Is the Wii-U the biggest failure this gen?

Is the Wii-U the biggest failure this gen?

>Lost Hyrule Warriors
>Lost Mario Maker
>Lost Yoshi Wolly World
>Lost Zelda BoTW
>Only exclusive It has left releasing on the console is fucking color splash
>Wii-U Emulation is on It's way

I legitimately feel bad for people who bought this console.

I'd feel genuinely upset if the handheld the console lost those exclusives to weren't 1:1 downgrades across the board

I legitimately feel bad for people who buy those ports.

zelda botw might be the "wii sports" of NX.
nintendo is better at making handheld consoles nowadays

They completely butchered Mario Maker for the 3DS though

>can't upload courses online
>only half the Wii U courses will work


It was worth it for me for non-dead MK8 and Splatoon tbqh

Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Xeno X

Sure, my Wii U collects dust now, but I don't regret buying it.

You said it yourself when you mentioned Wii U emulation, there is literally zero reason to play those ports over the originals

>Lost Zelda BoTW

Except most of them are shity cashgrab ports. Anyway, is still a loss for Wii U owners because the new content and stuff will be for the 3DS and not the Wii U, Nintendo doesn't understand the concept of simultaneous support.

definitive version coming to NX. wii u gets cucked yet again.

all of those are shit

But Mario Maker on 3DS doesn't even let you upload courses online and not even all of the courses fucking work. Hyrule Warriors runs like shit on 3DS; the only advantage from it is that it gave us all this new DLC.

If an older console has a a new console's launch title, it's the one doing the cucking.

This essentially was a handheld game to begin with and should've never gone on my wiiU to begin with. All it is now is bring disappointment for wiiU owners and it looses another game. All this game done has made people angry

I legitimately feel bad for people who bought a 3DS.

I'm glad my 3DS is turning into a Wii U, kek.

>sell million of copies of the same game multiple times

I'm sure Nintendo are losing so much sleep

>Nintendo ports Dong Freeze, Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2 and Smash U to the NX

>The Wii-U will just be a XBX machine which the game isn't even as good as the original

It sounds like that since costumes aren't on the 3DS, it'll just be the stages that have costumes that won't work.

Opposite is happening. Nobody is going to buy a new console for only one game. Even more true when the games already on the previous console as well.

Calling another game version "definitive" = admitting to being a cuck.

>This essentially was a handheld game to begin with
I didn't care for this game but what made it specifically a handheld one? The fact that this port is nerfed seems to prove the opposite.

I legitimately feel bad for people who bought a PS4.

Forgetting something?

Zelda BotW is the "twilight princess" of NX

>B-but sony

Sony won, get over it.

I refuse to beleive they won't patch in online sharing.

I mean. It literally defeats the fucking purpose of the entire game.

"Local community" my ass hole

Any sidescrolling game made in the 21st century only belongs on a console if it's a digital-only release for no more than fifteen bucks.

Admit it Sup Forums, the VITA was a better handheld.

Also piracy is now stupidly easy so that's a plus

NX version confirmed for dead on arrival.

Splatoon is dead.

>losing sleep over Nintendo porting to future console when these last 2 gens had backwards compatibility
DS, 3DS, wii and wii U all have their predecessors' entire library. I'm not sure why this is a bad thing.

I feel bad for people who still buy games on nintendo consoles in general considering how easy it is to pirate them

If nintendo isn't completely retarded they would make all wii-u games available on NX.

I think at least 2 of those are on the 3DS

Of course the vita is better.

It has MORE exclusives than the WIi-U and it has fucking third party support.

>I refuse to believe they won't patch in online sharing.

They won't. Its local and streetpass for a reason. To get people to be near other human beings while they play their games. If you don't believe in playing a 3DS in public, Nintendo doesn't want to support you.

>losing exclusives
Like the PS4 and Vita?

>B-but Sony

Every fucking time

I imagine you'll be able to online share via proxy of the Wii U version.

Except its not. Online is going strong, and you typically find a match in seconds to a few minutes. Same for Mario Kart 8. Its not dead either. The only one I could argue is dead is Smash 4, and that's only because people got tired of for glory.

> Hyrule Warriors runs like shit on 3DS
Normal 3DS. Run's pretty damn well on NEW3DS. Real fault is there's far less voice samples, and that there's only a single win animation per character. Otherwise the 3DS version of the game is better balanced, comes with all of the DLC before it's release, and even now has the custom fairy option to give you another tool to bring with you towards any map. Also being able to directly control the other units, and tell them to go towards direct spots when you're NOT controlling them is something I'd WISH other Warrior games would take up doing.

The Wii U is a steaming pile of shit. When I have people over, we just boot up games through the wii function after they oogle over using the gamepad in netflix before losing interesting. Also, no games. Nintendo deserves to die

Vita still has more exclusives than the Wii-U as of right now and actually has third party support.

Looks like Vita > Wii-U


My copies of those games are still physically here. I feel bad for your down syndrome.

>tfw have vita, 3ds and pc
>don't have to care about shitty console wars
>can play rpgs on handhelds for max comfy and play bigger games on my computer
>no console exclusives are worth buying a console for

I legitimately feel bad for people who buy games.

And yet it hasn't lost splatoon, only good hame left.

I pity you, you will never play such a masterpiece like Bloodborne.

>"Don't talk bad about Sony! Even if what you said is true!"

>But the Vita has more exclusives
And the 3DS has more than it and the PS4.

Tell ya what /Vitagen/, if you pay me in cash the equivalent of a Vita, I'll go do you a favor and purchase one to help Sony's sales numbers. Consider it my gift to you for your generosity.

We get it, you're autistic

>consolecucks this mad

>mfw the last nintendo console I bought was the gamecube when I was like 11

Feels good bruh

Glad I outgrew that nintoddler shit

Don't forget how ridiculously easy Wii U piracy is. I sure as hell won't be spending another cent on the system.

These. Nintendo should die. Sony wins forever. Even Vita > Wii U. Sony wins.

Sony wins. Nintendo loses forever. Cry more. We win. Nintendo will die. They lose forever. We win. We win. Loser. Loser. Loser.

I bought a Wii U for 150$ and 5 games

I enjoyed some of the console games but it's DEFINITELY the most UNDERWHELMING AND SHITTY Nintendo console ever.

>Cool games get released on a dying console
>New console next year so they officially start abandoning it
>Move cool games over to 3DS to reach a larger audience

How is this a bad thing?

>Bayonetta 2

>They butchered #FE and Fatal Frame
>Didn't even release FFV physically over anyway

Is there anything GOOD about the Wii-U? Like god damn.

Fuck off idiot, nobody was talking about Sony until somebody went and used the Sony boogeyman post

>have PS4 and Wii U as well
>get to play everything, don't even have to pirate
>find console war threads hilarious

What you playing/waiting for? I think I'm about done with my first run of Trillion (Vita), got DQVII pre-ordered as well as Valkyrie Drive, MeiQ, and S;G0.

>yellow case
why does this increase my interest in the game?

I only feel bad for the people spamming these threads all day. I can only imagine how a person suffers if the highlight of their day is shitposting on Sup Forums.

Nintendo is horrible. They don't deserve any money ever again.

Pirate their games. Make them go bankrupt. Sony wins. Nintendo is for kids.

>have to pay to play Bloodborne online

Yeah, nah.

Xenoblade and Mario kart 8? No.

You reek of panic and desperation.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is, none of the others are

Okay and?

Vita still beat the Wii-U

Which make the Wii-U the biggest failure this gen :)

Your sheer autism made me laugh, thanks user

Xenoblade is on the 3DS I am playing it

MK8 isn't but 7 is and honestly it's not a console seller either

[guaranteed replies]

Final Fantasy V is on virtual console?

No one should buy a Wii U for one game. No one should buy a Wii U.

Bloodborne alone makes the PS4 worth buying. One game is all you need from Sony. Sony deserves your money. We win.

I can still play those games on Wii U, how are they lost?

Despite what V thinks if you buy a game then its released on another console you arent losing anything.

He's talking about Xenoblade Chronicles X.

There's a difference between Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X. One's a spiritual sequel to the other.

Oh, it's a bad game anyway

Xenoblade Chronicles is. Xenoblade x is on Wii u. Mario kart 8 and 7 aren't very different, but they are different games.

>Sony boogymen
>make a console war thread, expect your company of choice to not have it's own share of shit
Your tears are delicious.

Way to obvious.

Nintendo just a fucking failure.

First party games aren't even good anymore and the 3DS is only decent due to third party support.

Just put them out of their fucking misery already.

>thinking my comment was favoring sony
I barely even use my ps4, but I have thousands of hours on games I've pirated on my 3ds

It's pretty good actually, clocking in 160 hours and there's still more to do. Thinking about taking on Telethia Endbringer very soon.

Kys tbch

>it's not a console seller either

Except it literally is. Among all of the Wii U games that sell under a million, and the ones that were slight successes at around one million, MK8 is around 5 to 7 million copies sold. That's at the level of Splatoon, Mario Maker, and Smash 4. Mario Kart 8 is entirely a system seller.

Gotta love how no one talked about it.

I only used to see it mentioned when people were talking about FFXV, nintendorks would butt in and claimit was th better RPG.

I wonder if Nintendo realizes how much they have riding on BotW

I've been an avid Nintendo fan since I was six, but even I've felt burned since SSB4. They refuse to admit their games don't exist in a vacuum, and continue to push shit no one is asking for.

The 3DS port is definitely superior to the Wii U game in every way aside from two things. The graphics were fucking mutilated and it's very apparent when you use something like the Summoning Gate, and the fact that you can no longer change your BGM before a battle.

Sony just a fucking failure.

First party games aren't even good anymore and the Vita is only decent due to third party support.

Just put them out of their misery already.

Sony wins forever.

Also enemy limit. No way will the 3ds handle that many characters on screen at once.

3DS > Vita > PS4 >>>>>>> SHIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii-U

I was going to get YWW on WiiU seeing as how it dropped down half in price, but now I'm waiting for the superior version on the superior console.
3DS for lyfe

Nah it can't sell the console on its own like MH4U can for the 3DS or Bloodborne can for the Bloodborne Machine 4

It is just an essential game

I wonder how many NX nintendo will sell? I estimate about 5 million? You know, pop nostalgic normal parents getting the cheapest console for the kids?

>no one talked about it
>threads daily about the game
>Bloodborne only gets mentioned at all because it's the only PS4 game

Sonyggers are really this retarded.

Denial. Deflection. We win.

Sony wins. Buy a PlayStation® 4, the fastest-selling game system of all time. Best exclusives. Only exclusives. No other games matter. Multiplats are best on PS4. Even PC can't measure up.

>People think the Wii-U is better than the PS4
>People think the Wii-U is better than the Vita

These poor fucking souls.