman.
>tanks are fine
Nah fuck off EA
niggers, fuck you op
yeah the game fuckin sucks
its pretty fun... not sure if I'll buy it though. Depends on content at release.
>trench in the picture
>no trench in game
worse than the nigger soldiers imo
i think they are hard to destory because no one has the right equipment right now.
>Basic historical facts
>Sup Forums
Choose 1.
Different maps obviously. I want to see more maps announced in general. So far 5 maps announced.
Amiens and Monte Grappa seem good, wish we got either of those two instead of this fucking desert.
I dont see the problem. Maybe its because im not a kissless neckbeard
>People only think WW1 was about trenches when all the shit that was going down in the Middle Eastern front was some spaghetti western style raids on trains and shit.
Fuck trenches 2bh, give me a fucking Pith hat.
getting killed some seriously strange ways.
>climb atop a roof
>enemy on the same roof is on a ladder on the other side
>shoot at enemy
>he teleports behinds me and shoots me
anyone know what tic rate these servers are? maybe my internet i just shit.
they showed different maps in streams/videos, never saw any trenches. this shit is like a call of duty arena game and nothing more.
They are slow and can only aim forward. Just run and hide
When the game comes out and you can customize your character you will almost NEVER see a black character guaranteed.
There are too many of them desu. They shouldn't be on the battlefield as often as they are
No, but you're a nigger, which makes it even worse
>gas grenades + mask
>anti tank grenade
>anti tank mine
Why use anything else? So easy to cap points or defend (attack or on actual defense) the teles in rush. Shottys better get bayonets in full game though and gas grenades need to do way more damage/last longer if everyone is gonna have an easy slip on mask
You know that's only a fractionally small area of that map right?
Im whiter and stronger than you. Get mad fat neckbeard ;)
We get it. Not that many soldiers in WW1 were black. Not even close. This is well established. Can we talk about the game yet?
>not picking the niggerest looking dude solely to piss people off
Actually really bummed they took women out of multiplayer, was looking forward to bayoneting them in the titty
Tanks are fine. To be fully effective they need to contain more soldiers than ever, and it ALSO takes a coordinated squad to kill it, or another tank.
This has been the case since BF1942. I'm just glad that they don't auto-regenerate, they are useless while repairing AND it can be interrupted, and they can't activate a safe-space bubble like they could in BF4.
All this comes together to actually make tanks deadable. I think the issue right now is that not enough people have the rocket-gun and too many people are playing Recon.
Not sure why so many are being recon, but it should be looked into.
>3/4 of all weapons are full auto experimental prototypes.
>Tanks are OP, it's even worse case than BF4
>Planes can either be completely useless or rape infantry
This is worse than hardline, feels like Far Cry Primal or something. Same shit different day.
I'd rather play BF4 instead except i've had enough of it.
Why use gas grenades when frag is undeniably better than a damage over time
Thoroughly disappointed in this game. The snipers are too strong and I can only do well when I'm in a vehicle or laying with a squad of friends.
>is white
>shills for deliberate historical misrepresentation
>either for irony or legit belief
delete yourself
>i want a game that is 40 days of starvation and getting rained on, getting trench foot, then running across nomans land only to die
I think there's only 6 in the whole map. 2 from main spawn and 1 on A, 1 on G. If I'm not mistaken Golmud Railways had like 8, not counting artillery.
The real problem is that the rocket gun is laughably weak considering how much of a pain in the ass it is to use. It should be a 2 hit kill to all tanks.
The funny thing is that the fact that only one class of soldier is currently black per team, but these fucks put together a squad of 3-5 of that class and are like "LOOK AT THIS!!!! NIGGERS!!!"
Hah, then again these BFBC2babies are used to their squads consisting of all engineers or medics or wookies. Theres no squad variety these days.
Nah, im just not a socially inept autist who blames black people for their own insecurities
Cyborgs are hot.
historical accuracy isn't important in video games
>muh safe space
Go away EA.
God forbid videogames are talked about in Sup Forums rather than unrelated politics.
Then they should not claim it's a WW1 game.
'Alternative reality' is a good phrase to describe this bullshit.
Well then the map is poorly made because it is a pain in the ass to walk into a tank every 30 seconds at any given point.
You are on Sup Forums.
Do you really think women care if you like niggers in your games?
How much of a virgin beta do you have to be to make that connection mentally?
Women generally give a shit about your political stance.
Honestly it's hard to even judge the actual gameplay when the map we got is such an steaming pile of shit. Not enough cover for infantry, too many good sniper perches, too much empty space, that stupid flag in south that serves no other purpose than being an free cap if someone actually bothers to go there...
Fairly sure the issue is creating an extremely historically inaccurate game because of a social justice fad.
OP is right, stop the bigotry!
The only safe discussion topic on this shitty pol-infested board is porn
>every discussion has to be the same thing over and over again
Kill yourself, libcuck shit.
And? Alternative reality is a good way to describe the modern iterations of the game too. Most of the guns in BF4 aren't used, Have never been used and apart from like 4, are certainly not used by the factions represented in the game.
>falling for the masturbation jew
Oh so you're one of them self-hating whites with rampant acne and thick-rimmed glasses who has a Macbook
No you actually can't. Sup Forums is the price you pay for pushing your shill threads where no dissenting opinions are allowed
>plant bomb on a or b or go to defuse a or b
>throw gas at feet
>apply mask
>arm or defuse while hiding in dark cloud of smoke popping unknowing fools that dare rush in to rearm/defuse
Works great for capping flags in conquest as well. Throw one to cover yourself running in. Then another right on the flag while you circle inside capturing and capping niggas
>anyone who wants to talk about videogames is a libcuck and enemy of Sup Forums
My fucking sides, no wonder only Sup Forums supports Sup Forums, you can't do anything without mindless internet attacks.
>Do you really think women care if you like niggers in your games?
Are you literally retarded? I just dont give a shit
As opposed to the fat virgin who believes he's saving the white race by writing 20 ''WE'' posts in videogame discussion threads every day.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are irreversibly fused thanks to GG and the rise of SJWs in every fucking branch of entertainment
Not going to argue with that, the map is Ok, not great or anything. But if you're running around outside of C, F, or E then you're going to get your shit pushed in by a tank. It was the same way in Caspian border and Golmud Railway, you couldn't do shit for all the tanks everywhere.
My real problem with the map is the shitty sandstorm, as far as I can tell no one likes it.
And Battlefield 1, Mafia 3 and practically all of modern society is the price Sup Forums pays for existing.
>spawn in plane
>wait for teammates to spawn in and take over guns
>nose dive towards E
>jump out and parachute down watching them either struggle to switch to seat and die or just unknowingly plummet to their doom
>cap point
>4 seconds later its taken back
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums are allies
According to Sup Forums
You literally derail videogame discussion, you serve no purpose in here.
It's not like you are going to change anything at all, so don't know why even bothering.
>My real problem with the map is the shitty sandstorm, as far as I can tell no one likes it.
You should see it on console. It makes the game virtually unplayable the frames dip so low
Wrong. I'm in shape, own a car, and have a white girlfriend with whom I'll propagate my genes, which is better than you'll ever manage.
Historical accuracy in a game that takes place in a historical setting is now unrelated?
Sorry, it doesn't work that way. You don't get to defend the right of devs to put political commentary in their games and then expect politics to be kept out of the discussion of those games.
That flag spawns shit tons of tanks, jeeps and horses.
It's supposed to act as a base for you.
They've got a Dindu Nuffin on the cover retard. You'll be seeing one every time you boot up the game. Not that I'm dumb enough to actually buy this crap game.
the Model 10 Heavy has a bayonet.
>no timestamp
>3/4 weapons are full auto
>tanks are OP
its ww1 you retard
>planes can be useless or rape infantry
Niccce will keep leveling up then
>Battlefield 1, Mafia 3 are the way they are because it's Sup Forums's fault
Historical accuracy in videogames in general is completely unrelated.
If this was a story based game, then yes, it would matter, but this is a multiplayer shooter, the setting is a secondary element, it's all about the gameplay.
>Sorry, it doesn't work that way. You don't get to defend the right of devs to put political commentary in their games and then expect politics to be kept out of the discussion of those games.
So, this is basically censorship? You will derail all the threads that offend you until they are gone?
Reminds me of another group of ''people''.
>that stupid flag in south that serves no other purpose than being an free cap if someone actually bothers to go there
I never understood why Dice keeps doing this stupid shit. There's almost always some point that is so out of way that you never get any true fighting over it, just some single guys parachuting/ATVing/boating/whatever to it, taking it and then fucking off once it is capped. And then someone else from other team comes there in minute or two and the cycle continues.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums share a big chunk of users, so when there aren't any happenings, some come here to talk about video games
Of course, some easy targets like BF1 and AoE have become overshadowed by the WE WUZ meme, most games have not though.
So, we can only discuss games Sup Forums approves?
And this is why I stopped going to that shithole, you are right in things like inmigration and matters about niggers, but otherwise you are just as cancerous as SJWs and i'm very glad neither you, nor SJWs have any relevance in the actual world, and that the only thing you hold in power are videogame discussion.
wait hol on
*smacks lips*
ey i be smellin a BF1 tread
He said they NEVER showed trenches
I know, it's very obvious how he only wants to point out the bad and literally avoid saying anything good. Typical pretentious Sup Forumsfaggot behavior
Is there any way to communicate verbally with teammates? Or even a text chat? The quick commands are absolutely useless especially if youre on the Turk side since they're all spoken in a different language nobody understands.
>It's not like you are going to change anything at all,
Sup Forums isn't going to change the industry at all, so why bother dissenting against shitty practices?
Oh right, you don't want video game discussion, you want a hugbox where games can be political but no criticsm is allowed
Fuck yourself
>They are slow and can only aim forward
They're fast enough and that second point is just a lie of the two most popular tanks
this is the most overused boring meme on this board
are you fucking retarded
Be honest you fucks. Which Battlefield did you start with?
y-you too
no, that would be JUST
No one said you couldn't discuss it gaftron, just don't expect all of that discussion to be only things you specifically approve of.
No, I want a place where videogames can be discussed.
Thing is, autistic political radicals can allow that unless those games fulfill their retarded rules.
>you want a hugbox
Are you telling me you don't want a hugbox where only games that fulfill your ideologies are discussed?
And then you'll wonder why no one outside of your personal hugboxes gives a shit about you, it would be a pain in the ass to have you all ruling anything.
>Historical accuracy in videogames in general is completely unrelated.
It takes place in a historical setting, so that is false. Whether it's a single or multiplayer game is irrelevant.
>So, this is basically censorship
You are massively retarded if you think talking about politics or history of a game with politics or history is censorship. Like I can't even begin to imagine how fucked in the head you have to be to force such a false equivalence.
im glad its not like BF3 series but its just very boring. cant even c4 cars anymore.
This isn't Sup Forums user.
>just don't expect all of that discussion to be only things you specifically approve of.
Kinda ironic coming from the one trying to derail threads about games he doesn't like.