What does Sup Forums think about Runescape?
What does Sup Forums think about Runescape?
Replayed osrs for nostalgias sake. Went hard out for about a month then just got really burnt out and never picked it up again. I like what they are doing with the game though.
Probably one of the best MMOs of all time.
I really like how you were able to do pretty much whatever you wanted at any time and because of that it was really easy to play with your friends. When I play modern MMOs I can't play with my friends unless we spend 2 hours getting the lowest level guy caught up through all the story quests, waiting every 15 minutes for him to do some solo mission or another, and even when we move on as a group it's not even fun because the game is balanced for the weakest support class to breze through the game solo.
I played it for over 400 days in game time, its always going to be special to me. For the longest time (up until EoC) it was pretty unique as far as MMOs go - runescape just went along doing its thing, not worrying too much about being a WoW clone like every other MMO. That kind of attitude seems to be long gone from RS3 now, but OSRS still seems cool, even though I have no interest in starting from scratch again.
Loved it, too bad it's shit now and the only people left in the community are the type of people who are all 120 in everything and are trying to get 200m exp in everything and shit on anyone who's not. The kings of autism.
It's time has passed. It belongs to a different generation now, the rs we remember is gone.
That being said, back in the day rs was the shit, those quests that actually felt like adventures, that high stakes pvp and even the community was an amazing thing to be a part of back in the day.
It's not necessarily bad now, it's just different, it's changed and has become a different game for a different people.
OSRS is the only good MMO I've ever played, except for Runescape 2 before it was ruined.
Way past its prime. Slayer was the last good thing they added to the game, everything since then has just made it worse.
2004-2005 was when the game peaked.
>he plays runescape
Absolutely loved it, was an integral part of my adolescence.
Only later did I realize the valuable lessons it taught me on trusting strangers and the fundamentals of basic economics.
That being said, the condition it's in now is one of the greatest tragedies to ever exist. Another example of how tampering with the free market can and will lead to disaster.
its shit and jagex is owned by the chinese now.
>tfw runescape made you a libertarian
Holy fuck this. Getting scammed for pixels when I was a small child was awful. In my teenager years I realized all the helpful shit RS did for me with understanding how to not be a naive idiot.
It helped me understand that the value of goods is in what they could do and was determined by demand.
Money (gold) was just the representation of an item's value to a particular person.
Only thing runescape lacked was a distribution system. If Runescape reflected reality, instead of miners making most of the money, there would be businesses who buy ores off the miners, then sell them all for mass profits. But in Runescape, the people who do the dirty work (collecting feathers, mining ores) often end up with the cash. Not so in reality.
It's fun.
Get fucked nostalgiafags
mah nigga
you're never getting that skillpet rs3 shitter
How do I try this.? And how come this runescape looks so much better than the other ones?
>playing nu-scape
playing grand exchange scape doesn't make you any better either
the better looking one is from the 2016 version of the game, OPs pic is oldschool which is the game from 2007. They have also added new content to oldschool that even the newer version doesn't have.
How does nu even work in this context, unless you're referring to RS3
Also iron-man is a thing
Oh, I thought you said Sup Forumsscape for a second.
I actually have a soft spot for OSRS it's a really good game in my opinion.
never heard of it
Its an amazing game but I wouldn't recommend it. Its a time vampire. I'm at the point where I should either go for trim or a few other 120s. And that shit takes like a month and a half to do for one 120.
I really like the world/level design in this game. As you make progress the world slowly opens up, becomes more connected and more convenient. It's really good. It's something you see in most single-player games but rarely in MMO's.
Of course RS3 just throws it out the window the the lodestone teleports, but OSRS still retains this quality.
I play it sometimes for the atmosphere
There are 2 currently running versions of the game: Runescape (usually referred to as RS3) and Oldschool Runescape.
Oldschool runescape is an older version of the game based on a build from 2007. It was rebooted a couple years ago because many older players were dissatisfied with the updates in the main game and wanted the "oldschool" game that they grew up with back. Over these couple years it has had a handful of updates that distinguish it further from the main game as well.
Runescape is the current version of the game; it looks drastically different from oldschool because Runescape has had weekly updates for the past 9 years (and a vastly larger development team) that oldschool lacks. Obviously it has had a lot of content added to it, and gameplay changes as well.
Neither is objectively better than the other and they actually have playerbases about equal in size.
I didn't try rs3 until recently.
It felt totally fine to me. I could understand being mad when osrs wasn't a thing but rs3 is still good.
Sup Forums boogeyman for "thing I don't like". That said the grand exchange was fine, gravestones killed the game. What really made the game intense was dying is game over; you fuck up a fight (and it wasn't that hard to do in RS) and you can lose months or years of progress, now it's just a joke.
The non-auto attack combat was also shit when you remember you spend 90% of your time alt tabbed
Yeah, OSRS players are very cult-like in their love for the game. Anytime RS3 is mentioned a horde of 07 players will come out from the floorboards to verbally trash it, even though it's a perfectly fine game in its own right.
Who else has mixed feelings about the Grand Exchange?
Part of me misses the old days but that market was mostly ruled by bots so in the end it was just the same thing. If you ever got another player to trade with you amidst the spam you couldn't haggle unless you added them to your friends list but that was limited in space.
Really I feel like I can't go back knowing the convenience of auction house type markets.
Its TzTok-Jad!
RS3 now has a macro system in-place (as well as a legacy mode) to make combat just as afk as it ever was.
It's like a big ass coloring book with shitty pictures. You can't help but color in the fucker.
>have 4 accounts fishing at once
>have fake girl character getting free items and coins
It's that girl that isn't always your first pick but let's you slam that big booty whenever you like.
Standing in falador spamming for hours was not fun, it was shitty and the only reason you think it was ever good is because of nostalgia.
I think it looks great and it has a lot of content just us 07fags miss the spunky community of tards.
biggest waste of time in existance
>He doesn't play the v private server
>waste of time just like my necessary post
>he says in a post on the actual biggest waste of time in existence
god tier until the GE slowly ruined all player to player interaction, and EoC killed off the fanbase for good
>we reply while living in reality, the greatest waste of time we can observe within our universe
>buying sharks 800 ea
>buying sharks 800 ea
Played from May of 2001 until the mid 2000s with my brother and friends from school, good times. We all kinda moved on from it after that. Every year or so I pop in to check out what kinda weird new stuff has been added but never for long, with the sole exception of the time I was laid out from surgery and did Dungeoneering on F2P until I got a bow sight.
>going from bank to bank looking for someone with a law rune
>all the time I spent chatting with people at catherby, rock crabs, and varrock bank
>standing on the side of the lumbridge steps with like 10 people just chatting shit
>falling for the "I'm a girl and I'll be your gf" as a dumb naive kid
It was magical. Sorry you think everything was just spamming colored text in w2
None of those have anything to do with the ge except for the law rune and still go on today you fucking retard
You had your armor gold trimmed didn't you?
thats a great, great joke. Ive been to varrock bank and catherby numerous times, and fucking NOBODY talks to each other unless its a friend of theirs following them
the GE streamlined it so you can get any crafting material/quest item supplies from one central location and avoid ever having to actually talk to anybody for help or making it yourself
try playing on a populated world you fucking mouthbreather
go to the beach event right now there are people chatting their asses off
>all of these things still happen
go to lumbridge on literally any world and the only people "talking" are cheat site bots spamming their website
>go to this one area and not any of the places you were actually talking about
>not expecting populated areas to change over 10 fucking years of updates and new content
god you're so fucking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so now you're not even denying that player interaction is dying
So if i join rs3 will there still be new players? I heard it was a whole lot of no one chatting
Do all the exclamation points mean you're mad?
No, I'm saying they moved spots you delusional fucking manchild
god you can't even read
catherby hasnt moved at all. There's still plenty of people there. The point I was making was that nobody fucking talks, dumbass
I liked mining better when you couldn't see ore reload. It was like "All right there is three of us and three rocks so let's all just click one rock until we want to cry from boredom."
Then it was "FUCK YOU, GIMMIE."
So in order to communicate with others do groups have to be coordinated and by word of mouth?
Shitty player interaction is probably the thing that turns me off about MMOs the most.
When terms like "aggro" and "tank" came to be it became even more mechanical. You actually got less out of it than single player because in single player you get npcs to talk to.
idk how many people are in this stupid fucking argument but you're both wrong, most people on rs3 talk in chat channels nowdays because it's more convenient and it's funner to talk with your friends than random strangers
>playing an mmo and not talking to strangers
in what world do you play an MMORPG to only talk to people you know
It's impossible to go back to with the grinding; I have trouble imagining how I spent so many hours cutting down the same trees over and over without getting bored.
But the quests were fantastic; in any other MMO, the quests ARE the grinding. In Runescape, the quests are your reward for grinding, and they're fun and risky and it feels like you really overcame something when you beat it. The high penalty for death was great, and with the Wilderness I doubt I'll ever see PvP as intense as that with so much on the line (Although the safer, structured PvP in castlewars and the Arena was fun too.) I suppose the fly in the soup to all that risk is that the combat is abysmal, but it was quite the MMO.
Don't be naive, you haven't enjoyed randomly chatting with strangers in MMOs since you were a child. Admit it.
I remember one time I see a guy and his user name is the same name of a guy I vaguely know irl.
I say "Hey, do you go to sonso school?" He was like "Holy shit, how do you know?"
I didn't tell him who I was. Thought that was kind of amazing, though since there were so many servers and so many players.
I remember there was this guy English King who wore a yellow party hat around. I saw him multiple times.
I did, thats why I played runescape
Nope i have on swtor and 14 the last time i played them. Not saying we became best friends or anything. Is it hard to believe you can have legible conversations with randoms?
Yeah, when you were a child.
If you went back there, you'd just be bored.
>You'll never be 12 talking about that time you saw Zezima in game
Was pretty good as a carefree child.
>fighting the dragon in your rune
>fuck he got you again
>how many lobby certs are you going to have to make if you die?
That's just one conversation though. You can get that in current Runescape as well; it's not like public chat is completely silent.
It's just that chat channels are way more popular. They didn't even exist back in the day, which is probably why public chat was a lot more popular back in the day.
Quit being so negative. Bitching about how the whole world is going to shit is for stupid assholes. People are always the same - even in online MMOs.
there were clan chats for at least 4 years and people still talked in public. You're retarded
How am i being negative or bitching? Just pointing out that i still enjoy the conversation in mmos
Clan chats were added in 2007...
Thats exactly what I said
good but had a lot that could have it to be less grindy and fun. unfortunately instead of doing that they utterly trashed everything with a terrible, rushed new combat system and p2w elements and the community, which was autistic enough it actually liked grinding, whined until they made a version with all of the grinding terribleness and no new quests or combat innovations, even removing great activities like dungeoneering, stealing creation, and fist of guthix
One of my all time favorite games, went pretty hard into OSRS a year ago and have been wanting to get back into it.
I imagine there are shitty chinese/korean clones out there but the game is very unique. There is nothing else out there like it even after 15 years. The fact its a completely unique experience adds a lot to it.
It also has some of the best quests in any MMO ever. They are almost always much more involved then "kill x boars" or "gather x macguffins". It even has puzzles in the quests which you never see in an MMO.
Pic related, part of Underground Pass hands down my favorite MMO quest and probably in any genre. The correct order for this is randomized for every player also.
Gotta waste time some how.
>tfw never got into RS been playing Eldevin
Honestly it was better to me back when I was a kid, I always had a buddy and my best friend I could play with so grinding didn't seem so bad when I wasn't the only one doing it. But now we don't play it anymore and the few times I've gotten on for the hell of it I realized I didn't really even play it, I would just set my character to do something while I played another game or something and I would forget, letting my account log out while I just went back to doing whatever else. I would absolutely recommend it to children for sure, even some of the starting quests aren't really grindy and fun to tackle, but the more you get into it the more time you'll be spending time just trying to mean requirements for certain quests and activities
I even have the old handbook you could get at those scholastic book fair thingies
Forgot a but between RS and been. Oh well.
You are not allowed to have an opinion on RS if you don't have a 10 year cape.
Your opinion is still worthless if you didn't play back when Runescape "classic" was just Runescape.
>underground pass
OBJECTIVELY the BEST MMORPG. sadly jagex fucked it up in 2012 but it was perfect right before eoc when you could play casino, free trade and pvp
Fishing levels?