Hey Sup Forums, im looking to upgrade my PC. heres my current specs

hey Sup Forums, im looking to upgrade my PC. heres my current specs

as you can see my GPU is bottlenecked, and I'm looking to revamp everything but it and my PSU. will this do the trick? (ignore prices, will sort out later)


Also speccy/battlestation thread.

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whoops, just pretend that 850 EVO is a 2.5 card and not an M.2 card.

hoping to upgrade as well. How much should I spend on a mobo if I plan on getting a i7 3770k

Double your RAM, get a i5 6600k and whatever mobo goes well with it. Also a 1-2tb HDD

thats exactly what im doing, or didnt you click the pcpartpicker link

damn, i have the same cpu as you i'm p sure (vishera 4ghz 8 core) and i just ordered a 1070

am i gonna be bottlenecked? i do have 16 GB of RAM instead of 8


absolutely. I get the same fps in GTA V on max settings or lowest settings. GPU can handle the game just fine, CPU is crippled by it. granted I haven't OC'd, but the cpu is shit by today's standards regardless

you will need a brand new motherboard to use any sort of decent CPU. And you want an Intel CPU.

Next, upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate.

thats what im doing. click the link in OP

windows 10 is fine though, and DX12 is starting to appear more often in modern games

>Windows 7 Ultimate.

What CPU cooler do you have? That build is fine and fairly balanced especially if you overclock that 6600k to 4.0-4.4 GHz but I personally would rather grab a 240GB CS1311 or something else in the ~$50 range and put that extra money towards a 6700k instead. Don't get me wrong, having a nice SSD is great but there are definitely diminishing returns going from SATA to PCI-E for the cost and I just don't think paying twice as much for the same amount of storage albeit at higher speeds is worth it in the majority of use cases compared to the hyperthreading that the i7 offers which more and more games are taking advantage of these days.

Yep, I only had a 390 when I had my 8350 but it was a fairly poor combo and I upgraded to a 4670k ASAP. Now I have a 980 Ti which is basically equivalent to the 1070 when overclocked and my CPU is starting to show some signs of age and I wish I'd grabbed a 4790k instead.

212 evo. I do plan on overclocking the cpu. I'll look into a cheaper SSD though. an i7 doesnt seem essential for most games, but hey if Im going all out I might as well futureproof a bit.

I just noticed that you have a 144hz monitor. DEFINITELY aim for the i7 instead in that case, it'll pay dividends when you're trying to raise your minimum framerates and take advantage of that monitor. I have a 4670k with a 980 Ti as well as a 144hz monitor and I wish I'd grabbed an i7 instead. The 6700k comes stock at 4.0 GHz and you could easily bump it up to ~4.5 with that 212 and stay cool if you get an average or above average chip.

yeah I guess I should. I definitely wanna take advantage of this monitor, I dont plan on upgrading that for a long time. maybe when 4K 120hz becomes a thing, and not insanely expensive. until then, I just wanna be able to max out modern games and get above 60fps. the 1070 should be able to satisfy that for a while, hopefully. and the 6700k is one of the best consumer grade gaming CPUs around, so its a good match

How does my PC look? I've been wanting to buy Hitman, but I'm worried it might be too much for my PC.

CPU is fine, you have a Z77 board so I'm assuming it's overclocked to at least 4.0 GHz. More RAM doesn't hurt. You can just grab an RX 470 for $180 or a GTX 1060 for $250 and be good to go for just about everything at 1080p. Or a used 980 Ti for $350 or less and have 1070 level performance when overclocked for a decent bit less money.

I don't want to be stupid saying this, but I'm not sure if I do have it overclocked. The whole overclocked thing isn't something I know a whole lot about.

get more ram and upgrade your GPU. for 1080/60hz, a 1060 6GB should be pretty good. it roughly matches 980 performance, so you'd be set at that resolution. of course if you can afford to spend more, definitely put it towards your GPU and get a 980ti like that other guy said. otherwise you're fine. also I'd recommend waiting until all episodes of hitman are released so you can have more to play at once

How well can I expect to run 1440p 144Hz with:
GTX 1080 AMP Extreme
16 GB RAM?
I can't overclock due to incompability with my CPU and MOBO

660ti is too old. Get an rx 470/480

You probably don't, then. Ivy Bridge and the 3770k are generally good overclockers and you already have a board that allows you to OC so there's really no reason not to do it unless you're using an Intel stock cooler or something and are worried about temps. Here's some recommended reading if you decide to get into it, it's basically just free performance and a 3770k at 4.5-4.7 GHz is most likely good enough to last you for the next 2-3 years. It does involve messing with things in BIOS and spending a lot of time tweaking settings to find what's optimal. As long as you stay below the temperature and voltage thresholds you shouldn't damage your chip at all. Ignore the LN2 stuff.


I believe you're going to need to update to windows 10 if you want to play the new Hitman

I'll give that a look over, thanks for the link.