What are some games with talking animals?

What are some games with talking animals?

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monster hunter, animal crossing

Like every fucking JRPG god damn

So am I in a LOL thread or an antifeminism thread?

Is this an actual comic from the person that makes these?
I swear, it's impossible to tell what is an isn't an edit with these.

It's real.

Wouldn't most trannies actually be diagnosed schizophrenic by today's standards for finding schizophrenia in people?

name some video games with talking animals in them please

sam and max, megaman legends

It'll probably turn into a furry thread

>tfw you're totally on board with the whole transgender deal but the "non binary/gender fluid/agender" stuff is obviously fake bullshit

um cave story, dust an elysian tail

overwatch, blazblue, the dark souls games

Sometimes life imitates parody.


Is there something I'm missing here?
Is there something about cats that would imply they support transgender people or whatever the fuck this person is trying to garner support for?
Or is the entire reasoning behind it just "Cats support my views because I said so,"

the paper mario games, hatoful boyfriend, undertale

Lets just keep it a "not" Assigned Male thread for now.

No, why would you think that?


>tfw my fiancee is a med student.
>tfw she's in mental health rotation and has said to me that she's starting to see transgenderism as a mental disorder, rather than something that should be encouraged.
Educated people know that delusions should be treated, not encouraged.

splatoon, muramasa the demon blade, odin sphere, grim grimoire, the disgaea games

>sex and gender are different!
well ok that makes sense

>sometimes people's sex and gender don't line up!
I guess that's a natural consequence of the first thing, ok I'm still following you

>those people sometimes want to change their gender so that it lines up with their sex!
well I guess they would, who can blame them?

>some people perceive their gender as being outside of the male female binary!
well I guess I can understand that some people might not identify with either but maybe the issue is just that society's definition of the genders is too rigi-

>some people are demisexual aromantic pangender! some people are stargender and aethergender!

fuck it I'm out.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.


kingdom hearts, castle of illusion, twilight princess, garfield kart

Of course it's a fucking mental disorder. Even if you're fine with trannies and think they're free to make their own decisions I don't see how you could really argue against that. If you're born as one sex and can't accept it you've got fucking mental problems.

We do Klonoa threads a little different here, buddy.

lol i love wii cat

Hotline Miami

Oh look another offtopic shitpost fest
If you're going to have offtopic threads can they at least be about fun stuff not just endless shitposts

>having schizophrenia
>2011 + 5

ghost of a tale, the sonic games, banjo kazooie, diddy kong racing, the donkey kong games

>giving the cat human eyes

Truer words were never spoken.

Divinity: OS if you have the pet pal trait.

Too true man.
The way I roll with it now is just letting people do what that want, as I would like to be left to do what I want too.
But these people who care and focus on these gender issues I feel would be better suited fighting for a less strict labeling regime.
I mean I'm already fully on board with that for sexuality, as it seems people vary, I think gender much like sexuality should be perceived as a scale rather than rigid labels.
This all said, I actually don't care enough to post about it anywhere, or talk to these people, or anything else for that matter, I just like video games desu.

Would it kill the author to actually point out animals that are actually gender fluid like Seahorses?

i'm pretty sure sex and gender used to be synonymous until the freaks hijacked it to explain their convoluted bullshit.

So does your pet


2 tru


I have to use the bathroom at my house, and I'm fat so I kind of know those feels.

the witcher 3.

>transgender children

the star fox games, super monkey ball i think?



technically yes. though they of course wont acknowledge that fact in the slightest nor will they be advised to get actual help, just encouraged to run ahead with the delusion.

Most trans I know "realized" they were trans because they liked toy Hotwheels instead of Barbie dolls and so forth. I can understand transgenderism if you genuinely feel uncomfortable with the body that you're born in, but a lot of people treat gender like it's an article of clothing. And I think that trivializes the shit out of a legitimate mental disorder.

It's not too different from people who say that they have OCD because they don't like clutter, or they must have depression because they occasionally feel sad for no reason.

Friendly reminder that literally .03% of people are trannies, making it an infinitesimal percent of the population that shouldn't be pandered to. There are far more people in wheelchairs that can't go to bathrooms in public because they don't have stalls for wheelchairs.


that's a good one

Canadians, actually.

>people who have OCD because they don't like clutter

Jesus fuck this. Desire for cleanliness, completeness and order are natural human traits that are near universal. If anything an absence of that is more comparable to a disorder.

Real OCD is horrifying and not a fucking personality quirk.

i cant think of anymore i think thats all of them

The author has to be a troll. He/She's even claimed that black people haven't experienced as much death and prejudice as the LGBT community.

a magnum opus

>aisha is easily the best out of all of them

Nah. Maybe in common language.
Sex refers to the dimorphism in sexually reproducing organisms. Gender encompasses all the social junk that arises from that, like roles in society.

Crow from Dreamfall series

>never been through a whole day of school without going to the washroom
uh that was like every day
why would you ever use a public restroom other than for emergencies


This is the creator of Assigned Male


Convinced it's a troll?




It's funny because I remember libtards calling McCain a literal nazi too.

>when the strawmen sound more reasonable than the author self-inserts

>Make baseless accusation
>Get pissed because people call it that.

Thankgod normies kill hookers on GTA.


"She" lost "her" job as a school teacher. Now I wonder why is that?

Which movie?

>this is what tumblr transfaggots actually believe

>gender fluid

Male seahorses just carry the unborn young instead of the females, they are still males though.

that's not what schizophrenia is

I don't think the cat actually said that.

>the sand nigger is the least cringy

>Go, Charizard!




Ant Man

>pink hair
>awful "girly" mannish voice

Yup, it's just as expected.


Alrighty kids! which one of these is not like the others?

pretty much.


And yet you flighted to that neighborhood because it was prospering, I wonder why faggot.

I'm rooting for Aisha.

The first two are actual people?

Remove this

>The most normal kid is the Muslim girl

I like how everyone starts speaking out of their foreheads in the last panel.

Why do these people care so much about genders? I mean, it's not like they'll have to fuck girls just because people called them males.

I have never in my 30 years of life seen a person and said/thought "That one's a faggot."

And then I do it twice in the course of 20 seconds.

Thanks Sup Forums.

Bisexual, other two are choices

It's actually useful to make the difference in order to study society, the problem arises from the fact that some people seem to have absolutely no idea what gender means, it's suposed to define your role in society not your backwards sexuality and hormonal bullshit.

You could say they're really talking their minds!


Looks like I'm voting for Aisha.

I for one, as a gay male, disagree with this whole Transgender phenomenon.

I whole heartedly believe that you are born what you. If you have a penis you are boy, if you have a vagina you are a female.

Now with that being said, society's who view on how males and female should act is what is wrong.

Yes, in general males act one way and females another, but as humans evolve we find that men no longer need to protect women and women can fill the role of the male.

As humans evolve I think we will, and are starting to, see males be more feminine and women becoming more masculine as this is what is needed for survival, a one person working family is a thing of myth now.

This transgender thing that we are seeing today is a pervision of what should be happening. A man should be able to act feminine without any type of repercussion, and same for women acting more masculine.

Yes, in nature there are animals that can change their sex, but they were born with this ability as a species, animals without this ability DO NOT mutilate their body to fit what they perceive is normal, animals are just homosexual or bi sexual, gender is a non issue.

Instead of letting people slice and dice their body. We should instead let them be an extremely feminine male and extremely buch women. Surgery IS NOT natural

ok what do you identify as?
wait, what

These people don't understand reasoning, they aren't even worth speaking with on the matter.