Touhou 15

Why do people pretend that this game wasn't bad?

>Forces its gimmick down your throat way more than UFO

>Has a terrible UI color

>Has a really weak cast that's either forgettable (moonrabbits) or just badly designed (clownpiece, hecatia)

>Has balance problems and gives you way too many resources in legacy mode

>Was literally based around IWBTG

>Was rushed for release

Seriously, this game was a real disappointment for me and really weak compared to DDC.
It was not even okay like TD because it was designed around the gimmick, instead of using it to extend the actual gameplay value.

The cast relies on "wacky" and "jokes" like the american flag or a silly t-shirt instead of actual character design.

The story was nothing noteworthy and the shottypes were very samey.

With all that said, I'm really curious, why do some people like it? Is it just a vocal minority? Are they just interested in the characters because they are colorful a feature those silly "jokes"? Or perhaps they like it because it's the newest game? Do they even like the other games? Doesn't it bother them that it plays almost as if it were a spin-off game?

I feel like people blindly defend ZUN's works way too much and I'd like a real answer.

When are you going to stop spamming this shit?

I'm not spamming, I'm expressing my honest opinion on this game.

If you don't like it then offer a counter argument or close the tab.

You've made this same fucking thread like 20 times today.

This is actually the first time that I make it.
If someone else is falseflagging then that's not my problem and doesn't have anything to do with this thread's topic.

Now stop with your off-topic garbage and answer my questions.

You are not better than the barneyfag.



Why can't I ever get a serious answer?
Am I not allowed to dislike this game and give actual reasoning?

Is this the new Aya's wing meme?

OP is really butthurt because mods deleted his thread before

No, it's my honest opinion about a game.

Why can't you answer my questions instead of spamming my thread with memes?

Is it because you can't? Am I actually right and you fully agree with everything I said?

Neck yourself.

Nobody answered your questions because nobody cares you fucking nerd also nice trips

>nobody cares
If you don't care then why are you here?

Fuck OP, post 2hu girls until the thread is deleted.

Because almost everything you pointed out is subjective to the player and you just exaggerated the aspects for worse.

I like to waste my time.

Don't forget to sage bois

Gameplay mechanics aren't subjective.

Honestly I don't understand, I didn't make a "lol dis gaem sucks" thread and yet you treat it the same.

That's just not right.

Posting best girl.

Are you sure indulging him is a good idea?

Sumirekofags pls go.

Notice how I wrote "almost", and yes, your thread is like a "lol dis gaem sucks" but worse.

Who cares? This shit thread will get deleted soon.

>Notice how I wrote "almost", and yes, your thread is like a "lol dis gaem sucks" but worse.

How so? I've given you a wall text of reasoning.

Why do you faggots want my thread to get deleted?
Am I not allowed to dislike this game? to criticize it? Is it fucking perfect or something?

It's just not fair. You have don't nothing but spam "delete this" and memes. You are not even offering counter arguments to my points.

This is why Touhou on Sup Forums is dead.


>This is why Touhou on Sup Forums is dead.
No, they are dead because of you fucking retard bringing up LoLK every chance you get to shit on it and be a faggot with people that like it or even judge it objectively
Fuck right off

Either if are serious or just fucking around, don't stop, is fun to have you around.


Stop replying to him, please.

what's wrong faggit

your dog isn't putting out or somethin

>Shitting on best newhu and best 2hu

There's also MoF Aya in that picture but fuck it 75% is PoFV so smugpofv it is.

Nobody here but me is judging anything objectively.

I don't know why you still think I'm the same person spamming something.
And even if I were, I've given you actual reasoning, something to talk about.

But NO "lol this thread triggers my autism, better spam memes to censor him"

Why? I'm serious and I want actual answers.

I'm really

>You have don't nothing

>has fancharacters

But Tummy Bunny is the best newhu

I'm so mad I can barely type.


Stay mad then

If Ringo is Ringo, then who are the others?

I will, I just wanted some actual answers. But all I got was hate and some sort censorship where everyone spams memes in order to get my thread deleted.

The more mad you are, the more user fucks with you.

I guess I will just go to a better board with actual discussion then.

It's funny how much you can relate to pic related
Are you sure you aren't her?

>to censor him
Take your meds, dude.

I refuse to believe this user is actually mad, there is not way that is true.

This guy is just pretending for ebin lulz, right? I mean nobody can be this dense.

At least Junko enjoys her anger, we aren't sure if this user enjoy his.

Your thread started being pointless the 15th time you created it. Go fuck yourself and your thread right in the ass, and let it stay there.

Not really, her backstory wasn't interesting at all.

How is it not censorship?
>Make a thread with your honest and logical criticism
>Get spammed with memes and sage so it gets deleted

Enough of this nonsense, let's talk about ULiL PS4's release date.

>tfw they didn't say anything about what they will do with the PC version

Please do and stay there.

I'm not this same person that all of you obviously hate for some reason.
Unless you can actually prove it, please stop flooding my thread.

>tfw hyped for the stream
>20 sec of Reisen gameplay flooded with nip comments
>No alusion to the story
>Just another shit CD OST by Tasofro with most likely 2 new song only

kill me and this thread senpai

>he actually did it
Enjoy the answer then, and fuck off.

>"you are obliged to play pointdevice mode"

that's not even the canon ending, stop being a retard, I'll keep enjoying LoLK and there's nothing you can do.

Why all the hate?

You wouldn't sperg out like this if it were another game like TD.

That's not what censorship is.

Found him.

>Things I never said

At least you tried

Then why is every single post trying to get my thread deleted?

Unlike you, people there were really nice and gave me actual logical answers.

You asked in a different way though.
Unlike these OPs

>Everyone says they liked it

Get fucked hard holy shit.

It'd have been the same to be honest.

Learn to read, there are 2 that didn't like it.

Yeah, what this guy said. That time you straight-up just asked your stupid question.

This time you pushed your meme opinion on us while not-so-subtly implying people who disagree with you are wrong.

>while not-so-subtly implying people who disagree with you are wrong.

Nobody gave me an actual answer to my questions.
They just outright started spamming "delete this thread" and "sage"

>Unlike you, people there were really nice and gave me actual logical answers.

>Sup Forums
>Hey guise LoLK is shit SHIT! Here's why:

>Hehe so we can all agree LoLK suck amirite?

>What's your honest opinion on LoLK?

See the difference?

>Here's why:

Why do you ignore this part?

I could have easily made a thread that was "dis gaem is shit" but I didn't.
And yet you treat it as if I put zero effort on it.

It's just not right.

Don't forget the "subtle" jabs at people who do like LoLK.

>Is it just a vocal minority?
>Or perhaps they like it because it's the newest game? Do they even like the other games?

>it's pretty good,
>unbalanced but overall i like it
>I really liked it
>I really like it
>I never played again but Legacy is alright

Are you done with your memes?

Can I get some real answers now?

>he had got another trips

Frontier Justice

So that now user got his answers, have you guys fapped to every touhou or are selective fucks like me:

Not yet I need more memes

>Why do you ignore this part?
See and whether you like the gameplay mechanics or not is also subjective if you didn't know.

>user got his answers
But I didn't

How is it subjective when it complete modifies the way the game plays out?

Pointdevice might as well be a spin-off game given how much it changes everything.

As long as the action is good, I'm not picky. It does mean I haven't fapped to every 2hu since there are quite a few of them who don't have doujins, or only have shitty ones.

Stop replying to him already.

>Don't reply
Fuck off I want actual discussion with someone who isn't a meme spamming faggot.

>this game has x extra option but I don't like it, why not have it in a separate game!
That just retarded.
It's just a feature, there is fucking legacy mode there for those who doesn't like it like me.
You'll have a point if legacy wasn't, but it is.

Why are you still here? Didn't you say you would fuck off to somewhere else where people would fellate your big, thick, veiny and manly opinion?

I probably fapped to most of them except some obscure pc98 ones.

>It does mean I haven't fapped to every 2hu since there are quite a few of them who don't have doujins, or only have shitty ones.
I haven't read a single doujin yet mind you,yet that list exists. Maybe that's why it isn't really long

Yeah fuck him, he completely ignores every answer I give him. Here are some memes instead.

How is it an extra option when it was clearly designed around it?

Or are you telling me that it was made to be played in Legacy mode only?

Because like it or not it's my thread, and no matter how much you spam it I'll stay here until the very end.


You know, this guy reminds me to some Smash PM autist that made a thread not too long ago claiming that it was the best smash and complaining why other people liked it while disregarding every single answer like our friend here

Touhou fans amirite lads?

>the end of LoLK has Clownpiece settling in Earth and Hecatia and Junko making Eirin's acquaintance
How much you guys wanna bet TH16's plot will involve Hell in some way?

But you haven't given me a single answer.

There's literally only one (1) person who actually bothered to give me actual discussion.



Are you him tho?


Yes I'm OP and I'm still waiting for actual counter arguments from people who liked LoLK.

Everything I got so far were spam/memes and complete nonsense.

There was one guy that was actually trying but he hasn't replied to my last point yet.


This thread sucks...
Needs more futo!

I thought it was alright

now i dont get the hate for ten desires though, i thought it was great

Better yet, it has the best character!


There you go

>I thought it was alright
Most people do. Read this thread and the /jp/ thread that was linked, OP is the only moron with this opinion.

>now i dont get the hate for ten desires though, i thought it was great
Personally, I really hate the resource system. It makes the game a lot more memorization-heavy, and it's not something you can really avoid because the game gives you fuck-all for resources.