>supposedly a world-class chef
>doesn't recognize a great delicious 'go 'za when he sees it
is Ramsay a hack?
any vidya where I can make some 'za?
>supposedly a world-class chef
>doesn't recognize a great delicious 'go 'za when he sees it
is Ramsay a hack?
any vidya where I can make some 'za?
Other urls found in this thread:
World class chefs don't make peasant food like pizza
Is this a fish guts pizza?
Fast Food Tycoon/Pizza Syndicate
that doesn't pass for a go'za OP
When's the last time you've killed a puffin and eaten its heart, faggot? Didn't think so
That's not a 'go 'za you stupid cunt.
You could have at least tried to disguise this as vidya
That looks like a greasy, disgusting mess that would make even the most steel-gutted people have the shits for the rest of the day.
>World class chefs don't make peasant food like pizza
THIS is 'a
>Sup Forums video games
There is nothing "GOZA" about that shit heap of processed cheese and oil.
Fuck, what kind of dark alchemy was used to create this shit?
guys ive gotta say this is my least favourite meme, id say you need to improve on it slightly before you start commiting to longer shitposts
That's a 'Sup Forums 'za.
Is this a chef or a blacksmith?
/ck/ isn't very good at memes, or anything really.
Looks good desu. I'd eat it. Seems like the cheese would easily fall off though.
He's a limey little bitch that only acts tough because he's backed by body guards
Ramsay a shit, that pizza looks tasty.
from that picture, i'm guessing it's a mix between magma plunged into the core of the earth, the soul of an eternal demon, the charred remains of countless innocents and 300 grams of cheese
He's a black belt in 'ka'ra'te.
I'm pretty sure it's all an act. People wouldn't watch his shows if he said all the food was good and didn't act like a cunt.
Wrong board, you're looking for
What kind of cheese?
Shit tier cooking. Sup Forums needs to digest at least 700g's of processed cheese to maintain a healthy layer of boy oil slime at all times.
If you like that pizza, you have no taste. Ramsay is never wrong
Sup Forums is /ck/;s containment board
Further proof he's a bitch, the only way it would be worse was if it was some super meme shit like wing chun or that kike ball kicking shit
the cheese the old ones want you to forget
the cheese that ravaged countries and killed millions
the cheese that makes you shudder whenever you hear it's name
Good thing I'm Vegetarian, not cause "meat is murder" or anything, I just don't like the taste of it.
nice buzz-meme
t. /heem/
That was the British show for the most part. Didn't work for American audiences.
>There were actually people who ranked that shit over the store bought
These people should not breed.
both 'go and 'ork 'za are bad and there is no reason people should feel any sort of pride in their city about them
Is like if you are blind just look at the fucking pizza is, is, IS THICK!!!
Don't you like your food like your women, thick and tasty?
Go back to if you want to talk about nonsense.
that pizza is awful
Nice blog, faggot.
Top image looks fine, kind of like Pizza Hut. Not the best pizza but not the worstthats little ceasers.
Bottom image doesn't look good at all.
>In Sup Forums.
They're the same pizza.
Hey that's pretty cool! Do you have a mustache grooming guide?
Bottom image makes me want to puke.
back to /r/gaming my newfriend
me too, but meat is murder.
>is Ramsay a hack?
Yes. Ever eaten at one of his restaurants? They're terrible.
>fucking american grease disc
THIS is what a pizza should look like.
Why are you lardasses so fucking afraid of vegetables?
No, I don't have a mustache.
Even that Burgr one?
>No one will ever post the scene this came from
Youtube and google only give me his fucking recipes.
Skinnyfat nu-cuck detected.
>eating circular pizzas
>not long rectangular flatbreads
Why are YOU so afraid of meat, nancy boy?
I like veggies on my pizza but tomatoes on it always seems kinda weird when you have an entire layer of tomato sauce already on it.
It'd be like putting little pieces of dough onto it as a topping.
/ck/ sit down. We need to talk.
I get that you like your memes. I get that shortening Chicago and pizza sounds like the Japanese food Goza. But what you're missing here is that HE'S EATEN IT! IT'S ROTTEEEEEEEEEEEEN!
I worked Michelin star in NYC for a while. Ramsay did it for a few years and his mentor Michael White did it for over a decade. It takes balls and none of you could possibly fathom the amount of balls it takes to cook perfect food.
Took me 3 seconds you fucking faggot. God I hate nu-Sup Forums.
What if I like literally all pizza?
Even dollar store cardboard?
This makes me kek every time.
>There are people living on this earth that believe that this pizza with baguette sized crust and literal grease pools would taste good
Never been there, but if his other places are any indication, yes.
>cooked tomatoes
man, this shit makes me retch
and those fucking olives aren't helping
Hey pizano, how's about a nice go za eh?
I wonder how many calories are in 1 slice of that nasty shit. 1 slice of shitty cardboard pepperoni pizza from little caesars has 250 calories.
I'm very close to puke user.
The bathroom is too far away so I'm just gonna release it at that shit looking """"""""""pizza"""""""""".
t. Some faggot weeb that thinks his faggy chink dance is useful in a fight
>caring about calories
Just fucking lift and it all turns to muscle.
>americans think this show is real
loving every laugh
nu nu nu
nu nu nu nu nu nu nu
>/ck/ meme thread
>not a single cooking with jack webm
What the heck is this?
Haha, what?
Oh god, here we go.
Let's get this shit started
>picky eaters
>people put raw pineapple on pizza
>they don't even have the decency to caramelize them like onions
Why does 'go 'za sound like the name of a stand with total asspull powers and abilities?
voila you fucking faggot
i was going to hold off
>euro cucks think that is what real american pizza looks
Pleb tier
>faggot weebs
Seriously what is wrong with you Sup Forums?
Also the dough was raw.
say that in person you little bitch
How? how are you supposed to eat that thing?
>while I was searching for a Phillip Banks photo someone posted one
Damn you.
Found one already. What does mommy have to avoid at dinner to keep you from throwing a tantrum user?
tfw Shredder is dead
Anyone like pancakes?
Fuck off nigger
>go to europe
>ask for a pizza
>they come out with a 6" round cracker covered in pizza sauce and leaves
>heart attack hotdog
>not a webm of someone cooking this where it suddenly turns into a screamer near the end