So.. whats the meta now?
So.. whats the meta now?
pic related famalam
Give the meta a few weeks to calm down and stabilize
I find it hard to start up the game again. After the season break I don't really seem to care about the game anymore.
>casual arena fps
what's up with hipsters and ironic "i want to die" memes
like, they're everywhere
they broke mercy again so mercy and her press Q to win ult has to be in all teams
Then maybe a zarya and a second support.
>I don't really seem to care about the game anymore.
You're not alone user.
2 tank 2 dps 2 healer
one healer must be zen, other either lucio or mercy.
usually a zarya and a dva or rein
mccree + reaper or tracer if you're on koth
they're all over facebook, that's about it
considering most memers are likely 16yo teens going through an exsistential crisis it's not the surprising
Reminder that gremlin is an Undertale tier meme.
Reminder that if you like this meme you probably go to tumblr
Reminder that people on this site will defend tumblr with "muh porn"
>Reminder that people on this site will defend tumblr with "muh porn"
hey show me a better site to find amateur tranny porn and i'll start using that instead
Seasons are cancerous mistakes
Same thing as last meta
Lucio Zenyatta McCree Zarya
I'm level 30 and I just get shit on when I use Zarya.
It hasn't clicked how you're supposed to play her. She's like an agro burst tank.
"gremlin" dva is fucking cancer
You bubble yourself and your team mates to get Charge then you rape people. Alot of people know you need to gank Zarya before she becomes an issue.
Reminder that if you have unironic site loyalty, then you are the equivalent of some cliquey teenager trying too hard to be a part of something.
Reapfield > Gremlin D.Va
Reminder tumblr posters will say this so they can spam their shitty memes here.
Okay then look at the porn there, if you're looking at porn there you shouldn't be looking at the actual faggy meme Xd posts that people do.
People only say they go to tumblr for the porn yet bring their shitty ass unfunny memes that die in 2 weeks or unironically "shipping" characters
I blame Sup Forums.
Off-tank. You support whoever the main tank is, bubble them when they drop their defense ability or when they are Roadhog, bubble self to bodyblock shots or if you get focused. Disengage after a self bubbling and lob blobs into the fray from a distance to attempt to let your shield & bubble recharge. Lazer single target, blob groups. Try to coordinate your ult with a teamwipe ult like a genji or tracerbomb.
Have you considered killing yourself for being a faggot
nothing gay about feminine penis
I dunno. What's the meta with you?
quality dad joke
quality pun
>all the shitters who said that Mercy was still garbage after the PTR buffs and nerfs
>Mercy in every game except on KOTH
Who's laughing now Wallniggers!
Having a shitty night but that made me smile. Thanks user.
Soldier 76 Detected
>Mercy is gud again
>It's a delusional wallnigger episode
Lucio is dead. Good riddance.
tfw you'll never be this autistic
>tracer and rein
what map was this on? you only use tracer on KotH, and you never use Rein on KotH
I love the gremlin meme.
>never denied being a child
Route 66
So what's the reward for season 2, gold guns again?
Dad go to bed.
Quick, someone redpill me on D.Va.
I've been going consistently overwhelmingly positive compared to everyone else I've tried out. Was she just made for people that didn't really play shooters?
I only recently gave her a shot because I was finally falling into a rut with roadhog and zarya and she reminded me of Tron.
gremlin is best
She's garbage.
You aren't dying because you get a free second life.
Tfw Sup Forums culture is dead
tumblr is really autistic holy cr*p
>Tumblr leaking into Sup Forums
Fuck off.
I can't find the video that this is used in.
post more old man soldier 76, it pleases me.
Fuck off back to your containment board
They can't sincerely enjoy anything without using irony to distance themselves from it. no wonder they want to die.
It's incredible how fast a joke can get run into the ground these days.
>inb4 being genuine and optimistic becomes counterculture
Ain't nothing dead about it.
The biggest secret of the update is that Zenyatta got buffed, not nerfed. He might as well be considered a DPS character right now. You don't even need Discord to stomp people.
yeah i gotta stick with the epic Sup Forums only memes like check my 5
>blizzard literally turned this into an in game emote in the latest patch
>blizzard actually acknowledges the fans that turned dva in mt dew and dorito girl
>they gave her mt dew and doritos because of it thus ruining her forever
I am so mad
longcat is long!
Worst meme since Doge, kill yourself fags.
Don't stay up too late though, you have a deck to build tomorrow
>Literally fucking Chen
I hate Overmeme and its fanbase.
>these days
I don't know how anyone can hate this meme unless they are insecure tub of lard that actually does live off of Doritos and Mt. Dew.
They literally ruined a character's personality. A meme getting so popular they actively ruined the character they were making fun off.
Or I just realize how dumb it is and you are for enjoying this backwash dribble.
Because it's just a copy of an older meme that tumblr ran into the fucking ground.
Going to sleep with a smile now.
>implying the characters or lore of Overwatch were ever good
They are literally just drawings that some dude came up with a backstory for in an afternoon.
Have you literally never played as, with or against D.Va ever since the game was released? This fits with her personality well enough that I wouldn't be surprised if it was planned long before the gremlin meme happened.
Tumblr didn't come up with chibi, user.
You're right, they're much better now with all this cancerous fan drawings and shippings.
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Sad but very very true.
Because she says GG and lol? It's typical teenage girl shit not mt dew and doritos. Go fuck yourself
Wow you're forcing it so hard that you pretend it's really her. Get help
Mersym will be the Pharmercy of S2, mark my words.
Offense: S76, Genji
Defense: Hanzo, Widow
Tank: Roadhog, Zarya, Reinhartd
Support: Zenyatta, Lucio
Memes who will be picked because people haven't realized they're dogshit yet: Reaper, Winston
It's irrelevant to 99.99% of the player base.
I can't stop watching Hero over and over.
>tfw you'll never be a badass hero like 76
>tfw you'll never have a jacket that awesome
>pouring Mt. Dew into a bowl of Doritos
Gets me every time.
You mean Umaru since it got popular off of a reskin
He didn't say that, tumblr did ruin it, like it does with all things.
Good. Fuck this website.
Something with mah nigga Reaper
>got famous as a pro gamer
>literally streams her fights on not!NND
>lol she's just a normal teen girl
I liked Sup Forums before when it still liked to pretend it was a super secret club. Now it is so self conscious that every other thread gets derailed by anons bitching about how they are nothing like tumblr, reddit, facebook, 9gag, or what the fuck ever.