Boot game

>boot game
>select language
>England flag instead of U.S.A.

Why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


that's not an england flag, that's a united kingdom flag.


Because England invented English, you dumb fuck.

Also that's the Great Britain flag, not England.

Good meme, buddy.
I feel really bad for the UK and Portugal when they are replaced by the US and Brazil.

>Run the installer
>It plays music

Does it make any difference for most of the world that isn't a geographer/historian/whatever and outside of Europe?

sheepfucking scots triggered

I want Scotland to stop pretending it's a god damned empire builder. You were conquered, and in the least honorable way. Get over it.


>I feel really bad for the UK and Portugal when they are replaced by the US and Brazil.

>game localized in America
>be surprised when it puts their countries' flags

>select language
>Spain flag instead of Mexico

Because is a PAL game.

Pinches españoles ni hablan bien.

>implying jap games ever reach Europe

well yeah, just because you're not a geographer doesn't mean the flags have a different meaning to you. just trying to drop some knowledge.

you're not my pal bitch

>Mexico flag instead of Argentina

>portuguese language
>Brazilian flag

>Don Ramón

My niggah.

Seriously though are there many latinos in Sup Forums or is El Chavo seriously a thing in E.U.?

>boot game
>select language
>France flag instead of Quebec

>US flag
>in-game language is Shoshone/Cherokee

Maybe it's British English instead of American English. You know, adding extra "u"s in shit that's unnecessary and using "ise" instead of "ize".

Why would you want incorrect spelling such as "mom" and "color" in your game?

>not a white flag

>shorten Mother
>let's throw a U in there!
Makes sense coming from the faggots who somehow shorten "Richard" to "Dick"

>Ever making a dub
Go to bed Guido.


At least say Chilebros or something

>boot game
>select language
>England flag instead of any other Middle Eastern country

Did someone say chilean dub?

I bet you'd know all about shortened Dick, wouldn't you?

>becoming King of a foreign country is getting conquered

Coming from the faggot who speaks an already existing language simplified and then calls it his own.

>Sheep Raider on PS1
It blew my 6 year old mind

>implying America didn't invent english
and why the fuck do all those morons in canada and europe keep mispelling things? It's COLOR, not COLOUR, for example.

the former, Chavo is fucking gigantic in Brazil

>U.S. """"English""""

>expecting americans to know about history

He probably doesn't even know that Wales exists

wtf I don't recall appearing in that game...

>There are actually one game with Quebec flag in the language menu
Thanks user!

>pronouncing Mother with an o

Get the fuck out of my country you filthy french bastard.

>UK flag
>English (Simplified)
>US flag

Because you downloaded the European version of the game you fucking imbecile


Why the fuck do you think?

>boot game
>select language
>kiwi flag

Fuck off you sheep fucking niggers

>getting this worked up about a Sup Forums shitpost

>Mexican Flag

>Choose Swedish
>Somalian Flag

doesn't even make any sense lads

>Start game
>Spanish by default
>Close game
>Open properties
>Set language to english

>boot game
>select language
>you are dead after getting hit once

>Select Spanish it's Spanish from Spain and not Cuban Spanish saying pinga every once in a while

Cuban here

Seen it a lot in my childhood. Show still comes up every once in awhile.

I'll go with the former, too late to build wall gringo.


Because french are hardcore gamers?

thats not the english flag but heres your (You)

The game probably uses that retarded "Ground Floor, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor" system

That's the welsh user but nice try.

Hows that mow-thurr treating you user?

I'm Mexican. Apparently it's we who will build the wall.

That's not even the England flag faggot.

Because the united states is about to become a dead empire.

That's the UK flag not the "Great Britian flag" retard, Northern Ireland isn't part of Great Britain but it is a part of the UK, hence it's inclusion in the Union Flag.

Build a wall with a door which you hold the key to on your end.



if the united states falls, then you can expect the remainder of the anglosphere to fall soon after.

Peña Nieto is too fucking dumb for that. What you guys feel for Hillary-Trump is the norm for us.

Whatever you say Jamal.

Taigh nam gasta ort! That is the flag of the United Kingdom. Saor Alba!

>Select language
>"Spanish" instead of Castellano
>Aztec pyramid over OG Bicolour Spanish flag
Colonization was a mistake.

What film is that from?

You never conquered us. Alba Gu Brath. Fuck the queen.

At least he is handsome.

The American flag is next to Espanol

>does it make a difference to know about how human society structures itself

please kill yourself. A life without intellectual engagement is a life wasted.

that's a movie, Nigel. we are your greatest ally. we have seven thousand intercontinental nuclear weapons. we are the wall standing between you and the mid-east.

Mr Chang is my ally now Barack, should have not threatened our trade deals.

their infrastructure is swiss cheese. you want to be on the losing side of world war 3, be my guest.

>o-obey or no trade
>o-obey or your economy will fail
>o-obey or they will flood you with more immigrants
>o-obey or its WW3!

You keep saying these things but they never seem to happen.

Are you actually going to trigger that fucking article of what, you bunch of cowards?

oh i'm just speaking in hypothetical terms. once obummer is out of office you're not going to have to worry about "trade". keep your doors locked, though.

Brexit means Brexit :^)


>amerilards pretending to be PROUD CELT WARRIORS

Children of Men
Good movie, bad CGI

Every fucking time COÑO TIO OSTIA!

Actually it's a Union Jack, not a united kingdom flag.

This is actually the official Union Flag. It's just nobody uses it because sheepfuckers in wales would get buttmad.